The Kusanagi who made himself and Sasuke Uchiha devastated.

  It was actually in Jiang Cheng's hands, and he died so quickly!

  It's unbelievable!

  Uchiha Sasuke did not speak.

  Because after being planted by Orochimaru with the curse of heaven!

  He had already fainted on the spot!

  [Hyuga Risari: No?Orochimaru was killed like this? 】

  [Mako Yuhi: Could it be a substitute technique again? 】

  [Uchiha Izuna: Impossible, the corpse did not disappear after death, and it did not turn into other substances, which means that the other party did not use the avatar technique, nor was it a physical clone, it was really killed! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Is this Orochimaru fake?Why was Jiang Xiaozi killed all of a sudden, is he really a movie class? 】

  [Namikaze Minato: From the perspective of breath, it is indeed a shadow-level ninja! 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: You’re awesome, Jiang boy, you managed to get a shadow-level ninja so easily, I thought you would fight him for 16 rounds at [-]! 】

  [Sarubi Biwako: I didn't expect the child Orochimaru to die like this. It's such a pity. I remember that Nizan was very important to him in the past! 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Although it’s just a junk movie, it’s barely enough to be able to kill it in such a short period of time! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Hehe! Does Banye think that Orochimaru is really dead? No? No?"

  [Uchiha Madara: Isn't it?The corpse and the head have already been separated. With this kind of injury, even a pervert like the column has to die, not to mention a mere rubbish shadow! 】

  [Thousands of Hands: A'Ban, what are you talking about, what are you doing with me? 】

  [Uchiha Madara: I'm just comparing your perverted ability to recover! 】

  【Senju Tobirama: ... 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Oh! I don't know whether Orochimaru's resilience is strong or not, but his vitality is stronger than Xiaoqiang!"

  [Uchiha Madara: Xiaoqiang?What it is? 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: I know, I saw a show on TV called Xiaoqiang Hotline before, and the host's name was Xiaoqiang! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "God damn Xiaoqiang hotline, I'm talking about cockroaches!"

  [Uchiha Madara: Cockroaches?Sorry, I've never seen anything like that! 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: I haven't seen anything before, I remember that when you were sweeping the wormholes of the oil girl clan, you didn't know how many cockroaches you ate! 】

  【Uchiha Madara: Really?However, I have eaten so many worms from the oil girl family in my life, how can I remember which worm is a cockroach? 】

  [Uchiha Izuna: Big brother, cockroaches are the kind of black bugs you recognized last time!Did you forget? 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Recognized by me?This is impossible, how could I possibly recognize a reptile! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: No, big brother, you really recognized it at the time. You said that the kind of insects have tenacious vitality, and even if you step on their intestines and rotten their stomachs, they can survive.

  Also, I remember when you were frying them, you called them the most powerful bugs in the insect world! 】

  [Uchiha Madara: Listening to what you said, I seem to have been affected a bit. The vitality of the black bug is indeed tenacious, but I don’t believe that Orochimaru can do it too! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Fried? Damn, Banye, have you ever eaten cockroaches?"

  [Uchiha Madara: Oh!The bugs raised by the oily women are not only high in protein, but also rich in nutrients. Why don't I eat them? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Awesome!"

  [Uchiha Madara: Actually, next time you can try to eat the ninja dogs of the Inuzuka clan and the bugs of the oily girl clan, it will have a good effect on your physical fitness! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Eating those things can improve your physical fitness?"

  【Uchiha Madara: Of course you can, that is a great supplement! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Damn, I'm moved by what I said. Next time I have a chance, I'll try it too!"

  - Zi!

  After Orochimaru fell.

  The two-headed giant python that was channeled by him immediately swooped over with a snake letter.

  The breath of this two-headed python is stronger than the previous one.

  Almost already has the strength of the ninja level!

  Jiang Cheng did not dare to neglect!

  A vigorous wave of both hands.

  In an instant.

  Four silver dragons made of coins converged, suddenly soaring into the sky.

  It whistled and slammed into the two-headed python!


  A loud bang.

  The two-headed python was knocked flying in an instant!

  The huge body fell to the ground!

  It made the ground rumble.

  But it's not over yet.

  At the same time that the two-headed python was hit to the ground.

  The tide of coins entrenched in the air immediately poured down.

  The two-headed python was struggling to raise its head.

  It was crushed by a tsunami-like tide of coins.

  In an instant.

  The huge body like a mountain was swallowed up by the surging torrent of coins!

  "The mere reptiles dare to come and try to show their fangs to me, I really don't know whether to live or die!"

  Looking at the pile of high and rising coin hills, the corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

  Immediately, the right hand stretched forward.

  Facing the direction of the coin hill, give a firm grip.

  "—Magnetic Dun, Glass Shattered!"


  A muffled sound.

  With the whole coin hill crashing!

  I saw a lot of blood, and suddenly splashed out from the gap between the coins.

  a time.

  All the coins were rendered red by the gushing blood!

  at the same time.

  A thick bloody smell also spread in the air!


  [Luo Sha: This glass shard is good. Although the weight of the coin cannot be compared to that of gold sand, it should be more than enough for the two-headed python! 】

  [Hyuga Risari: So much blood exploded all at once, that giant python has been completely crushed to pieces, right? 】

  [Yuhi is really red: Auntie died! 】

  [Thousands of hands 800 Tobirama: Damn, this magnetic escape line is really convenient to use, just wave your hand, I'm so fucking envious! 】

  [Senju Hasuma: Second brother, pay attention to your words, don’t lie about it, damn, you are also the second Hokage of Konoha Village, pay attention to your image! 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: 嘁~ Big brother, you can save it, anyway, he is already dead, what's wrong with the old man releasing his nature? 】

  【Thousands of Hands: ......】

  [Third-generation Raikage: As expected of the second-generation Hokage, disregarding the opinions of others and releasing his nature, this old man admires it! 】

  "Orochimaru, your pet snake is gone, do you still want to hide?"

  After killing the two-headed python with the magnetic escape technique, Jiang Cheng turned to look at Orochimaru's body again!

  - cluck!

  Suddenly, a strange sound sounded!

  Orochimaru's body began to shake violently.

  Followed by.

  Everyone saw a pair of pale arms that came out from the broken neck of the corpse.

  Then grab the neck cut.

  Pull hard on both sides.

  Just hear a "click".

  Orochimaru's body was torn into two pieces directly from the inside by those hands.

  It's like peeling a banana slice, neat and tidy!

  The picture is extremely bloody.


  A brand new Orochimaru appeared in front of everyone unscathed!

  A sticky, unknown liquid hangs over him.

  Looks pretty disgusting! .

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