Because the Dragon God Salama himself has completely sealed him.

Judging from the current situation, the Dragon God Salama has only recovered a percent of his strength, and this seal can last for at least hundreds of millions of years...

So there's no need to worry too much about things here.

"In that case, then I can only go to see how things are on the side of the Mojie King God?"

The Great Priest said to himself.

This feeling made him very uneasy, so he decided to go to the Nest of Time and then go to the Dark Demon Realm to see the situation.

At that time, if the situation is bad, he will also help seal the Demon King God.

This guy is also an old devil, and his strength is very strong.

Even his own energy couldn't seal him.

Therefore, he can only assist the King of Time God Kaiyin, and use the power of time to permanently seal him in the prison of time.


After the Great Priest's voice fell, his body instantly disappeared without a trace.


And at this time, after he left, Salama's voice sounded again.

"Unexpectedly, after billions of years, the strength of the Great Priest has indeed improved somewhat, but his IQ seems to have weakened a little.

Do you really think that I have been waiting here for death for billions of years? "

He is now fearless even with the erasure of the whole king.

What use did the Great Priest's rule energy have for him?

It's just that it can become a nutrient to quickly restore his strength.

With these powers of the Great Priest, then he should be able to recover to his peak in half a month.

Then break through the seal, and then it will be the end of all kings and everyone.

"Looks like my siphon ability will come in handy soon!"

"I really thank the Great Priest for sending so much energy, hahaha!"

Evil laughter echoed throughout the void for a long time.

And at this time, the Great Priest had already gone to the Nest of Time and contacted the King God of the Time Realm to seal the King God of the Demon Realm...


In this way, ten days passed in a flash.

At this time, Qin Yu, who was in the 11th universe, had been cultivating in the Spirit Time House for more than a year.

After all, the power of the past and the present can only create a spiritual time house with this kind of time flow.


An arc of electricity suddenly flashed in Qin Yu's mind, which was cultivating.

"This evil breath... So strong. "

After feeling that huge breath, Qin Yu couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

This breath is very powerful, and very, very evil.

If you are not wrong, this force should not be weaker than yourself.

But in this time and space, is there anyone else who can achieve this kind of power?

And at this time, not only Qin Yu, Broly and Kafis, they also felt other breaths.

"These breaths are coming towards us, do you know who they are? Master. "

Gabe quickly asked.

He was able to feel several very evil breaths...

Moreover, quite a lot.

Definitely not the last evil Saiyan Kanba, and Zamas, they can compare.

"I don't know, but there seem to be a few Saiyan breaths."

"It's just that those breaths are not pure, and they seem to be very evil with a very evil magic qi."

Qin Yu frowned and said.

These breaths were all very powerful, and to be honest, Qin Yu began to get a little excited!

It had been a long time since he felt an opponent that could make him have such excitement!

"Let's go! I don't go out and see. "

"This time the enemy is very strong, you should be careful yourself."

Qin Yu said with a serious look to Broly, Gabei and the others.

"Yes, Master."

"Okay, Brother Qin Yu."

The four quickly nodded, and then walked out of the cultivation room with Qin Qin Yu.

And Qin Yu also directly put No. 18 into his system cultivation field in advance.

Because the enemy this time is very powerful, if you start a battle, maybe the entire God Destruction Realm, and even the entire 11th universe, will be destroyed.

If the 18th is left outside, it is indeed too dangerous!


And after Qin Yu and Broly, they walked out of the Spirit Time House.

I saw a few figures.

These people Qin Yu were quite familiar with.

"It's that guy, he brought Haz and the evil Saiyan Kanba last time."

Gabe pointed at Fu and said to Qin Yu.

Although last time he felt that this guy's strength was unimaginable, this time it seemed to have improved qualitatively.

And the few people who appeared in front of him were Fry, Amoshi, Reg, Frieza's son Ezer, and a female Saiyan, who seemed to be very similar to Veget's daughter in the Dragon Ball Dimensional Brawl.

"What the are these cows, ghosts, snakes, and gods!"

"Fu, this guy, how did you get them together?"

Qin Yu frowned and thought.

These guys are all villains who have appeared in some fanfiction.

The Amoshi in front of him seemed to be somewhat similar to Broly, and both of them were of the same bloodline.

The only difference is that this guy also seems to have mastered the perfect and comfortable Extreme Skill...

He seems to be a little stronger than Broly.

The other is Vegeta's brother Reg, who is said to have a combat power of 50,000 at birth.

It can be called a genius among geniuses ...

Even Super Four Gogeta is not his opponent, this guy can transform into Super Saiyan Five form.

There is also Frieza's son Ezé, whose strength is also not to be underestimated, far surpassing Super Saiyan four.

Infinitely close with Super Saiyan Five.

But the crux of the matter is that these guys seem to have some evil powers.

Their current strength is even stronger than before.

This time, their odds are not great.

Especially that Fu, his strength was simply unfathomable, making Qin Yu feel a little incomprehensible.

Of course, Qin Yu didn't know that this guy had already obtained part of the power of the Dragon God Salama!

"Ding! When the god-level selection system is launched, in the face of powerful evil forces, ask the host to make a choice. "

"Option one, ask the host to leave here temporarily, leave Qingshan without fear of no firewood, it is not too late for the gentleman to take revenge for ten years, reward: the same ability of the great priest..."

"Option two, only in the battle can you increase your strength, the strong should not be afraid to fight, defeat Fu and Amosi, reward: Super Saiyan four strength..."

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded in my head.

Qin Yu was suddenly stunned.

The system hasn't been there for a long time!

I didn't expect it to suddenly appear at the critical time.

And this time, the rewards seem to be comparable.

In the previous rewards, almost the system did not give themselves the right to choose, because the disparity was too large, and a normal person knew how to choose!

But this time, on one side was the full power of the Great Priest.

On the other side, it is the strength of Super Saiyan Four.

To be honest, this time it was really not a good choice.

Where exactly the ceiling of the Great Priest was, Qin Yu didn't know at all.

The only thing that is certain is that the guy is very strong, much stronger than his current self.

He definitely has the power of a lot of rules, and if he has the power of the Great Priest, these guys in front of him are not worth mentioning at all.

"I choose... Two. "

"Face it head-on, I choose to fight with the power of the Saiyan... Super Saiyan IV. "

Qin Yu gritted his teeth and replied in his mind.

Now that you have become a Super Saiyan, you have to fight with Super Saiyan power!

It is undeniable that the power of the Great Priest is very attractive.

But if he becomes Super Saiyan Four, his strength is estimated to be not weaker than that of the Great Priest.

What's more, he will never do such a thing as running away!

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