Broly was very ashamed at this time.

Because when he left, he had promised Master that he would take good care of Master Niang and Xiao Si Li!

But now, his strength is too weak.

In front of these people, there is no way to protect them.

Now it seems that there is a high probability that they will be killed.

"It's okay, Broly, Qin Yu, he won't blame you."

Looking at Broly, who looked guilty, No. 18 also comforted with a gentle opening.

He also knew that Broly had done his best.

There is no way to meet these Saiyans.

Even if they are killed now, it only means that they are not very lucky.

"It seems that apart from this big man, none of you can fight!"

"If that's the case, let's make it our food!"

The Saiyan just now grinned and looked at Broly and No. 18 and the others and said.

"What to do? Sister. "

Ves looked at Bardos and asked with a rather ugly face.

"No way, Weiss."

"First of all, we angels can't fight with all our strength, and even if we can fight with all our strength, we definitely can't be their opponents!"

"Now there is only a wait for a miracle."

Bardos shook his head and said with some despair.

But what miracle will happen?

To know that they don't know what time and space they are in now, so they don't know how to call for help?

"Mom, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

At this moment, Qin Sili suddenly walked to the front.

The small face was incomparable, and he said seriously.

No matter what, she didn't allow these people to bully her mother.

In fact, except for her father, she has the strongest strength among these people.

"Si Li, come back quickly!"

"You are no match for them."

No. 18 quickly spoke.

In her opinion, no matter how strong Qin Sili is, she is always a child.

She must not be allowed to take risks!

"What if it's not an opponent?"

"Now no one but me can stop them."

"Anyway, the horizontal and vertical are dead, so I won't let these villains succeed."

Qin Sili gritted her teeth.

A fierce look suddenly appeared in his eyes.

That kind of look was exactly the same as Qin Yu.


"Did you change to a little brat?"

"Don't think that we can't get our hands on it, it will only be more delicious."

The Saiyan pursed his lips and looked at Qin Sili greedily.

"Now, I'll let you destroy it completely!"

"Let me show you the power of my rules."

Qin Sili made up her mind.

He wants to solve these abominable scoundrels in an instant!

Although he is indeed inferior to them in terms of strength.

Even if they really start fighting, it is estimated that they will soon defeat them.

However, he mastered the power of Daddy's rules.

The power of rules may destroy them.

After Qin Sili's voice fell.

A three-color energy ball suddenly appeared in the palm, and in that energy ball, there were two kinds of energy: destruction and vitality.

"This... What is this situation? "

"That energy ball remembers making me feel dangerous."

At the moment when Qin Sili condensed the regular energy.

The faces of the five Saiyans on the opposite side all changed.

Because of this energy ball, they did feel a sense of danger.

And quite quite dangerous.

How could a little fart have such powerful and terrifying energy?

"You big badasses."

"Now let me disappear!"

After Qin Sili's voice fell.

The regular energy of the palm instantly blasted towards several people!

In that instant, the entire space was completely distorted.

"It's not good, this little ghost has something strange, everyone quickly dodge."

The silver-haired Saiyan at the head quickly roared.

It's just that the speed of regular energy is very fast.

Just after his voice fell, there was no time to dodge, and the energy ball directly grazed his body.

It was only wiped, but his body began to disappear quickly.

"No, it can't be."

"Absolutely impossible, ah!"

With a mournful scream, the silver-haired Saiyan disappeared without a trace.

It's as if it never existed in this world.

Just now, Broly was beaten to the point of no way to fight back.

In an instant, it disappeared without a trace.

This stark contrast shocked not only Broly and No. 18.

It also shocked the other Saiyans on the other side.

You must know that Tuscal, who was destroyed just now, is their squad leader.

The strength is stronger than a few of them.

Unexpectedly, it was destroyed so easily.

Then, even if they do it now, it is estimated that the result will be the same.

This imp is indeed too strong...

"Let's withdraw first and report this matter to our superiors."

"That little ghost is too weird to do it for the time being."

Another Saiyan spoke to the other three Saiyans.

And the other three Saiyans are also twilight.

Naturally, they did not dare to do it on their own.



After the three glanced at Qin Sili and Broly and the others, their bodies turned and disappeared directly in front of them.

"Great, Sili is amazing?"

"I killed them all at once."

"At this moment, I guess they will never dare to cause trouble again."

The remaining four Saiyans were seen fleeing in a hurry.

Gabe and Kafis said very excitedly.


At this time, Qin Sili groaned slightly.

Then the body fell to the ground, his face pale.

"How... What's going on? "

Gabe and Kafis, who had just spoken, looked puzzled and nervous.


"Although Si Li condensed the power of Lord Qin Yu's rules just now, after all, her strength is too weak and too small."

"So there is no way to support such a powerful rule force!"

"Just now, she insisted on waiting for those Saiyans to leave, so she didn't fall right away."

Bardos said with a frown.

What if those Saiyans just now are all characters who don't want to die?

They just continued to rush over.

Then they will definitely be killed!

Because Si Li simply couldn't condense the second rule power attack.

"Hara... I see. "

The brows of several people frowned again.

Just now, they also saw hope in Qin Sili's body.

But now, Bardos's words once again left them desperate.

That is, those Saiyans if they go and return.

They only have the possibility of being killed.

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