"All Demon Salama has been completely wiped out!"

Everyone opened their mouths wide in shock, with an incredulous expression on their faces.

To know that guy is really unimaginable.

Unexpectedly, now, it was solved so easily by Qin Yu.

After becoming a full race god, was Qin Yu so strong?

After a brief shock, everyone appeared directly in front of Qin Yu.

"Mr. Qin Yu, thank you for solving the All Demon Salama."

Sun Wukong changed the habit of the previous dog.

He said to Qin Yu with great respect.

If it weren't for Qin Yu, they would have all been solved in this time and space.

Therefore, they should indeed thank Qin Yu.

"You don't need to thank me, I solved the dragon god Salama, not for you."

"I naturally have my reasons."

Qin Yu just said lightly.

Now his strength is an existence standing at the top of this universe.

After absorbing the whole king, he will become the new all the king of this world.

"Can I beg you one more thing?"

"That is, can we restore our time and space to normal?"

Sun Wukong asked with a pleading look.

This space-time was almost destroyed, and now all the universe, all the planets.

Moreover, they simply can't find Super Dragon Ball.

In this way, the universe will not be able to return to normal at all.

Perhaps only Qin Yu, who had absorbed the power of the whole king, had that ability.


"It's very simple."

Qin Yu nodded and did not refuse.

Originally, his own rules contained the ability to recover, and after absorbing the power of the king, that rule was even stronger.

So it's not difficult to recover a space-time?

"Thank you... Thank you, really thank you so much. "

This time, it was not only Sun Wukong who was grateful, but everyone was very grateful to Qin Yu.

Because they all live in this space-time.

Live on this earth.

If the earth is gone, then they have no home.


After Qin Yu's faint voice fell, the time and space that had been originally only empty suddenly regained its former vitality.

All twelve universes appeared, and all the planets were restored to their original condition.


"Thank you, Lord Quanwang."

At this time, Beerus walked in front of Qin Yu.

said with a very, very awe bow.

This guy Qin Yu has already absorbed all the power of the whole king, then he is the new whole king.

Qin Yu glanced at Beerus and did not speak again.

"Okay, this space-time has returned to normal."

"This time the battle has affected multiple time and space, so I have to go to other time and space to see."

"Don't leave it at that."

Qin Yu waved at Sun Wukong, Vegeta and the others.

Then the body flashed and disappeared directly in front of everyone.

"Too strong, this guy is really too strong!"

"The same Saiyan, I don't even have the idea of surpassing him at the moment."

Vegeta said with a dull look on the side.

If it were an ordinary Saiyan who was not much stronger than himself, he would definitely find a way to surpass it!

But the gap between this Qin Yu and him was like a world of difference.

It's simply not something that you can surpass.

Therefore, at the moment, he did not have that idea at all.

"That's right, Vegeta, Mr. Qin Yu is indeed too strong."

"Hehe, although I don't want to surpass him, I also want to aim for him and become as strong as him in the future."

Sun Wukong clenched his fists tightly and said with a firm face.

This is his character, although he loses, he will admit it very calmly, but he will also try his best to improve his strength.

Especially when you have a firm goal.

"Hmph! Won't I lose to your Kakarot? "

"You must know that my strength is above you now."

When I thought about this, the background already felt quite happy.

You know, in your career, you have surpassed Kakarot very many times.

And this time, he finally walked ahead of Kakarot.

"Ah! You are indeed much stronger than me now, Vegeta. "

"But soon, I'll untie my own limiter and catch up with you."

Sun Wukong smiled and said.

"I said you two, don't think so much."

"Lord Quanwang's strength is simply not what you can imagine."

"Even if you become a full god and unlock all the limiters, the same will be true."

At this time, Beerus interjected coldly.

In fact, he was still very jealous in his heart.

Vegeta and Sun Wukong, this guy, remember the first time I saw them, they couldn't move with one look of their own.

I didn't think about it now, it's only been a few short years.

Their strength turned out to be so strong.

After becoming the All-Sai God, they were completely above the God of Destruction.

So this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

In the following time, Sun Wukong Ke Vegeta, and everyone returned to Earth.

At this time, Qin Yu had already appeared in another time and space.

In this time and space, the Great Priest is doing his best to maintain the order of dimensional time and space.


Qin Yu's body suddenly appeared.

"Mr. Qin Yu..."

The Great Priest looked difficult and greeted Qin Yu.

"Okay, I'll leave the rest to me!"

Qin Yu said lightly.

Then with a gentle wave of his right hand, the originally turbulent dimensional time and space instantly returned to calm.

"This... How is this possible? "

A look of astonishment appeared on the Great Priest's face.

He didn't expect that Qin Yu's strength would become so strong.

With all your efforts, you can't calm the turbulent universe.

He actually waved his hand and did it.

"Mr. Qin Yu, what happened?"

"Has the Dragon God Salama been solved, and besides, why can't I feel the breath of Lord Quanwang?"

After all dimensional space-time has returned to calm.

The Great Priest asked with a solemn face.

He seemed to have a premonition of something not very good.

"The dragon god Salama and all the evil gods have all been killed."

"And the whole king, he voluntarily became my energy."

"That is, he was absorbed by me."

Qin Yu opened his mouth to explain.

"What, Lord Quanwang was actually absorbed by you!"

"This, how can this be?"

The Great Priest's face changed suddenly.

You must know that in this world, the king is not the person who stands at the top.

Now it becomes a human energy.

It's a little too incredible!


"If he hadn't done that at the time, the All-Demon Salama wouldn't have been able to solve it."

"At that time, all dimensional time and space will be ruled by him, which is something he does not want to see."

"So in the end, he chose to merge with me and become part of my energy, so that he could solve the whole demon Salama."

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