I hope that the other party will not take action when he is dealing with Shouhe!

  "It's just a beast, I'll fix it for you, it won't take ten minutes at all!"

  Jiang Cheng stepped up to Jiraiya's side!

  Then, in Jiraiya's stunned eyes!

  Hands slammed!

  Lightly shouted: "Wood Dun·Wood Dragon Technique!"


Chapter 398


  With a thud, the earth trembled.

  I saw a wooden dragon with a body like a mountain, and suddenly rose from the ground!

  Appeared beside Jiang Cheng.

  The winding and towering wooden dragon body looks a bit funny though!

  But it did not hinder its terrifying power.

  When this wooden dragon appeared.

  Jiraiya's whole body was stunned!

  "Wooden dragon... It turned out to be the technique of the wooden dragon, how can you even know such a high-level wooden escape secret technique?"

  Said in disbelief.

  The scene where Jiangcheng used the technique of the big forest to trap those Konoha ninjas.

  Of course I saw it too!


  At that time, he thought that the other party was just the same as the guy who was born using the column cell experiment in Konoha Village!

  It's just some furry wood escape technique!

  Who would have thought.

  The other party can even know such a high-level wooden dragon technique!

  To know.

  Since the Warring States Period!

  so far!

  Those who can use this advanced wood escape technique!

  Only the first Hokage who was hailed as a god in the ninja world back then!

  There is no second person!

  But now.

  The second person appeared!

  "A mere wooden dragon technique can surprise you like this. If I come with a real number of 16 hands and a Buddha on the top, shouldn't you just kneel down and worship me?"

  Jiang Cheng turned his head and smiled at Zilai.

  The technique of the wooden dragon is a high-level technique among the secret techniques of wooden escape!

  But in his eyes!

  But it's not a particularly awesome skill!

  After all, he now has a wooden escape skill that is more powerful than the wooden dragon technique!


  Hearing Jiang Cheng's phrase 'It's really thousands of hands plus the top of the Buddha's head'.

  Jiraiya is the whole person is not good.

  I saw him saying incredulously: "How many thousands of hands? Turning into a Buddha on the top? You... You can even know that level of wood escape immortality?"

  Jiang Cheng shrugged: "What? Are those two techniques difficult?"

  Jirai couldn't help but nodded: "When... of course it's difficult, that's the most powerful Mu Dun of the first Hokage, and it's a Mu Dun Immortal Art that can only be used after mastering the Immortal Technique Chakra!"

  "It is said that the first Hokage used that trick to defeat Madara Uchiha!"

  [Thousands Tobirama: Huh~ I didn't expect that the person who wrote the little yellow book would actually know this, it's a bit interesting! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: By the way, was my eldest brother really defeated by Hasuma’s trick in thousands of hands? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Of course, you can be proud of my eldest brother's most powerful Mudun! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: But... didn't you say last time that my eldest brother was stabbed to death by Hashima from behind? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Uh... First defeat with thousands of hands, and then stab to death from behind, is this not contradictory? 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Really or not?I died early, don't lie to me! 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: 嘁~ What is this old man deceiving you for?It's no good! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: I can't believe what you said now.

  Big brother, is what Tobirama just said true? 】

  【Uchiha Madara: ... 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Brother, why are you sending me the ellipsis?I just want to know if the battle between you and Hasuma was really the same as what Tobirama said? 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Quan Na, a temporary win or loss does not mean anything, you have to remember that the one who has the last laugh in everything is the winner! 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: Haha!You are dead, and you still want to have the last laugh?

  Madara, your reason for deceiving yourself is too funny, right? 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Tobirama, I will not argue with you now, anyway, you will cry in the future! 】

  【Senju Tobirama: Huh!The old man is waiting, the old man wants to see, how did you make the old man cry! 】

  Uchiha Madara did not continue to say anything.


  In his heart, he had already put what Qianshou Tobirama said today.

  Silently remembered in my heart!

  After preparing for resurrection, the new account and the old account will be settled with the other party together!

  However this time...

  [Uchiha Quanna: Brother, you haven't answered my question yet!Is what Tobirama said true? 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Well, I was defeated by Hashima with thousands of hands.

  As you saw last time in the arena!

  That guy's hands are really thousands, I can't compete with me at that time! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: You at that time?Brother, what do you mean by that?I'm a little confused by you! 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: Bah!Your eldest brother just wanted to pretend, he didn't want to admit his defeat, that's why he said that on purpose!

  Is what the old man said right?spot? 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Whatever you want, say whatever you like! 】

  Madara Uchiha didn't spend much time with Qianshou Tobirari on this matter!

  Because of the battle with Senju Hashirama in the Valley of the End!

  Although he lost!

  But the end of that decisive battle!

  But it was already expected by him.


  He also rewrote the fact of his own death with [Forbidden Art: Izanaji] in advance!

  It's even because he bit a piece of flesh on Senju Hashima's arm before he died.

  Inter-column cells were obtained unexpectedly.

  So that the pair of writing wheel eyes that have stopped evolving!

  Evolved again.

  Become a new reincarnation eye!

  You can speak without hesitation.

  That battle!

  Not only did Madara Uchiha not lose.

  And blood earned!


  After the wooden dragon was summoned by Jiangcheng, he swayed his undulating body like a mountain!

  Directly rushed towards Shouhe!

  In the process of moving, the huge body appears extremely flexible!

  The momentum is also quite fast!

  And the other side.

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