[Tachibana Yakura: I also saw those words, it's a collector's edition! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: Treasure your sister, I said the other four words, not suitable for children...]

  [Tachibana Yagura: Haha~ I didn't pay attention to this, I just focused on those cover pictures! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Fourth generation, how could your son have such banned books? 】

  [Namifeng Minato: Second-generation adults, I am in the live broadcast room like you, how could I know this? 】

  【Senju Tobirama: Makes sense! 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: Damn, no wonder that kid's transformation technique is full of filthy things. It turns out that it is because he is often watching these things! 】

  [Ghost Lantern Moon: But then again, that kid is the first person who can use the transformation technique in such a place! 】

  [Kondo Wumao: Yes, although his trick of seduction is a bit unsightly, its practicality is quite good, especially for those lechers! 】

  [Loquat Shizang: Terrible little devil, I didn't expect to be able to take advantage of the weaknesses of human nature at such a young age! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: The old man just said that this nine-tailed boy is definitely not easy! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: ? ? ? 】

  [Vortex Kushina: ? ? ? 】

  "Tsk tsk tsk~ Naruto, you idiot, let's do it now, not only did the report fail, but you also lost your photo magazine."

  Seeing the back of Ishii Mori leaving, Inuzuka Toa suddenly grinned.

  Naruto Uzumaki didn't speak, just silently put his head on the test paper.

  Seeing this, Inuzuka Ya ignored it!

  Get ready to continue answering questions!

  But the next second.

  Inuzuka Tou was stunned.

  Because he found out that he had already answered half of the test paper!

  It turned out to be a blank slate!

  "what happened?"

  Inuzuka Ya subconsciously glanced at the answer sheet in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

  Then, his whole body exploded directly.

  "Damn Naruto, why are you stealing my exam papers?"

  Inuzuka Ya was furious.

  If it hadn't been warned by Ibiki Mori just now!

  He has long since slammed his teeth into it!


  In the face of Inuzuka Ya's glares.

  Naruto Uzumaki smiled faintly.

  He stretched out his finger and pointed to the name on the test paper, and said proudly: "Open your dog's eyes and take a good look. This test paper is written on it, but my name is Naruto Uzumaki!"

  Inuzuka Tooth: "...".

Chapter 193

  Inuzuka Ya looked in the direction of Naruto Uzumaki's finger.


  The expression on his face froze.

  Because he found out where his name was on his test paper.

  At this moment, the words 'Vortex Naruto' have been written!

  "You bastard... so despicable!"

  Inuzuka Ya was so angry that his hair was smoking, and his whole face collapsed!

  Just now in order to be able to write the test paper as quickly as possible.

  He started answering the questions first.

  Originally thought to write all the test questions, and then come back to fill in the name!

  Unexpectedly, it has now been filled in by Naruto Uzumaki.

  That is to say.

  Even if he was able to take back the test papers in front of so many invigilators now, it would be of no use.

  Because the place where the name is filled in, is not allowed to have any alterations.

  If there are signs of tampering!


  This test paper is completely useless!

  "Hehe~ Ya, it seems that you are still a little tender, but don't worry too much. There is still half an hour before the end of the exam. If you hurry up and write a new paper, it should be too late. Anyway, you are 16. know the answer!"

  Seeing Inuzuka Tooth's furious appearance, Naruto Uzumaki immediately covered his mouth and laughed.

  "You fucking wait for me!"

  Inuzuka Ya glared at Naruto Uzumaki fiercely.

  In order to pass the exam successfully.

  He could only silently spread out the blank paper and start answering the question again!

  see this scene.

  The big guys in the live broadcast room were stunned.

  [Senju Tobirama: Oh my god, this kid can still make noises, it's unbelievable! 】

  [Uchiha Quanna: What are you talking about? It's obviously just trying to change the day. It's too scary. I didn't expect this innocent-looking boy to use this trick! 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: What are you two talking about?Why can't I hear it at all? 】

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: Yes, I didn’t understand it either! 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: The old man has just been working for a long time, and he still doesn't understand! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: It seems that your observation skills still need to be improved, but this also indirectly proves the four generations of his son's talent in that area! 】

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: Which aspect?Is it that way again? 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: I don't know what you think? 】

  [Mako Yuhi: Isn't that what I thought it was what the second generation of adults said? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: The aspect of what the old man said...]

  [Uchiha Quanna: Stop stop stop... You two don't do this or that. Isn't it just the kid who changed the test papers by standing in seconds when others weren't paying attention?

  Is it necessary to be so mysterious? 】

  [Yuhi Zhenhong: Change the test paper in seconds?what does it mean? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: When the fourth generation of his son called the invigilator over just now, he used the main examiner's body to cover the eyes of the other invigilators, and directly exchanged his and Inuzukaya's test papers. ! 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: Isn't it?The chief examiner is right in front of him, how dare he change it?Is this gut too fat? 】

  [Mako Yuhi: That's right, and that Inuzuka Ya is there, he shouldn't agree to his exam papers being replaced, right? 】

  [Thousands Tobirama: Haha~ The attention of the ruffian examiner just now was all on that photo album, and he didn't even notice the little actions of his son of the fourth generation! 】

  [Tachibana Yagura: What about the kid from the Inuzuka clan?Didn't he find out? 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Yes, he was probably worried that the chief examiner would judge him for cheating, so he kept his eyes on the other party! 】

  [Tachibana Yakura: It turns out that the sight of the other invigilators was blocked, and the two closest people didn't notice it. No wonder that kid can do whatever he wants! 】

  [Yuhi is really red: I really can't see that Naruto's kid actually has such brain power! 】

  [Senju Tobirama: Yes, I didn't expect that kid's camouflage technique to be able to achieve this level! 】

  [Uchiha Izuna: This shouldn’t be a simple camouflage technique, right?If my guess is correct, the kid should have taken advantage of the weakness of human nature, otherwise how could he come up with this kind of cheating method? 】

  [Three generations of Raikage: It seems that what the old man said before is true, this kid is definitely not simple! 】

  [Bubbi: Yes, it’s definitely not easy! 】

  [Namifeng Minato: Hahaha~ I didn't expect my Naruto to have this ability, it really makes me look up! 】

  [Whirlpool Kushina: Great, it seems that Naruto is not useless! 】

  Seeing so many people complimenting Naruto Uzumaki, the Minato couple was overjoyed.

  However, Jiang Cheng was not surprised by this.

  Naruto Uzumaki is not stupid at all.

  It's just not used for serious purposes.

  In camouflage and concealment, in fact, he also played very smoothly.

  This can be seen from the battle in which the opponent beat Tiandao Payne violently in the original book!

  In the battle with Tiandao Payne.

  Uzumaki Naruto suddenly turned into a chaotic stone with multiple shadow clones to besiege Tiandao Payne.

  All of a sudden, he used the transformation technique to disguise himself as 【Fu Dun · Spiral Maru Shuriken】to dash forward!

  Playing Tiandao Payne was a surprise!

  Almost fell on it!

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