I can say in advance that I was evacuating with my clan when the Nine-Tails Cholera Ninja Village, but I didn't have time to do those things!

  If you don't believe me, you can ask Shishui! 】

  [Uchiha Shisui: Yes, the patriarch was indeed leading the tribe to the shelter at that time.

  But it is also possible that he put a shadow clone there, deliberately pretending that he was leading the clan to retreat! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: I'm going to fuck you, Shishui, what do you mean by that? 】

  [Uchiha Shisui: Sorry, the patriarch, I just said what I thought.

  You should know that I am an upright person! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: I am honest, you are paralyzed...]

  【Uchiha Shisui: Lord Patriarch, you are rude...】

  【Uchiha Fuyue: Get out...】

  I saw that Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Fuyue began to argue because of this matter.

  Namikaze Minato immediately stood up.

  [Namifeng Minato: Shishui, you are overthinking it, that masked man can't be Fuyue's! 】

  [Uchiha Shisui: Why?All the conditions you mentioned, our patriarch has met all of them! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: Because the third generation at that time deliberately concealed her delivery time and location in order to ensure the safety of Kushina's production!

  The only people who knew about this were the senior executives of Konoha and our husband and wife.

  Therefore, it is impossible for Fuyue to be that masked man! ! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Minato, you are a kind person! 】

  [Hagi Sakumo: Minato, don't be a jerk, you say, who is that masked man.

  If I have the chance to be reincarnated in the Yang World next time, I will definitely destroy that bastard with my own hands! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: Uh...do you really want to say it? 】

  [Hagi Sakumo: Well, Jiang Cheng has already got my genetic serum anyway, I believe I will be reincarnated soon.

  When the time comes, if there is a chance, I will definitely help you kill that masked man! 】

  [Namikaze Minato: I think that masked man... should be Kakashi! 】

  【Hatake Sakumo: ... 】.

Chapter 403

  I heard Minato Namikaze say that the masked man is probably Kakashi.

  The expression on Hatake Sakumo's face froze there at once!

  [Hatake Sakumo: Minato, what are you talking about?How could the masked man who has been doing tricks behind his back is my son? 】

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: Yes, the fourth generation of adults, when the nine tails attacked the village at night, I remember that the younger generation of ninjas were sent to the shelter!

  When I was gathering them, I also saw Kakashi!

  How could he be the masked man who single-handedly caused the Nine-Tails Riot? 】

  [Hyuga Hipsari: I also think that Kakashi cannot be the masked man. If he is the masked man, why would he continue to stay in Konoha Village? 】

  [Namifeng Minato: You may be right, but the reason why I am certain that Kakashi is the masked man!

  There is also a certain basis, not random nonsense! 】

  [Hagi Sakumo: Then tell me, what does my son look like that masked man? 】

  [Namikaze Minato: I think Kakashi is the reason for that mask. There are four points in total.

  First, the tree-ring mask of the masked man has only one writing wheel eye exposed.

  In other words, it is very likely that he has only one wheel-writing eye. 16

  This is almost the same as Kakashi's current situation!

  Second, Kushina was pregnant, and because Kakashi had been serving as his bodyguard, he also knew when and where Kushina gave birth!

  He is the only one who knows the time and place of Kushina's delivery besides our husband and wife and the senior executives of Konoha!

  Third, Kakashi spent a period of time in Anbu before and knew a lot of Anbu's secret codes and how to break the barrier of Ninja Village.

  If it was him, he wanted to break through the barrier set up by the third generation and sneak into the birthplace of Kushina!

  It can be said to be a very simple thing!

  Fourth, you have also seen it through Jiangcheng's live broadcast room before.

  Kakashi looks serious though!

  But he's actually a nasty guy.

  When he was in the fishing village of the country of waves, he even dared to do it when everyone was sleeping!

  A man secretly did that in a tree.

  In other people's homes, I don't know how to restrain myself at all, and I'm simply maddened!

  Combine the above four points!

  I can tell with high probability.

  That masked man is Kakashi! 】

  【Hatake Sakumo: ... 】

  【Three generations of Raikage: ... 】

  【Senju Tobirama: ... 】

  【Yakura citrus orange: ... 】

  【Nohara Rin: ... 】


  Jiangcheng: ? ? ?


  After listening to the four guesses of Namikaze Minato!

  Everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned!

  Including Jiangcheng!

  The words Namifeng Minato said are straight-forward and reasonable.

  If you don't know the inside story!

  Even he almost believed it!

  After a moment.

  Seeing that everyone was silent.

  Namikaze Minato clears his throat!

  He continued to speak again.

  [Namifeng Minato: How is it?The four analysis points I mentioned are still very convincing, right? 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: Aunt who died~ As expected of the fourth-generation Hokage, your four analysis points are simply more powerful than the original second-generation Hokage! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Are all the ninjas in Konoha Village so good at analyzing the situation?

  There is a second-generation Hokage in front of it.

  Unexpectedly, there is another fourth Hokage like you! 】

  [Kondo Wumao: Actually, the last time I saw that Kakashi secretly doing that kind of thing on a tree, I was already wondering if he was a pervert! 】

  [Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: Yes, it’s okay to do that in your own home. After all, it’s understandable that older youths are full of anger.

  But you say when you're out on a mission!

  And stay in someone else's house.

  Couldn't it be a little bit more condensed?

  Even the kind of man who can't stand loneliness must have some problems in his heart! 】

  [Ye Cang: No wonder he kept his face covered and his eyes covered with forehead guards! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: This covering his face and forehead covers his eyes, does it have anything to do with him secretly doing that thing in the tree? 】

  [Ye Cang: Of course it has something to do with it, that kind of thing is shameful, so he will cover his face and eyes again! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: What you said seems to make sense! 】

  [Nohara Rin: But... Kakashi covered his eyes with his forehead guard, mainly to prevent others from knowing that he had a scribble eye! 】

  [Ye Cang: Then what is he doing with his mouth covered?Could it be that there is also a writing wheel in his mouth? 】

  【Nohara Rin: ... 】

  Ye Cang said so.

  Rin Nohara who wanted to say something nice to Kakashi!

  Immediately shut your mouth!

  At this time.

  Three generations of Raikage spoke again!

  [Three Raikage: So, there is a high chance that that despicable and shameless perverted masked man is Kakashi? 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: Well, it should be him! 】

  【Hatake Sakumo: ... 】

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