"Zamas, that little one will be handed over to you."

Haz pointed at Gabe, then said to Zamas.

"Cut, give me fewer orders, human."

Zamas glanced at Haz coldly and said with disgust.

Although they resurrected themselves and made themselves their partners.

But this does not mean that a human can command himself.

Haz naturally didn't bother to calculate with Zamas, because he was just a pawn of someone else.

"Saiyan, today I must press your skin layer by layer!"

Zamas's eyes erupted with angry flames.

No way, he was already very disgusted with humans.

Moreover, he had died twice in Qin Yu's hands, and his business for human beings was even more profound.

"Hmph! It depends on whether you have that ability. "

Gabe said coldly, and then his fists passed tightly, and the flame-like aura instantly burst out from his body.

Then it directly turned into a Super Saiyan god-like form...

"It's annoying to look like this again!"

Looking at Gabe's appearance, it is exactly the same as the two bastards of Monkey King and Vegeta.


In the next second, Zamas rushed directly to Gabe.


The fists of the two collided heavily, and suddenly a circle of qi waves spread directly in all directions.

It's just that there is nothing on the ground of the Divine Realm.

You must know that when Qin Yu modified the Destruction God Realm, he injected the power of rules into the Destruction God Realm.

Ordinary attacks simply could not cause any damage to the Destruction God Realm.

At this time, the four battles also began separately.

Everywhere the air waves rolled, lightning and thunder.

And at this time, in the Red Palace of the God of Destruction.

"Master Qin Yu, you can go outside to fight!"

"Don't you have to go out and see?"

Makarita looked at the leisurely lust on her face and asked.

The guys who came this time don't seem to be simple, and their strength is very strong.

Maybe Broly and a few of them can't handle it.

Qin Yu, on the other hand, sat here motionless, as if he hadn't noticed the situation outside at all.

"No, it's just a bunch of little ants, it's really not the climate."

Qin Yu said lightly.

He already felt the breath outside, there was a very evil Saiyan breath, it was estimated that the evil Saiyan Kanba was right.

There were several other breaths, one of which was Zamas, which was familiar to him.

As for the other three, it is obvious that they are Haz and others.

"Okay then!"

Seeing Qin Yu so confident, Macarita could only nod.


And at this time outside, Broly and Kanba's battle is unusually understood.


Neither of them performed any transformations or used bells and whistles.

Constantly exchanging fists.

"Bastard, your strength is indeed very strong, and you are the most powerful Saiyan I have ever met."

"But with such power, you can't win me."

The evil Saiyan Kanba said coldly to Broly...

After speaking, another punch slammed into Broly!

"That's a lot of nonsense!"

Broly also threw a punch out.


The moment the two fists collided, the ground trembled, but it still did not cause any damage.

Both of their bodies took a few steps backwards.

Broly also looked excited.

You must know that apart from Master, he has never encountered such a powerful opponent.

Especially in power ...

"Kanba, can't even solve that one guy? Do you want me to help you?" "

Haz said coldly to Kanba.

"Less of a hindrance."

"It is indeed difficult for the power of normality to defeat him, since this is the case."

"Then become a Super Saiyan!"


Kanba suddenly roared, and the purple-black aura around his body instantly turned golden yellow.

Directly turned into a Super Saiyan, but there was still purple-black lightning flashing around his body.

Still crimson pupils, looking extremely evil...

"Now... Give me death! Small bugs. "

After turning into a Super Saiyan, the evil Saiyan Kanba's body instantly rushed towards Broly, and directly punched out.

Very fast, Broly quickly put his arms in front of his chest to block Kanba's attack.


At the moment when the low crash sounded, Broly's feet hit the ground and his body quickly retreated.

It was a full distance away before he stopped.

I felt a tingling sensation in my arms.

"It's kind of interesting, besides Master, you are the first human being who makes me feel this way."

"In that case, then I'll let you see my strength!"

Broly clenched his fists, and his pupils suddenly turned golden.


In the next second, the golden aura instantly rose.

The whole body flashed with golden lightning...

"That Saiyan is a bit outrageous in strength!"

"However, such a powerful force, after absorbing it, it can have a very great effect."

Haz was first taken aback by Broly's transformation, and then a happy smile appeared on his face.

Their purpose is to collect the strongest forces in the universe, in all time and space.

"Big man, now come and feel my power..."

Broly's body suddenly flashed, instantly arrived behind Kanba, and then kicked out.

Hit Kanba directly in the back of the head.

Kanba's huge body was swept away directly by a kick.

Directly rubbed the ground and glided for hundreds of meters.

"Bah! Damn, damn little bugs! "

"It actually made me feel pain, I'm going to kill you..."

Kanba spat out the dust in his mouth, anger raging in his eyes.

Standing up directly, he turned around and rushed towards Broly, and his huge fist slammed into Broly.


Only in the next second, his fist was easily taken by Broly.

And Broly's body is not moving...

"This kind of strength is really not worthy of your physique!"

Broly snorted coldly, and then pulled hard, and Kanba's body was uncontrollable and was pulled back by Broly.

Then Broly hit Kanba with a heavy flying knee.


With a crisp bone cracking sound, Kanba's body flew out upside down again.

It hit the ground hard.


"Is that all? It made me excited in vain. "

After easily knocking Kanba away, Broly clapped his hands with a look of disdain.

And Kanba's body seemed to be trembling with anger.

"Abominable... Unforgivable. "

An angry voice popped out of his throat word by word.

Then the palm silently condensed a silver energy light mass.

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