[Uchiha Fuyue: Don't force it... This is my sincere words! 】

  Uchiha Fuyue said these words daringly!

  On the other hand, his hands are constantly wiping cold sweat on his forehead!


  The reason why he chose to compromise at this time.

  It was because he had faintly sensed Yuhi Mahong's punishment.

  It must have something to do with that bastard in Jiangcheng.

  after all.

  The other party had just made them stare at the cesspool for four full hours.

  And now.

  Yuhi is really red because he was rude to that kid!

  That's why he was sent into that inhumane giant cesspool.

  There are cesspools on both sides!

  Is this just a coincidence?

  Obviously not possible!

  After Yuhi was really red.

  Uchiha Fuyue suddenly felt.

  If I continue to have a hard anal with Jiang Cheng!

  Maybe next time I will go in and eat shit with Yuhi Mahong!

  Jiang Cheng: "Since it is the sincere words of the Fuyue Patriarch, then you must remember your own promise. If I ask you to do something next time, if you excuse or refuse, you should understand the consequences, right?"

  Hear this.

  do not know why!

  Even in the Pure Land world!

  Uchiha Fuyue also felt a strong coolness.

  He subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

  [Uchiha Fuyue: I know, as long as you don't let me do those dirty things, I promise you everything! 】

  Speaking of it.

  Uchiha Fuyue suddenly remembered something!

  [Uchiha Fuyue: By the way... I have something else I want to ask you, I hope you can help me! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Let me help you? Patriarch Fuyue, are you a little too far ahead? I haven't asked you to do things for me yet, so you'd better let me do things for you first?"

  [Uchiha Fuyue: No, I just saw that you said last time that you want to find a teacher for Minato's son, so I also want to ask you to find a teacher for my son, preferably a shadow ninja! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Find a teacher for Sasuke Uchiha?"

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Yes, if you really kill the high-rise Konoha, the pattern in the village will definitely change!

  At that time, Sasuke, who is alone in the village, will definitely be affected.

  So, I want to ask you to help me find a good teacher for him and take care of him for us!

  If you really can't find a suitable shadow level, find an elite johnin or a quasi-shadow level ninja just to make do with it!

  I believe that with the talent of that kid Sasuke, as long as someone can guide him, he will definitely be better than his big brother in the future! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Hey~! It seems that the Fuyue Patriarch has high expectations for Sasuke's future! Then... let me be his master?"

  Uchiha Fuyue was taken aback!

  [Uchiha Fuyue: No... No need! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "What? You look down on me? Am I not as good as an elite Shangin?"

  [Uchiha Fuyue: No... don't get me wrong, I'm just worried that Sasuke's character is too stubborn, and if he collides with you, it will be bad! 】

  【Yakura Goji Orange: Hehe!Fuyue Patriarch, what are you doing so implicitly?You directly said that you were worried that your son would be beaten to death by Jiang Cheng, right? 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: I shouldn't be beaten to death. With Jiang Xiaozi's maddened personality, the most he can do is force him to eat shit or just stir it twice with a stick! 】

  【Yakura Goji: Wipe it!Three generations of Raikage, is it a bit too much for you to stir twice with a stick! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: What's so good about this?It's not the first time Jiang Xiaozi has done that! 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: That's right! 】

  【Uchiha Fuyue: ... 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Patriarch Fuyue, I rarely have Yaxing accept an apprentice to play with. Are you sure you don't want Sasuke to follow me?"

  [Three generations of Raikage: Four generations of water shadows, look, this kid still wants to play the son of the Fuyue Patriarch! 】

  [Tachibana Yakura: Terrible, if Sasuke Uchiha really followed Jiang Cheng, then next time it might not be as simple as stirring twice with a stick! 】

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????????

  [Three generations of Raikage: Yes, maybe they will end up biting and biting each other like the first Hokage and Madara! 】

  [Thousands of Hands: ? ? ? 】

  【Uchiha Madara: ? ? ? 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: I don't know if Jiangcheng will be the one who was stabbed? 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Probably not, according to the old man's understanding of him, he should only stand behind Sasuke Uchiha! 】

  [Tachibana Yakura: Why did he stand behind Sasuke Uchiha? 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Nonsense, if you don't stand behind Sasuke Uchiha, how can he stab him?

  Is it right gun? 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: To the gun?What is a pair of guns? 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: This is a new vocabulary that the old man has recently researched, which means...

  Forget it, I will send it to you in a private chat later. If you say it directly in the live broadcast room, you may be banned! 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: Yes, yes, it seems that I can learn a new vocabulary again...]



  The two were talking.


  Two loud beeps suddenly sounded in the live broadcast room!

  "Hint: In view of the fact that the three generations of Raiying have always been open-mouthed, often using idioms and proverbs to refer to pornography, which has caused an extremely bad impact on the chat environment in the live broadcast room, and has now been banned. Please take your reference!"

  "Reminder: In view of the fact that Yutachi Yagura has always been mindless and often participates in other people's pornographic topics, which has had an extremely bad impact on the chat environment in the live broadcast room, it has now been banned, please take it as a reference!

  【Uchiha Fuyue: ... 】

  【Senju Tobirama: ... 】

  [Bubbi: Uncle...]

  【Everyone: ... 】

  I saw two more people being banned!

  The people in the live broadcast room were stunned!

  Doesn't it mean that you will be banned for scolding your mother?

  Why is metaphor involving pornography banned now?


  at the same time.

  Forbidden space.

  At this moment, Yuhi Zhenhong was standing on the small wooden board with great care!

  He controlled the chakra under his feet little by little.

  Try not to let the bottom of your feet get the feces below!

  But right now.

  Above your head!

  A space vortex suddenly appeared.

  Followed by.

  I saw two figures, and suddenly fell from the space vortex.

  It hit Yuhi Mahong directly.


  The three fell into the cesspool together!

  Yuri True Red: ? ? ?

  Three Raikage: ? ? ?

  Citrus Yakura: ? ? ?


  PS: Want to know who Naruto Uzumaki will end up with in the end?

  Please see the picture!Nine.

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