"Little bugs who don't know if they are dead or alive."

"Soon I will let you know how weak you little bugs are in front of the powerful Saiyans."

Seg smiled coldly.

Then there was no too much nonsense, and the body instantly burst out.

Almost instantly, he arrived in front of Qin Yu.

Then without a fancy punch, it was directly blasted out!

"Little bugs?"

"I don't think you're qualified to call me that!"

Qin Yu said coldly.

Then he punched it directly.


The fists of the two collided again.

This time, Qin Yu only used one percent of his strength.

This guy in front of him, if it is placed in his own time and space, is definitely a very powerful existence!

Even if the whole king wanted to destroy him, it would not be an easy task.

The strength is comparable to the dragon god Salama, who has absorbed the power of the entire race god.

I have to say, he is very strong.

But only relatively.

In front of Qin Yu, it was still not worth mentioning.

You must know that the current Qin Yu, in addition to his own strength has reached the full god, he has also absorbed the power of the whole king.

In this way, it is already very powerful, and it can be said that it is unfathomable.


The moment the fists of the two collided together, Seg's body flew directly upside down.


And almost at the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted out of the mouth.

The entire arm exploded like a mist of blood.


A harsh scream came out of Seger's throat.

Holding the arm wound that had disappeared, he screamed.

"Brother Seger?"

"No, it's absolutely impossible!"

"Brother Seg, but the elite of our Saiyan, how could he lose to that bastard!"

Mona was already completely dumbfounded.

Originally, he thought that his loss had shocked him very much.

I didn't expect that now, since even Big Brother Seg was defeated.

Is this little bug in front of him so powerful?

"Ah! Damn ants! "

"I won't let you go, I'm going to kill you!"

Seg hugged his disappeared arm and let out a mournful cry.

He is a genius elite warrior among the Saiyans.

Never before has it been so humiliated.

I didn't expect that today, I would be beaten like this by a small bug?

Humiliation, this is absolutely a great humiliation for him!

This humiliation must be washed with the blood of the other party.

"Look at your embarrassed look, I think you're a little bug, right?"

"Savage creatures like you should not exist in this time and space."

Qin Yu walked towards Seg and Mona step by step, his tone was cold, containing monstrous killing intent.

For this kind of guy, he didn't think about mercy.

I have never been a soft-hearted person.

And these guys in front of him, he didn't bully his wife and daughter.

This is something he absolutely cannot forgive!

No matter what power he has behind him, the immortals can't save them now.

"You, what are you going to do?"

"Abominable little bug, you quickly kneel down now and confess my mistake to grandpa, maybe I can forgive you."

Saige saw Qin Yu walking towards him step by step.

I was actually scared.

It's just that as a powerful Saiyan, his arrogance does not allow him to bow his head.

"Admit it, you're a little wrong."

"Even if you kneel down and confess your mistake to me now, I can't forgive you."

"So you, you will definitely die!"

Qin Yu's voice was very cold.

With a fierce killing aura.

At this time, Qin Yu had already arrived in front of Saige.

One grabbed the necks of both Seg and Mona.

"Use the two of you to kill the monkeys today, I will tell everyone in this time and space, the woman and daughter who dare to offend me, there is only one end."

"That's death!"


After Qin Yu's voice fell, his hands suddenly strained.

Directly broke the necks of the two.

In front of Qin Yu, the two of them were simply as weak as two pitiful insects!

As long as you move your hands, you can completely crush them to death!

"You, you actually killed Big Brother Seg and Big Brother Mona."

"Our king will never let you go!"

"You bastard who doesn't know whether you are dead or alive, we will definitely tell the king about this matter, and when the time comes, he will definitely tear you to pieces with his own hands!"

Seeing his two eldest brothers being killed, the four Saiyans behind him also began to be afraid.

Very scared.

You must know that there is a big gap between them and Seg and Mona's strength, and even they were killed so easily.

It's like pinching a mouse!

That killing them must be the same simple!

No, it's simpler.

"Your king is not in my eyes yet?"

"However, you all have a share in the woman and child who bullied me, so you all have to die!"

Qin Yu's icy gaze looked at the remaining four Saiyans.

They don't care how powerful their netizens are.

Since they provoked themselves, there is only one way to die!

When the time comes, it will be another battle.

"That bastard is going to kill us, let's get out of here."

"After reporting the matter to the king, he will definitely kill this bastard!"

One of the Saiyans looked frightened and quickly said to the other three.

Staying here for one more minute is very dangerous for them.

So they didn't dare to stay here.


The Saiyan just spat out a word, and then turned his body, and the three wanted to leave here.

"Don't you think it's a little too late to leave now?"

Looking at the three fleeing figures, Qin Yu's icy voice sounded again.

Then with a flick of his finger, a beam of energy instantly shot out from his fingertip.


Almost instantaneously, the beam pierced the bodies of the three Saiyans.

It's like a sugar gourd, strung together.

It then disappeared without a trace.

At this time, even Broly and Weiss, who knew Qin Yu, were shocked beyond belief.

Know that each of these enemies in front of you is a behemoth to them.

It's simply not something they can deal with.

But in Qin Yu's eyes, they were so vulnerable?

Easily wiped out six Saiyans.

"Too... Fantastic, Master. "

Broly was a little incoherent at this time and excited.

"Lord Qin Yu's strength. Now it is estimated that he has surpassed the king and my father a long time ago! "

Bardos and Ves also looked admiring.

From a Saiyan at the beginning, step by step to today.

Strength has surpassed the entire universe.

Qin Yu is indeed very great.

It deserves their admiration.

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