Hear these words.

  Mitarai Red Bean, who already had a very ugly face, got angry on the spot.

  "You bastards, why do you keep paying attention to my menstrual period? I don't have time to joke with you now!"

  "You guys immediately go and report to Hokage-sama, and immediately apply for two Anbu troops to go to the Forest of Death!"

  "Hurry up, I'll go after those guys first..."

  The voice fell.

  Don't wait for the invigilators to agree.

  Mitsuwashi Red Bean immediately cast the Shunshu technique and left here! .

Chapter 233

  After coming to the forest of death.

  With the curse of the sky on the neck.

  Mitarai red beans quickly sensed the breath of Orochimaru.

  "Sure enough, in the forest of death? So... what would his goal be?"

  Mitarai Red Bean looked solemn.

  do not know why.

  She suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart!

  Because according to what she knew about Orochimaru.

  She knew very well that the other party would never do something for no reason.

  But now.

  Orochimaru did not hesitate to kill three grass ninjas, risking revealing his identity, and entering the forest of death to participate in the trial of survival.

  This shows that there must be something in the forest attracting each other!

  thought here.

  Mitre wash red beans and immediately quickened his pace.

  The body turned into a shadow.

  At full speed, he galloped towards the place where Orochimaru was.


  at the same time.

  A low-lying swamp somewhere in the Dead Forest.

  Near the calm quagmire.

  A white snake with the thickness of an arm suddenly emerged from the ground.

  Drilled up from the depths of the earth.

  This white snake seems to be very spiritual.

  It spit out scarlet letters and looked around for a few seconds.

  After finding no one around.

  The whole snake body began to tremble violently!

  Followed by.

  I saw a snake mouth.

  A pale arm suddenly stretched out from the snake's mouth.


  Then, the second arm.

  And then a head with long hair!


  A completed figure crawled out of the white snake's mouth.

  It was the Orochimaru who escaped from Jiangcheng before!

  After Orochimaru climbed out, the white snake completely shrank.

  In the end it turned into a fallen snake skin!

  Slowly sinking into the swamp!

  "Is this body almost reaching its limit?"

  Feeling the power that was escaping in the body, Orochimaru's brows could not help wrinkling.

  The continuous use of the body substitute technique just now has seriously overdrawn the 'lifespan' of his body.

  If not find a suitable reincarnation container as soon as possible.


  His body is estimated to be scrapped soon!

  "It seems that it is impossible to get that kid in a short period of time, but we can start with Sasuke Uchiha first, as long as we have the bodies of the Uchiha family, with the help of the Shaker, that kid will still become Prey in my mouth!"

  Orochimaru dragged his tired body to the side of a big tree!

  Back against a big tree.

  The body began to slowly merge into the trunk.

  Just as his body melted into the tree trunk.

  His physical strength and chakra also began to recover continuously.

  This is a secret technique that can draw energy from trees to quickly deny yourself!

  It was developed by him through intercolumnar cells.

  Pass this secret technique!

  Orochimaru's stamina and chakra were replenished quickly.


  The damage to his body caused by the body substitute technique is irreversible.

  In other words.

  Even he is now back to the heyday of this body.

  His strength will also be a little weaker than when he fought Jiang Cheng before.

  no way.

  This is the fatal drawback of the body substitute technique!

  It gives Orochimaru a near-undeath escape ability.

  But at the same time.

  It also limited the potential of his body.

  But then again.

  I am afraid that only Orochimaru can use this kind of body substitute in this world.

  After all, there is no undead reincarnation for others, such a perverted forbidden technique!


  Suddenly, the sound of breaking wind sounded.

  Just when Orochimaru was busy absorbing the energy of the tree.

  A kunai burst into the air in an instant.

  He shot him in the head mercilessly.

  "Is it finally here?"

  Orochimaru sneered, then opened his mouth and spat out a long tongue, which collided with the lasing kunai.


  With a crisp sound came!

  That Kuwu was actually blown away by Orochimaru's tongue.

  If those people in the live broadcast room saw this scene.

  You'll definitely be shocked on the spot.

  People who use their tongues as a means of attack after all!

  In the whole ninja world, except for Orochimaru!

  I am afraid there is no one else!

  At this time.

  A figure suddenly flickered over and took the Kunai who was knocked out in his hand.

  Finally, it landed smoothly in front of Orochimaru!

  It was Mitarai Red Bean who rushed over immediately after learning that Orochimaru was here.

  "Tsk tsk tsk~ Long time no see, Red Bean!"

  Seeing the former disciple, Orochimaru suddenly laughed yin and yang strangely!

  However, Mitsurugi frowned, and said vigilantly: "Orochimaru, you are now a wanted S-rank super-dangerous person!"

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