Quan Wang nodded and said.

Those two guys went against their own will, and even wanted to provoke trouble without their permission.

Such a god of destruction would have been damned!

"Okay, I see."

After hearing Qin Yu's wish, he received a nod from the king.

The Great Priest also nodded.

Then he grunted, and Qin Yu couldn't understand the words of God.

The last time I made a wish, I simply learned a few words from Bardos.

"Okay! I understand. "

Super Divine Dragon nodded, and then, a golden light suddenly flashed in his eyes.


And at that moment, all the universe's contestants Destruction God, as well as the Realm King God, all appeared on their respective Boundless Broken Rings.

Except, of course, Mira and Cuitra.

"This, what's going on?"

"Haven't we been erased, but there seems to be no boundary."

"That's right, that's the King Quan and the Great Priest, as well as Qin Yu."

At the moment of resurrection, the people of Sun Wukong and Beerus were extremely excited.

It felt like a dream.

It's just that King Quan and Qin Yu and the others are extremely real.

Of course, it's not just the Monkey King and Beerus of the seventh universe.

Everyone in all the universes is extremely excited, and the joy of the aftermath fills everyone's face.

"Great, we were resurrected."

"But why didn't you see Lord Cuitra?"

"Do you know what's going on? Gillian. "

"That's right. How is it that the taste is not resurrected? "

The people of the fourth and 11th universes seem to find that their universe lacks the existence of a destroying god.

"I don't know, but it should have something to do with that guy?"

This year shook his head, and then looked at Qin Yu and said.

The reason why they were able to be resurrected was related to Qin Yu.


"I seem to understand why we were able to come back to life."

"It should be Mr. Qin Yu who made a wish."

Just when everyone was extremely surprised and puzzled, Sun Gohan suddenly spoke.

Know that the final winner has a chance to make a wish to Super Dragon Ball.

They were now able to resurrect, and it was obvious that Qin Yu used this wish to resurrect all the people in the universe.

"Really... Are you sure? "

"But before, all our universes joined forces to deal with the sixth universe, and that guy Qin Yu doesn't look like someone who complains with virtue!"

Beerus was obviously in disbelief!

He had also contacted Qin Yu before, and this guy was extremely arrogant, even a little self-righteous.

He didn't think that Qin Yu would be so kind to resurrect everyone.

"It's hard to understand, but now it seems that there is only one explanation."

Sun Wukong looked at Qin Yu and said.

She and Beerus don't see things the same.

He felt that Qin Yu should be the kind of person who was cold on the outside and hot on the inside, although he usually looked very proud and a little cold.

But as can be seen from the last time he saved the future time and space, he is very enthusiastic.

Not only helped the future space-time solve Zamas, but also restored the Earth of the future space-time with Dragon Balls.

"Kakarot is right, although the guy is a bit annoying, I think he is a good guy."

Vegeta also nodded, agreeing with Monkey King's statement.


"All right, guys."

"I know that there are a lot of doubts and puzzles in everyone's hearts."

"Then I'll explain it to you next!"

"The reason why the universes that have been cleared can be restored again is because Mr. Qin Yu made a wish to Super Dragon Ball to restore all the cleared universes to their original appearance."

The voice of the Great Priest sounded.

There was an uproar in the ring.

They obviously didn't expect that the sixth universe that they had targeted before, such a precious opportunity to make a wish, would actually let them all recover?

There are such kind human beings in the world.

Repay the grievances with virtue, there are not many such people now!

"Of course, there are two people who have not been resurrected."

"That's the fourth universe destroyer Cuitra and the 11th universe destruction god Taste beautiful."

"The reason why the two of them were not resurrected is because these two guys have joined forces with other cosmic destruction gods to target a human being, so careful that they are not worthy of being a destruction god."

The Great Priest said to the crowd again.

As for the people in other universes, they don't care about the life or death of Cuitra and Weimeide.

It is already a blessing that they can be resurrected, where is the mind to care about others?

And this matter is that Kuitra and Weimei are ghosts from beginning to end, and it is estimated that they have angered Qin Yu

So not being resurrected is also expected.

"Delicious adults..."

Topo seemed a little reluctant.

Although recently, the practice of Mimi Adult has been a little excessive, and even I am a little disappointed in her!

But after all, I admired him for so many years.

Now that it suddenly disappears, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

"Actually, I have another thing to tell you."

"Lord Quan Wang originally wanted to clear all eight universes, but because the last time you four universes competed in the Nameless Star was really interesting, Quan Wang thought of this method."

"If Mr. Qin Yu selfishly makes other wishes to the Super Divine Dragon today, then all eight of you universes will disappear."

"Fortunately, Mr. Qin Yu did not disappoint Lord Quanwang."

The Great Priest glanced at Qin Yu with a smile and said.


Hearing the words of the Great Priest, everyone gasped.

Especially the Sixth Universe Destroyer Elephant Pa, and other contestants.

If they win the game and are finally eliminated, they will feel more wronged than the rest of the universe.

Fortunately, Qin Yu granted that wish and saved all the universes.

"Perhaps, Mr. Qin Yu has long known such a result."

Bardus looked at Qin Yu intently and said in a low voice.

"What sister do you say?"

Ves asked curiously.

In fact, he had heard Bardos's words clearly, but he just wanted to be sure.

Do you know that none of their angels know about this?

Qin Yu was just a human being, and although he was powerful, it was impossible to know the decisions of the whole king and the great priest.

"I'm just guessing!"

Bardos smiled, then looked at the prison in the ring.

This little guy is really curious!

"Mr. Qin Yu, I really thank you this time."

Beerus and several other gods of destruction also walked in front of Qin Yu and said with an embarrassed expression.

You must know that they also joined forces to deal with Qin Yu before, but they did not expect that it was Qin Yu who saved them in the end.

"Don't be so polite, I just don't want those innocent humans to die with you!"

"I haven't forgotten what you joined forces against me before."

Qin Yu smiled and said to several people.

This made several people shrink their necks suddenly, if they were targeted by this guy, it would not be a good thing.

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