Jiang Cheng: "You don't have it, but your husband has it!"

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Wipe~ I knew that your kid was playing with my kaleidoscope writing wheel eye idea, stop dreaming, I will never give it to you! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Well done, Fuyue, the kaleidoscope writing wheel of our Uchiha family must not fall into the hands of others! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Don’t worry, second grandfather, I will hold on to the glory of our Uchiha clan! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Just save it, last time I didn't know who donated the Uchiha bloodline, and the glory of the Uchiha family?The old man looks like a joke! 】

  【Uchiha Fuyue: ... 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Since the Fuyue Patriarch is unwilling, then there is nothing I can do!"

  【Uchiha Mikoto: No...】

  Jiang Cheng: "By the way, I heard that the guy targeted by Orochimaru will die miserably in the end. At that time, if something happens to Sasuke, for the sake of everyone getting to know him, I will find his body. , let you see him one last time!"

  Hearing this, Uchiha Mikoto panicked.

  [Uchiha Mikoto: Fuyue, hand over the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, do you still want your own son? 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Mikoto, that idiot Sasuke has been embarrassing our Uchiha family.

  If I can be killed by Orochimaru this time, I think it's pretty good too!

  Besides, don't we still have itachi?That kid is much more promising than Sasuke! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Awesome, I never thought that in order to keep the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye of the Uchiha family, the Fuyue Patriarch could achieve this level! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Fuyue, well done, I am optimistic about you! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: As expected of the last patriarch of the Uchiha clan! 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: It's amazing, I even gave up my own son, so I have to accept this courage! 】

  [Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: It seems that the people of the Uchiha family are all ruthless people! 】

  [Kondo Mumao: Nonsense, killing relatives and friends of the same clan is completely commonplace for some Uchiha clan members, otherwise how can they advance to writing round eyes! 】

  [Ghost Lantern Moon: It seems to make sense! 】

  [Kondo Wumao: It is necessary. After I was beaten by Madara with Onogi, I went back and studied some information about the Uchiha family. I remember that it was recorded in the above! 】

  【Uchiha Madara: ? ? ? ].

Chapter 204

  Seeing that Uchiha Fuyue chose to give up Sasuke in order to save face.

  Uchiha Mikoto was instantly angry.

  [Uchiha Mikoto: Fuyue, if you don’t want to hand over the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, don’t come to me in the arena in the future! 】

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Wife, don’t be like this, in this lonely and empty pure land world, it is my only happiness to be able to go to the arena with you! 】

  [Uchiha Mikoto: If so, then you promise Jiang Cheng!You're dead now anyway, so what's the use of keeping a kaleidoscope? 】

  【Uchiha Fuyake: This... 】

  [Uchiha Izuna: Junior Mikoto, you are also a member of our Uchiha family, you must stand firm! 】

  [Uchiha Mikoto: Shut up for me, stand and talk without back pain, Sasuke is not your son, of course you said that! 】

  【Uchiha Izuna: ... 】

  [Uchiha Mikoto: Fuyue, give me a letter of approval, will you give it? 】

  【Uchiha Fuyue: ... 】

  "I didn't expect this Uchiha Mikoto to be a god assist teammate!"

  Seeing Uchiha Mikoto who was furious, even Uchiha Izuna dared to fight, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but be overjoyed.

  In fact, he asked Uchiha Mikoto for Uchiha Fuyue's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, that is, he just said it casually.

  He never thought that the other party would hand over the kaleidoscope writing wheel so easily.

  After all, for the people of the Uchiha clan.

  Kaleidoscope Shaker is the soul of their family.

  How could it be easily handed over to people who are not from the Uchiha family!

  But now.

  When he saw Uchiha Mikoto's aggressive look.

  Suddenly he felt!

  This time, it may really be possible to get Uchiha Fuyue's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pit!

  as predicted.

  Under the strong threat of Uchiha Mikoto.

  Uchiha Fuyue just hesitated for a moment and then compromised!

  [Uchiha Fuyue: OK, Jiang boy, as long as you can protect Sasuke during the Chunin exam, I will give you my kaleidoscope writing wheel eye! 】

  The corner of Jiang Cheng's mouth twitched slightly: "Then I would like to thank the Fuyue Patriarch"! "

  [Uchiha Fuyue: Don’t rush to thank me first. As far as I know, few of the prey that Orochimaru is targeting can escape.

  If you can't complete the contract task I gave you, you still won't get it! 】

  Jiang Cheng: "Don't worry, with me, no one dares to touch Sasuke, not even Orochimaru!"

  Jiang Cheng said with an oath.

  My heart is already blooming with joy!


  Sasuke Uchiha is the second male protagonist who has lived to the point of being a blogger!

  The halo is strong!

  How could it be so easy to hang up?

  At most, it is to break an arm and become the Yang Guo of Naruto World!

  and so.

  For Jiang Cheng, this kaleidoscope writing wheel is a reward for nothing!

  Uchiha Fuyue did not break his promise.

  He quickly released the contract task he set up.

  The task content is: During the Chunin Exam, ensure the personal safety of Uchiha Sasuke until the end of the Chunin Exam!

  The task reward is: a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes!


  That's when Jiangcheng was busy pitting Fuyue and his wife.

  outside world.

  Many more candidates came to the assembly point outside the forest of death one after another.

  At this moment.

  Everyone is talking about the next exam.

  Some emotional guys have even begun to gear up, eager to try.

  At this time.

  The three grass ninjas, who wore hats on their heads and wrapped python belts around their waists, suddenly walked slowly from not far away.

  Orochimaru, is it finally here?

  Jiang Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly.

  Although the three Kusanagi used concealment techniques to cover up their auras.

  But with his strong perception ability, he still sensed the doubt at the first time.

  Especially the long-haired man with a gloomy expression standing in the middle of the three.

  The murderous intent exuding from his body is too obvious!

  That is something that can't be concealed no matter how much you hide it!

  [Thousands Tobirama: The three guys from Kusanagi Village are not simple. The worst ones are Chunin, especially the long-haired man, whose strength is definitely not under that pharmacist’s pocket. They also came to take the Chunin exam. ? 】

  [Namikaze Minato: It should be, but in the written test yesterday, these three guys seemed to have only the strength of genin, why did they suddenly become so powerful today? 】

  [Hyuga Risari: Could it be that someone used the transformation technique to become the appearance of the three of them, trying to infiltrate the examination room? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Impossible, if it is a transformation technique, it is impossible for the old man to not find it! 】

  [Hyuga Risari: If they didn't use the transformation technique, how did their strength increase so much all of a sudden? 】

  [Namifeng Minato: Did I feel wrong yesterday? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: No, you are not wrong, the old man saw the three of them yesterday, and their strength was really only at the level of Jinnin! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: It seems that these three grass ninjas also have a lot of secrets! 】

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: Could it be that Kusakamura also participated in the plan to deal with Konoha Village? 】

  [Namifeng Minato: It's not impossible! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: It's interesting, I would like to see how the monkeys will deal with this situation! 】

  [Uchiha Izuna: There are so many ninjas with hidden strengths sneaking into the exam room. It seems that this Chunin exam is really exciting as you get older! 】

  [Uchiha Madara: 嘁~ After waiting for so long, I finally saw something interesting! 】


  Just when Jiang Cheng looked at Orochimaru.

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