[Kuri Kushiwan: Yes, without the sacrifice of the Fuyue Patriarch and the Patriarch's wife, we might have suffered even more! 】

  [Wu Li Jinba: Come, listen to the seven people of Ninja Swords in Wuyin Village, let us applaud the Fuyue Patriarch and his wife together, and thank them for their dedication! 】

  [No pears and even eight: Papapapa...]

  【Kuri Sashimi: Papa Papa...]

  [Tong grass and wild bait people: bang bang bang...]

  【Clap clap clap clap...】


  a time.

  There was a series of loud applause in the whole live broadcast room!

  Except for the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

........ 0

  There are also some dragon tricks who have the same idea as them!

  Also applauding together!

  【Uchiha Fuyue: ... 】

  【Uchiha Mikoto: ... 】

  These inexplicable applause although enthusiastic!

  But it made the Fuyue couple embarrassed to the extreme!

  Because they never thought of it!

  Your own shameful video.

  It will attract so many applause!

  And the other side.

  Look at the eyes full of shit and urine!

  I have endured the unbearable Thousand Hand Tobirama!

  It finally exploded!

  [Senju Tobirama: Damn, I've been staring at this septic tank, and I can't get out of it. Is this forcing the old man to eat shit? 】

  [Namifeng Minato: Second-generation adults, are you a bit extreme?We're just watching shit, not eating shit! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: I have been staring at this cesspool at close range, what is the difference between this and eating feces? 】

  [Uchiha Mirror: Tobirama-sensei is right, fortunately, this live screen isolates the smell, otherwise I really have a hard time imagining what kind of suffering we will endure! 】

  [Qiu Dao to take the wind: Shh~ Jing, why are you talking so loudly?Don't be overheard by that Jiang Cheng, if he turns on his sense of smell in this live broadcast room next time, then we will be finished! 】

  [Uchiha Mirror: No way?This kind of video picture, can also spread the smell in? 】

  [The Autumn Path: This is hard to say. After all, this live broadcast room that links the Pure Land World and the Yang World is itself an unreasonable existence! 】

  Being reminded by the autumn road to take the wind!

  Uchiha Kyou also panicked immediately!

  [Uchiha Mirror: It seems that I was sloppy! 】Nine.

Chapter 377

  When you are bored, time always flies by quickly.

  In a blink of an eye.

  Another three hours have passed!

  [Senju Tobirama: What's going on?It's been four hours before and after.

  What the hell is this boy Jiang doing?

  Does he want to keep staring at this cesspool? 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: This bastard, he has this hobby, even if he has to pull us to watch it together, does he still have some humanity? 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Jiang Xiaozi is not human! 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: By the way, didn’t Jiang Cheng just say he wanted to invite that Yuhika to dinner?

  It's already dinner time, why is he still staring at this cesspool? 】

  [Kondo Wumao: Maybe...he wanted to give this to Yuhika? 】

  [Ghost Lantern Moon: No way?Could this be the main reason why he had been staring at this cesspool for four hours? 】

  [Loquat Shizang: It’s not impossible, I heard that some dishes in some restaurants taste like shit! 】

  [Yuhi is really red: ... ]

  [Hyuga Risari: Really red, in fact, Jiang Xiaozi has been staring at this cesspool, it should be a good thing for you! 】

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: Days difference, are you fucking brainless?Such a disgusting picture, you actually said that it was a good thing for me? 】

  [Hyuga Rigai: You have to think about it from a different angle. You see Jiang Xiaozi has been staring at this cesspool. Does that mean that he has no time to harm your daughter? 】

  [Yuhi is really red: Huh?Listening to what you said, it seems to be true! 】

  [Hyuga Risari: How is it?Shouldn't you be happy now? 】

  [Xi Ri Zhenhong: Yes, yes, Jiang Xiaozi, you can continue watching, as long as you don't harm my daughter, you can watch as long as you want! 】

  I heard Yuhi Mako say so.

  The other people in the live broadcast room were suddenly unhappy!

  [Senju Tobirama: Really red, I know that you care about your daughter, but you can't build your daughter's happiness on the pain of all of us! 】

  [Uchiha Izuna: That is, I really don't understand why you care so much about your daughter's little shit!

  To put it more clearly, even if your daughter is not harmed by Jiang Xiaozi today, she will be harmed by other men sooner or later!

  Anyway, sooner or later you will be harmed by others, so who is harmed, what does it matter? 】

  [Tachibana Yakura: Brother Madam’s words are absolutely perfect, I don’t even have a chance to refute it! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Yes, he is indeed the younger brother of the legendary ninja, the old man has to obey! 】

  [Yuhi is really red: ? ? ? 】

  Look at the delusions of these old ghosts.

  Yuhi really red gritted her teeth!

  I was about to make two rebuttals.

  Who would have guessed this time.

  The screen in the live broadcast room suddenly flickered.

  Then, in an instant, he returned to the small room where Jiang Cheng was!

  A sudden scene.

  Suddenly everyone was startled!

  [Senju Tobirama: Damn, why did the picture suddenly change?Jiang boy, did you just use the flying thunder god technique? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "No, I just canceled the freeze-frame perspective!"

  [Senju Tobirama: Freeze-frame perspective?What it is? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "To put it simply, you just watched the four hours of footage, and that thing was made by me using a freeze-frame perspective!"

  [Uchiha Shishui: Is that the same function as a fixed camera? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Almost!"

  【Uchiha Shisui: ... 】

  【Senju Tobirama: ... 】

  【Uchiha Izuna: ... 】

  【Yakura citrus orange: ... 】

  【Three generations of Raikage: ... 】

  【Everyone: ... 】

  Hear Jiang Cheng's explanation!

  Everyone present was dumbfounded!

  Together they stared at the septic tank for a long time!

  Is it something that the other party freezes there from a fixed perspective?

  Oh my god!

  [Thousands Tobirama: No, Jiang boy, I remember you said last time that the picture in this live broadcast room is shared with your perspective, how can it suddenly become a freeze-frame perspective now? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "You have to thank your big brother for this!"

  【Senju Tobirama: My big brother?what do you mean by that? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Didn't I tell you before? The function of this live broadcast room is linked to my strength. The stronger my strength, the more functions this live broadcast room will have!"

  "Before your eldest brother rewarded me with all the wooden dungeon ninjutsu, so that my strength suddenly jumped from the shadow level to the super shadow ranks!"

  "So, the functions of the live broadcast room are also activated several times at once!"

  【Thousands of Hands: ......】

  [Uchiha Madara: Look at Hasuma, am I right?All this is thanks to you! 】

  [Senju Hasuma: I didn't mean it either! 】

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