[Uchiha Shisui: Damn, I knew that the Uchiha clan would eventually go to the road of extermination, I shouldn’t have stood on the side of the high-level Konoha! 】

  [Uchiha Izumi: Big Brother Zhishui, it's not your fault, it's all the fault of Konoha's senior management for being too treacherous, it's they who took advantage of the kindness of you and Itachi! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Alas~ This is really the Pu fan family emblem still in existence today, but Uchiha was not seen in those days! 】

  [Tachibana Yakura: I rub it, the Fuyue Patriarch is incredible, all the poems are coming! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Good literary talent, worthy of being the last patriarch of the Uchiha clan! 】

  [Uchiha Madara: It's a shame to make the Uchiha family like this, and they dare to recite poetry here! 】

  【Uchiha Fuyue: ... 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Fuyue, don't be too busy reciting poetry, tell me about the secret passage in the underground room"? "

  The secret passage leading to the underground secret room of Nanga Shrine is known only to the successive patriarchs of the Uchiha clan.

  and so.

  After coming to Nanga Shrine.

  Jiang Cheng was not busy looking around for the entrance to the secret passage.

  Instead, he directly asked Uchiha Fugaku about the situation of the underground secret room!

  But unfortunately.

  Uchiha Fuyue is obviously not very cooperative!

  [Uchiha Fuyake: The underground secret room of Nanga Shrine is a forbidden place for our Uchiha clan. As the last patriarch of the Uchiha clan, how can I let an outsider enter casually? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "But, hasn't Orochimaru already gone in?"

  [Senju Hasuma: I've been in there before! 】

  【Uchiha Fuyue: ... 】

  [Uchiha Shisui: Patriarch, I don't even know the entrance to that secret room, how did Orochimaru know? 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: This question, you ask me, who should I ask? 】

  [Uchiha Shisui: Patriarch, I think it's better for you to tell Jiangcheng the entrance of the secret passage. 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Why?You traitor who eats inside and out! 】

  [Uchiha Shisui: No, Patriarch, think about it for yourself, what is Orochimaru's favorite thing to do? 】

  【Uchiha Fuyue: Human Experiments...】

  [Uchiha Shisui: What if he conducts human experiments in the forbidden area of ​​our Uchiha family? 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Shit, I didn’t even think of this, the stone tablet there is a sacred object of our Uchiha clan, the bastard, Orochimaru, dare to conduct human experiments there?

  Jiang Xiaozi, on the bookcase in the third row from the left side of the mural, there is a hidden compartment on the second floor, you just need to press it in! 】

  In order not to insult the Holy Land of the Uchiha clan.

  Uchiha Fuyue quickly revealed the entrance to the underground secret room.

  "I'm going, I didn't expect this Uchiha Shisui to be a god assist!"

  Seeing the operation of Uchiha Shishui, Jiang Cheng was also surprised.

  He was still worried about Uchiha Fugaku's tight-lippedness.

  Unexpectedly, Uchiha Shisui did it for him directly!

  This is really a surprise!

  However, Jiang Cheng didn't know.

  The reason why Uchiha Shisui speaks for him!

  Mainly because Uchiha Shisui himself wanted to see that stele!


  Those are the creatures of their Uchiha clan.

  You can't watch it while you're alive.

  Now that I'm dead, if I don't watch it again, I'll be so sorry for myself!

  People are curious.

  Uchiha Shisui is obviously the same!

  According to the method given by Uchiha Fuyue, Jiang Cheng quickly found the dark box on the bookshelf.

  Press hard!


  "- cluck cluck!"

  There was a sound of slate scraping.

  The wall with the palm fan painted on it suddenly began to move inward.

  Just a few short breaths.

  A small secret door that can only pass through one person at a time appeared below the mural.

  Seeing this, Yuyue Xiyan couldn't help but be surprised: "Jiangcheng, how did you know the entrance to the dark room is here?"

  Jiang Cheng smiled slightly: "Blind!"

  After he finished speaking, without waiting for Maoyue Xiyan's reply, he took the lead and drilled directly into the dark secret door!

  "Wait for me, don't go too fast!"

  Uyue Xiyan took a breath and immediately followed!

  Walk through an underground promenade with very limited light.

  In no time.

  A ray of fire appeared at the end of their sight.

  [Uchiha Fuyue: There is a fire, and there are people in the secret room! 】

  [Uchiha Zhishui: It must be Orochimaru, it seems that the pharmacist pocket is not deceiving! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Damn Orochimaru, he dares to do that kind of thing in the holy land of our Uchiha family, unforgivable! 】

  "Sister Xiyan, be careful later, Orochimaru is not a good thing!"

  Seeing that (Nuo's Zhao) ray of fire, Jiang Cheng also became vigilant in his heart.

  Although he maimed the opponent once in the forest of death last time!

  But no matter what, Orochimaru is a ninja with shadow-level strength.

  Not to be underestimated!

  "I know."

  Yuyuexi nodded solemnly.

  Orochimaru is an S-class rebel of Konoha Village.

  At the same time, it is also the legendary Sannin once!

  Of course she didn't dare to take it lightly!

  Walk in the direction of the firelight.

  The two soon came to a spacious basement room.

  By the dim light of a campfire.

  Jiang Cheng saw this underground secret room at a glance.

  Unremarkable room!

  Just like any other normal room.

  The only thing worth noting!

  It was the stone tablet placed directly above the room!

  And this moment.

  in front of that stele.

  A figure in a robe of a cloak and a shadow, standing there with both hands and hands.


  "Jiang Chengjun, I didn't expect you to find this place..."

  When Jiang Cheng brought Maoyue Xiyan to this secret room, Orochimaru's body slowly turned around!

  A pair of golden vertical pupils shone with a strange luster.


Chapter 285

  "Joke, you can come, why can't I come!"

  Jiang Cheng stared at Orochimaru, and there was no fear in his words.

  But Orochimaru licked his tongue and said, "Did the guy in the pocket told you? No, even if he told you that I was here, I was the only one who knew the entrance. How did you find the entrance to the secret passage? "

  Jiang Cheng smiled lightly and said, "If I said that it was Uchiha Fuyue who told me, would you believe it?"

  "Uchiha Fuyake?"

  Hearing the name, Orochimaru was stunned for a moment.

  Immediately, a cold smile appeared on his face, and he said, "Tsk tsk tsk~ It seems that you have mastered the second-generation Hokage technique?"

  Orochimaru's guess at the moment is that Jiang Cheng must have used the technique of reincarnation in the dirty earth to summon Uchiha Fuyue from the pure land world.

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