As for Kaier, her personality is calm, but she is too restrained, so she can't comprehend the self-conscious effort.

"Okay, you two hurry up and stop!"

"You are no match for Gabe, Monkey King."

Qin Yu said to the two.

Gabe has mastered the Perfect Extreme Skill for seven or eight years, and Sun Wukong has only mastered it a year ago.

Therefore, there is still a big gap between the two of them's comprehension and attainment of the Freedom Extreme Skill.

Especially Sun Wukong, although he has mastered the Perfect Freedom Extreme Skill, and it is not the state of his time and soul in Dragon Ball Super.

However, he has not yet learned how to perfectly control the Extreme Effort?

Therefore, after a few minutes of fighting, Sun Wukong's physical strength plummeted.

And when Gabe is very easy to perform, there is almost no much consumption of physical energy.

So the final result of the two must be self-evident!

"Hey, hey."

Sun Wukong smiled awkwardly.

Indeed, it had only been two minutes since he fought Gabe, and he already had some problems with his physical fitness.

It seems that I must master the trick of perfection and ease as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when you really fight the enemy, it is estimated that the people have not yet fallen, and they themselves have already fallen.

"Hey Kakarot, what is the trick to cultivate the Ultimate Intention Gong freely?"

Vegeta asked quietly.

You must know that your cultivation talent is not weaker than Sun Wukong, this is something that Weiss once said.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually comprehended the Freedom Extreme Skill, and he didn't even touch the threshold of the Freedom Extreme Skill.

This naturally made him quite uncomfortable.

"No tricks! The main thing is to have peace of mind, ah yes, and don't have too many thoughts and distractions when fighting, your body can move with your heart, probably enough. "

Sun Wukong thought about it and said.

In fact, what he said was what Qin Yu had said.

Vegeta was there at the time, so the words were of little use at all.

Vegeta wanted to ask about some experience and thoughts, and Kakarot, the bastard, was really an elm.

Don't know what you want to ask?

"Ah, by the way, Vegeta, aren't you also able to turn into Super Saiyan Deep Blue?"

"Besides, the consumption of your form is not large."

"Even if you comprehend the Perfect Freedom Extreme Skill, if you can't control your qi, it will be quite troublesome to fight."

Sun Wukong said truthfully.

Indeed, in fact, Vegeta's deep blue, although it is not as easy as comfortable, but fortunately it is relatively stable.


Vegeta pouted, not speaking.

"Dad, dad, mom told you to hurry over to eat!"

And at this moment, a little girl about ten years old ran over from the small room at the door of the Spirit Time House and said to Qin Yu with a jump.

This playful and cute little girl is Qin Yu's daughter, named Qin Sili.

In fact, before the 18th was transformed, it was not called Lazri, but after it was later transformed by Dr. Gro, she has always called it No. 18.

The reason why No. 18 gave this name mainly means that it contains the names of her and Qin Yu,

For the matter of naming names, Qin Yu didn't bother to modify or something.

Anyway, it's just a name, everything is the same, and he is really not very good at choosing names.

It's the same name anyway!

In the year when Qin Yu mastered the power of his own rules, Qin Yu's daughter also happened to be born.

"Okay, let's go right away."

Qin Yu doted on the little girl's head and said with a smile.

"Oops, dad hates it, messes up people's hair."

Xiao Si Li broke free from Qin Yu's hand and said with some complaints.

That childish voice made Qin Yu quite comfortable to listen to.

His favorite thing to do is touch Little Si Li's head and listen to her complain.


And Xiao Sili's voice made everyone laugh.

Although this little guy is only less than ten years old, his strength is very terrifying.

When he was four or five years old, he could rub Gabe and Kafis on the ground.

When Sun Wukong and Vegeta first came to the Spirit Time House, they accidentally spoke and offended Xiao Sili.

As a result, he was directly beaten with a blue nose and a swollen face.

When Qin Sili was only three years old, she could successfully transform into the form of Super Saiyan II.

And perfectly inherited Qin Yu's bloodline.

The strength is quite quite strong...

And she didn't seem to need to cultivate at all, and her strength was growing almost every day.

Now less than ten years old, Broly is no longer her opponent.

And the most important thing is that she mastered the power of the rules created by Qin Yu after she was born.

"Dad, I haven't fought in a long time."

"Can you let me have a fight with my uncles?"

Hearing Broly and Sun Wukong's laughter, Qin Sili looked at them.

A wicked smile rose at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that smile, Broly and Sun Wukong both subconsciously shrunk their necks.

The strength of this little witch, they are quite jealous.

And she is still young, and she can't control her power perfectly.

Every time I said that I was fighting them a little, I ended up beating them with blue noses and swollen faces, and they were half dead.

Therefore, now even Broly, who has always been belligerent, does not want to make a move with Qin Sili at this time.

"You beat them yourself and don't dare to play with you."

"Every time I tell you to shoot lightly, you just don't listen."

"Now you better go play in the mud by yourself!"

Qin Yu smiled.

That smile was completely different from the previous one, full of the doting of a loving father.

Although it sounded like a reproachful tone, everyone knew that Qin Yu's heart was actually extremely satisfied.

"Hmph! They were so nasty that they didn't want to play with me. "

"The next time Dad is away, I'm going to beat them all up."

Qin Sili clenched her chubby fist and pouted.

It's actually quite funny to say this from the mouth of a child.

But Sun Wukong and others couldn't laugh at all.

Because they all knew that this little witch would do everything, maybe the next time Qin Yu was away, he would really beat them all up.

And they can't do anything ...

"Okay, let's go eat quickly!"

"I think the dragon god Salama, they will be in action soon."

"Take advantage of the last time to consolidate your current form."

Qin Yu rubbed Qin Sili's little head again and said.

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