
"This place is much more fun than the Spirit Time House, can I play here every day in the future?" Father. "

Qin Sili's little face was filled with an excited smile and asked.

"Well, of course."

"As long as my daughter wants to play, she can go anywhere."

Qin Yu smiled, rubbed Qin Sili's little head, and spoke.

Hearing Qin Yu's words, the others did not pay attention to it, but the Great Priest glanced at Qin Yu.

The person who obtained Qin Yu's words had no intention, but ordinary people did not dare to say such words.

After all, this is the territory of the king, the palace of the ruler of the world, but it is not for ordinary people to come when they want to.

As he spoke, everyone had already arrived inside the temple.

"Lord Quanwang, Mr. Qin Yu has arrived!"

The Great Priest said respectfully to the king.

"Huh? Father. "

"Is that little one Lord Quan Wang?"

Qin Sili asked in a low voice to Qin Yu.

Although her personality is sometimes very grinning, she can still distinguish the occasion.

Looking at everyone's respect for that little one, his strength is definitely not weak!

It is estimated that even Dad is not his opponent.

"Yes, he is the king, but you are my daughter, and you don't need to be too afraid at any time."

Qin Yu said with a smile.

Although the king is very strong, his current self is not weak.

And also created its own rules ...

The king's ability to clear has no effect on himself.


"Qin Yu, the Great Priest should have told you everything!"

Quan Wang still had a shallow smile on his face and looked at Qin Yu and asked.

"Yes, the Great Priest has already told me just now!"

Qin Yu nodded.

"In that case, then I will be straight to the point, this time the enemy is very strong, maybe even the Great Priest is not his opponent."

"I know that you have been cultivating all this time, and now your strength is very strong, I hope you can help the Great Priest and defeat the Dragon God Salama together."

When he said this, the smile on Quan Wang's face gradually disappeared.

"Okay, I see."

Qin Yu nodded.

Even if the whole king doesn't say anything, he will have a good fight with the Salama guy.

"Dad, this place feels so fun!"

"Can I play here?"

At this time, Qin Sili suddenly pulled Qin Yu's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

"Of course."

"Lord Quanwang, my daughter will stay here, she is still young and not very suitable for fighting."

Qin Yu said to the whole king.

At this time, Qin Yu, although he was still honored as an adult when he spoke to King Quan.

But the fear that I had at the beginning has long been gone.

That's the benefit of strength.

If Qin Yu didn't have enough strength.

Then he was like a rat crossing the street in front of the whole king, and he could only cower.

But now, there is no need for that at all...


"I just lack a friend to play!"

For this request, the whole king agreed without thinking.

After all, he has been in this place, I don't know how long.

Day after day, the same game is repeated, facing the same people.

Already tired of it.

Now suddenly a new friend came, and he was extremely excited.

"Hehe, great, I love playing with him too!"

Qin Sili looked at Quan Wang and said.

It always feels like this little guy is a bit like his own cartoon eraser.

"In that case, let's go! Mr. Qin Yu. "

The Great Priest spoke.


Qin Yu nodded and agreed, he was going to go sooner or later anyway.

Then the Great Priest directly took Qin Yu and the others to the place where the Dragon God Salama was sealed.


It's just that when they get to that place.

At this point, it has become a void.

There is no Salama at all.

"What's going on?"

"I obviously sealed it, even if he breaks through my seal, it can't be so fast!"

The Great Priest looked at the scene in front of him with a shocked expression, and said with a tight frown.

You must know that he consumed a lot of his own energy to seal Salama.

That guy actually ran away so quickly...

That's right, Salama has escaped and left this time and space.

"So where is he most likely to go now?"

Qin Yu looked around and asked lightly.

In fact, he was not as nervous as the Great Priest.

You must know that Salama, who has not become an all-demon, is not much of a threat.

With his current strength, he can definitely deal with him!

"I don't know about this..."

The Great Priest shook his head.

The dragon god Salama may now escape to any time and space, so he really has no way of knowing his whereabouts.


As soon as the voice of the Great Priest fell, suddenly the entire time and space trembled violently.

"How... What's going on? It feels like the whole universe is trembling. "

The faces of Broly, Gabay and others changed slightly.

How could it suddenly shake, and they didn't even feel any breath...

"It's not the universe, we're not in all the universe now, it's the whole space-time trembling."

"And I feel that this trembling is not only our space-time, but also other multidimensional space-times."

The Great Priest's face was even more ugly this time.

Does Salama, this bastard, want to directly destroy the entire multidimensional space-time?

Moreover, his strength was able to do this, and this guy is now much stronger than he thought.

"Mr. Qin Yu, it seems that the Salama guy wants to directly destroy the entire multidimensional space-time, and I must repair and maintain it with my strength."

"But in that case, I won't be able to go to Salama!"

"So this matter of looking for Salama may have to ask you..."

The Great Priest looked at Qin Yu, his face was quite ugly.

Although he would love to go and find the dragon god Salama himself.

But now he must maintain the order of the entire multidimensional space-time, and it is estimated that some of the space-time has been destroyed.

So it has to be fixed as soon as possible...

"Does the Great Priest believe in me so?"

"You must know the Dragon God Salama guy, but even you guys take it so seriously!"

"I'm just a little God of Destruction!"

Qin Yu smiled and said to the Great Priest.

"Mr. Qin Yu is too humble, even Lord Quan Wang trusts you so much, then naturally there is a reason for Lord Quan Wang."

"Moreover, when I see Mr. Qin Yu again this time, I feel that you are completely different from before, and you have undergone earth-shaking changes."

"I'm sure you can!"

The Great Priest said very seriously.

"Oh... I was speechless. "

"Alright! Then you can repair the space-time! "

"I'll meet that dragon god Salama."

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