Subsequently, Qin Yu left the Void Realm with everyone and returned to the sixth universe.

"Master Qin Yu, do you have any other instructions? If not, I'll go back with Bardos! "

Xiangpa asked Qin Yu with a flattering look at this time.

That feeling, almost nodded and bowed...

You must know that in the past, if Qin Yu wanted to kill him, he would be afraid of the whole king and the great priest anyway.

But now, if he were to let himself die, he could kill himself casually.

Can kill and dare not kill, this point is still very clear to him.

"Okay, you guys go back first!"

Qin Yu nodded.

Anyway, there's nothing to do with them now.

"Well, then let's quit first."

As if fleeing, Elephant Pa left the planet Sharada.

Just after Bardos and Elephant Pa left the planet Sharada, the 18th walked out of the palace.

"You're back, are you all right?"

No. 18 quickly looked at Qin Yu's body and made sure that he was not injured.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"You don't have to worry about me, your task now is to take care of your body and the child in your belly, understand?"

Qin Yu grabbed No. 18's shoulder and said with a doting look.


Number 18 nodded.

Seeing that Qin Yu was okay, her hanging heart was put down.

"We may be leaving the sixth universe and going somewhere else!"

Qin Yu continued.

"Ah! What's going on? Is there any danger in the sixth universe? "

The 18th quickly asked.

Well done in the sixth universe, why leave suddenly?

"That's right, I've become the God of Destruction in the 11th and 4th universes."

"So we're going to those two universes now."

Qin Yu said with a smile.

"Oh? So that's the case, I thought..."

"Then I'll go clean up."

After saying that, the 18th walked into the palace again.

"Master Qin Yu, I must follow you this time!"

"Whether you go to the sixth universe, the fourth universe or the 11th universe, I will follow you!"

Gabe said to Qin Yu with a firm face.

"Yes, Brother Qin Yu, this time, you can't leave us behind no matter what!"

"I'll go wherever you go?"

Kafis's expression was more determined than Gabe's!

Last time, because he followed and doubled them and left, he gave No. 18 an opportunity.

This time, this will definitely not leave Big Brother Qin Yu again.

In any case, absolutely not...

"Me too..."

Kyle also nodded.

Only by following Brother Qin Yu can you have a sense of security.

"Okay, okay, let's see how you all look."

"Of course I'm going to take you with me this time."

"You have always been my good friends, and the last time I left you was because I couldn't protect myself."

"But this time is different, this time there will be no danger, so of course I will take you with me."

Qin Yu smiled, looked at the anxious Kafis and Gabe, and said.

These three guys are really glued to themselves.

But they are used to being by their side, which would be really unaccustomed to without them by their side.


Gabe and Kafis almost jumped up in excitement.

"Okay, two realm king gods."

"For my own safety reasons, I can only wronged the two of you now."

Qin Yu glanced at the two realm king gods, Kaye and Kul, and said.

Being looked at by lust like this, Kaye and Kuhl suddenly felt a tingling sensation in their scalps.

"Master Qin Yu, what do you want to do?"

Realm King God Kai subconsciously retreated, swallowed his saliva with some fear, and asked.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you two?"

"After all, we are now connected to the same fate, but for my safety, I will put you in a very safe place now."

After Qin Yu's voice fell, his body instantly appeared in front of the two, and then the hand knife gently slashed at the neck of the two.


In the next second, the two fainted directly, and their bodies lay limply on the ground.

Then Qin Yu's heart moved, and he directly put the two into his system.

In fact, he had also thought that he could seal the two of them in other things like Beerus.

But in the end, it's always a little unsafe.

So, the best thing to do is to just put the two of them in the system and let them sleep forever.

Until the day when I don't do the destruction of God.

"Master, what about those two guys!"

Broly asked with a curious look.

Just now it was still in front of you, and suddenly disappeared?

It's like magic!

"Leave them alone, I put them in a very safe place."

Qin Yu said lightly.

And at this time, the 18th was almost packed.

Then Qin Yu took everyone and went directly to the 11th universe.

You must know that the 11th universe is much more developed than the fourth universe, and it must be more comfortable to live in!

So Qin Yu chose the 11th universe as his habitat universe.


After arriving in the 11th universe, Qin Yu directly appeared in the God of Destruction Realm.

"Lord Qin Yu..."

At this time, both Topo and Macarita are in the 11th universe.

Tuo Po quickly saluted Qin Yu respectfully.

To know Qin Yu's current identity, it is even more delicious than before.

It can be said that the current Qin Yu can actually intervene in the affairs of the ten two universes.


Qin Yu nodded.

The destruction god realm of the 11th universe is much more high-tech than the sixth and seventh universes.

It seems that the guy who tastes delicious is still very good at enjoying it.

"Topo, you will leave the eleventh universe in the future!"

Qin Yu suddenly turned his head and said to Topo.

Hearing Qin Yu's words, Tuo Po's face changed, and he didn't understand what Qin Yu meant.

He let himself out of the eleventh universe? Could it be that you want to kill yourself?

"Master Qin Yu, what do you mean by this!"

Torpo asked with some trembling.

Although he had offended Qin Yu before, and he had also sneaked up on the sixth universe at the power conference, Qin Yu had resurrected himself.

Then it stands to reason that he is already relieved!

"Don't think about it, I mean, from today onwards, the God of Destruction of the Fourth Universe will be held by you for the time being."

"All matters of destruction will be left to you."

Qin Yu said lightly.

The reason why he chose to break it is because these few people around him are not suitable for being the only destroying god.

And they don't want to leave themselves.

Topo is actually now the God of Destruction himself...

So it should be better for him to temporarily manage the fourth universe.

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