"Isn't it? Wasn't his tongue interrupted by Jiang Cheng just now? Why did it recover again?"

  "What a disgusting guy, when did the grass ninja village have such a long-tongued ninja?"

  "It seems that we will meet this guy later, and we have to avoid it. I don't want to fight such a disgusting guy!"

  "I...I am..."


  [Senju Tobirama: This long tongue grass is not easy to endure. The tongue just now is clearly a regenerative medical ninjutsu. 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Indeed, this guy's strength has an unpredictable feeling, fluctuating high and low, but the only certainty is that he is definitely a shadow-level ninja! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Oh~ Do you feel it too? 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Well, the moment Jiang Xiaozi interrupted his tongue just now, a very terrifying chakra aura suddenly erupted from his body, which is definitely the chakra of the shadow-level ninja!

  Moreover, the shadow-level aura seems to be completely different from the aura on his body now, just like the aura of two people. Could this be a form of camouflage? 】

  【Senju Tobirama: It is possible! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: It's Orochimaru, the chakra aura just now belongs to Orochimaru! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Yes, it is indeed Orochimaru, I feel it too! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Orochimaru?Are you talking about the renegade apprentice of Monkey? 】

  [Namikaze Minato: That's right, it's him! 】

  【Senju Tobirama: Can you two be sure? 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: No mistake, I have played against him before, and I will never forget the gloomy chakra on him! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: I can be sure, but I remember the appearance of Orochimaru, and it doesn't seem like this! 】

  [Loquat Shizang: Maybe it's plastic surgery! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: No wonder Jiang Xiaozi deliberately said the word 'big' just now, originally referring to Orochimaru! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: Jiang Cheng, looking at you, you should have known that he is Orochimaru long ago, right? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Yes, I can see at a glance that he is not human!"

  [Namifeng Minato: Not a human?What's the meaning? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Didn't he call himself a snake?"

  [Namifeng Minato: It seems that too. 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Jiang Xiaozi, you said the word 'big' just now, you are telling Orochimaru on purpose, do you know his identity? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "That's right!"

  [Uchiha Quanna: Aren't you afraid that he will trouble you? 】

  Jiang Cheng: "I'm afraid of wool, I still want to use him to practice my hands!"

  [Uchiha Izuna: Interesting, it seems that we will soon see a battle between you and the shadow class? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Huh?Is Jiang Xiaozi finally going to shake the shadow level? This is indeed worth seeing! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: Jiangcheng, although your strength is not bad now, Orochimaru can be called the Sannin of the Legend of Konoha, and it is definitely not an ordinary shadow level. Don't be blindly arrogant! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "How do you know if you don't try it?"

  [Luo Sha: Jiang Cheng, just hit him with my magnetic stalk and avenge me! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: Jiang boy, this old man supports you too! 】

  [Yakura Goji: Jiangcheng, come on! 】

  [Uchiha Madara: 嘁~ It's just a movie class, do you need to be so excited? 】

  "Since you're fine, let's just forget about it, but it's not an example!"

  Seeing that Orochimaru would not be held accountable, Mitarai Red Bean just verbally warned Jiang Cheng!

  Didn't make much punishment. …

  Finished dealing with Orochimaru and Jiang Cheng.

  Miten washed red beans and kicked Naruto Uzumaki fiercely.

  Then turn around.

  While pointing at a small wooden hut not far away, he said to everyone: "Okay, the team that wants to take the second test, after signing the death agreement, go to the hut over there to exchange scrolls. !"

  "After you get the scroll, choose an entrance you want to go to, and you can go!"

  After listening to Mitre's arrangement for washing red beans, the candidates present hesitated.

  The death agreement is a great psychological test for them.

  for signing this agreement.

  That means, in the next five days.

  They can only survive on their own merits.

  But this kind of death agreement is simply a decoration for some people.

  For example, Gaara, Orochimaru, and those ruthless Yuren!

  The men quickly signed the death pact and went to the hut to get the scrolls.

  Saw someone coming out.

  The courage of the others also immediately increased.

  They also went over to sign death agreements.

  Some people were trembling with fear.

  But he also gritted his teeth and wrote his name on the agreement.

  It's like an attitude that puts life and death aside.

  No wonder.

  Death is terrifying.

  But the Genin who can come to take the Chunin exam are mostly elite ninjas in their respective villages.

  How could it be a generation that is greedy for life and fear of death?

  Especially those ninjas from the small ninja village.

  What they represent behind them is not only themselves.

  And their village!

  and so.

  Even if I am afraid of death!

  And they definitely won't back down.

  Not for a moment.

  All 15 teams who came to take the second test signed a death agreement.

  Including those 9 newcomers from Konoha Village!

  Of course Jiang Cheng also signed.

  But after signing the death agreement, he realized a problem.

  That is, the current seventh class has been fully staffed.

  What will he do?

  Jiang Cheng asked Xiang Yu to wash the red beans: "The chief examiner of red beans, I am alone here, what should I do?"

  Mitarai Red Bean said: "Lord Hokage said, you can enter the venue directly, just find the Heaven and Earth Scroll inside, and then rush directly to the tower!"


Chapter 208

  Direct entry?


  This three-generation old man really looks down on me!

  Jiang Cheng couldn't help but fell into contemplation when he heard the words of Mitre Washing Red Bean.

  It seems that there is nothing wrong with this special treatment for a single person to enter the venue directly.

  But it indirectly made him the enemy of all the squads.

  Because he has no scrolls.

  and so.

  If you want to reach the tower.

  It is necessary to get both [Sky] and [Earth] from those teams at the same time!

  In other words.

  Him and all the other candidate squads!

  In a sense, it has completely become a state of hostility!

  of course.

  This is not what Jiang Cheng is most worried about right now.

  It was the attitude of the senior officials of Konoha towards him.

  The last time I was in the Hokage office.

  He had already clearly felt the killing intent from Hiruzen Sarutobi.

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