A muffled sound.

  It exploded with a puff of white smoke.

  A plump and full body suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Cheng!

  And the owner of that beautiful body is not someone else.

  It is Yuhihong!

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: How could it be Ahong? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Huh~ No wonder this kid didn't throw away the scroll, so he wanted to play this one! 】

  [Namikaze Minato: He must have sensed Yuhika's Chakra aura from the psychic scroll, right? 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: Nonsense, otherwise who would hold the scroll in his hand when the psychic scroll was triggered, in case a rough man came! 】

  [Hyuga Hipsari: No, the messengers of the Chunin exams, shouldn't they be all Chunin?How could there be a Jōnin? 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Maybe there are not enough people! 】

  [Hyuga Risari: You say that, it seems to make sense! 】

  After being summoned by the psychic scroll.

  Because of the white smoke all around!

  Yuri Hong didn't realize that she was standing in front of Jiangcheng!

  But soon.

  As the surrounding white smoke gradually dissipated.

  Hong Yuhi immediately noticed the figure who was close at hand, a head shorter than himself!


  Hong Yuhi looked down subconsciously.


  She saw a handsome face that was half suppressed by herself!


  Kurenai Yuhi was stunned for two seconds.

  The mind went blank.

  But out of instinct.

  She still screamed.

  At the same time, the body quickly retreats!

  Instantly away from the boy in front of him.

  "Mr. Yuri Hong, don't call it that. People who don't know think I've done something to you!"

  Jiang Cheng rubbed the tip of his nose with a wicked smile on his face.

  "You...why didn't you throw away the psychic scroll in your hand?"

  Yuhi looked at Jiang Cheng with a flushed face, breathing a little short.

  It stands to reason that the candidates after opening the psychic scroll.

  See the white smoke coming out of it.

  It should immediately throw the scroll in his hand to the ground.

  But this boy in front of me.

  Not only did not lose the scroll.

  He even held the scroll tightly in his hand!

  So much so when she came out of the psychic scroll just now.

  It landed directly in front of the other party, with no preparation at all!

  What a shame!

  However, in the face of Yuhika's questioning.

  Jiang Cheng tickled the corner of his mouth lightly, and said shamelessly, "I'm sorry, Teacher Hong, I didn't know it was a psychic scroll!"

  Red Yuhi: ? ? ?



  PS: Due to the reason of being reviewed again, some other parties were forced to delete them.

  As for why Yuhika is so embarrassed!

  Here is a brief description.

  Because she pressed Jiangcheng!

  As for where it was pressed.

  Not much to say then.

  To avoid being anal again! .

Chapter 254

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: This bastard, as soon as my daughter appeared, he wanted to eat tofu, so shameless! 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: Cough!Really red, look away, Jiang Xiaozi is just eating tofu, and he hasn't started eating yet! 】

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: Second-generation adults, what do you mean by this? 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: Haha!Your kid is someone who has given birth to a daughter, why don't you even understand the meaning?

  How can you poop if you don't eat dinner? 】

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: Shit?Jiang Xiaozi eats my daughter's tofu, what does it have to do with shit? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Alas~ I can't tell you this kind of thing, in a word, people who understand it will understand it! 】

  [Yuhi is really red: ... ]

  [Three generations of Raikage: I understand! 】

  [Hyuga Risari: I understand it in seconds! 】

  [Uchiha Mirror: I didn’t expect Tobirama-sensei would say such a metaphor, it’s hard to believe! 】

  [Uchiha Izuna: Nima, you even compared doing that to eating shit, Tobirama, you are really awesome! 】

  [Tachibana Yakura: This metaphor of the second Hokage is indeed a bit irritating to the eyes! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: But if you think about it carefully, what the second-generation adults said still makes sense! 】

  [Hyuga Rizai: I didn't expect the second generation to be as saucy as ever! 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Hashima, your second brother is so open-mouthed, why don't you come out and take care of it? 】

  [Thousands of Hands: Haha!This kid Tobirama has completely released himself since his death. Do you think I can handle it? 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: I was so unwilling to die at the hands of such a person back then! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: The second generation of Hokage is indeed the second generation of Hokage, this metaphor is much more powerful than the old man! 】

  [Loquat Shizang: Yes, it's too awesome! 】

  [Kondo Wumao: I have to obey! 】

  "Stinky boy, you clearly did it on purpose!"

  Hong Yuhi stared at Jiang Cheng with shame and anger.

  Naturally, she wouldn't believe each other's nonsense.

  The psychic scrolls, seal scrolls, and storage scrolls are all taught in the ninja school's cultural courses.

  You are a dignified chief graduate.

  How could it be possible not to recognize the psychic scroll?

  What about fooling the ghost?

  "Mr. Hong, I really didn't notice it. Besides, I didn't know you would suddenly pop out of the scroll, don't you think?"

  Jiang Cheng had an innocent expression on his face.

  My heart was already blooming with joy.

  He didn't expect that his herald would be Hong Yuhi.

  This is much better than that Uno Iruka!

  Hong Yuhi stopped and said, "Forget it, for Hinata's sake, I won't bother with you, but you are not allowed to mention that to outsiders, do you know'"? "

  Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "What is it?"

  Kurenai Yuhi blushed: "It's... it's the thing you bumped into me!"

  Jiang Cheng: "But... that was clearly the one who slapped me in the face!"

  When Yuri Hong heard the words, her pretty face suddenly turned even redder: "Stinky boy, you should not mention it to outsiders anyway, otherwise I want you to look good!"

  Jiang Cheng shrugged and said, "Okay, but when the exam is over, you want to invite me to eat barbecue!"

  "Okay, as long as you don't talk to the outside world, I'll treat you to barbecue!"

  Kurenai Yuhi bent down and picked up the scroll on the ground.

  Then he straightened his senses and continued: "I am your herald this time. First of all, congratulations on your passing the second exam!"

  Jiang Cheng squeezed out a word in disinterest: "Oh!"

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