Originally, he was a little wrong with this guy with Weimei, and the reason why he agreed to ally with him.

It is to keep the seventh universe alive.

He did explain to Sun Wukong and Vegeta before, and he must first eliminate the sixth universe.

But that guy from Frieza was born to be an anti-bone boy, and this time it wasn't just the sixth universe that was the enemy.

Universe 11 is also a formidable opponent.

So I wouldn't blame Frieza at all.

"Very well, Beerus!"

"If our 11th universe is eliminated, your seventh universe will be no better."

Mimi shook her head tightly.

He is indeed very angry now, and none of the sixth universe core players have been eliminated.

But their 11th universe, the loss of troops will be heavy.

Now only myself and Gillian are left to support each other.

And this guy Beerus is really too scheming, and from the beginning they have been in a wait-and-see state in the seventh universe.

There is no intention to completely eliminate the sixth universe...

Now that the fourth and ninth universes have been erased, the 11th universe has also suffered heavy losses.

There are only a few players left in the remaining third and tenth universes, and only the seventh universe and the second universe, and almost no contestants are eliminated.

However, if the 11th universe is also eliminated, then the second and seventh universes will not become climate at all.

If you want to confront Qin Yu, it's a fool's dream!

"What's wrong? Aren't you allies? Looking at your appearance, it seems that there is a little contradiction! "

Qin Yu glanced at Wei Meide and Beerus, and said lightly.

Obviously, Qin Yu was teasing them...

"Damn bastards, don't be too proud!"

"Even if there is one person left in our 11th universe, we will not let your sixth universe stay until the end."

Hearing Qin Yu's voice, he was inexplicably annoyed.

All because of the appearance of this bastard, if not for him.

Even if a power conference is held, the winner must be the 11th universe!


"If that's the case, then I'll leave none of you in Universe 11."

Qin Yu glanced coldly at Wei Mei De and Jilian.

These two people were no threat to him at all, and if it weren't for the fear that the whole king would be too boring to watch, he would suddenly come up with some idea.

The rest have long been eliminated from these wastes.

Hearing Qin Yu's words, both Wei Mei and Ji Lian frowned.

He said this just now mainly because he didn't want to fall behind in terms of momentum.

But Qin Yu's strength, they are still very clear.

You must know that they are now five Destruction Gods joining forces, plus Gillian's words, six people.

The battle lasted for nearly twenty minutes, but no one was able to touch Qin Yu's body.

This is enough to say how strong he is...


In the next second, Qin Yu's body suddenly disappeared.

"Watch out for Gillian..."

Mimi suddenly shouted at Gillian.

This guy has made it clear that he wants to attack Universe 11.

Ji Lian was also very vigilant, raising the Qi in his body to the extreme...

"It's you who should be careful, Joker."

Qin Yu's icy voice suddenly sounded.


Wei Meide's face changed suddenly, and then he quickly turned around.

It's just that at the moment of turning back, Qin Yu's fist smashed directly.



The muffled sound of collision and the crisp sound of bone cracking sounded almost simultaneously.

The delicious facial features instantly collapsed.

The body flew out directly upside down like an off-string arrow, and his feet grazed the ground and exploded hundreds of meters away.

The body slid all the way to the edge of the ring before stopping.


A scream of pain came out of his throat, and his hands covered his face tightly.

There was a heart-wrenching pain in my face!

"Get down!"

Qin Yu said lightly.

Then with a flick of his fingers, a ball of energy hit the delicious right chest.


A blood hole was instantly shot out of the chest of Wei Meide, and his body fell directly into the ring.

"That bastard... The attack turned out to be so vicious, wouldn't he be afraid that Lord Quan Wang would kill him? "

Seeing this scene, everyone's hearts trembled.

His face was even more unpredictable.

Although this guy is so delicious, he is indeed a little cheaper, but this Qin Yu is too ruthless!

The punch just now, I am afraid that it directly smashed Wei Meide's head, if Wei Mei De is not the God of Destruction, it is estimated that that punch will kill him.

"It's up to you, Gillian."

Qin Yu looked at Ji Lian and said coldly.

Since he already intends to eliminate the 11th universe, he will not keep Gillian!

Although he has a certain affection for this guy Gillian, that good impression is not enough to let him give him the winning result.

"Come on! But if you want to eliminate me, it's not so easy! "

Gillian clenched his fists tightly.


Then suddenly raised his head to the sky with a long roar.

And at that moment, a crimson sea of Wang Yang fire suddenly appeared around his body this year.

The temperature of the entire ring, and even the entire realm of ignorance, suddenly increased at that moment.

And Gillian's clothes were completely burned clean.

"Well... That's awesome. "

"This guy from the 11th universe, since his body also contains such terrifying power."

At that moment, all the gods of destruction turned their gaze to Gillian.

Now they didn't expect that Gillian suddenly erupted with such terrifying power at this moment.

"I must win the final victory!"

"I must know who my extermination enemy is, and no one can stop me!"

After Ji Lian burst out with terrifying power, a scarlet light shot out from his slender eyes.

Looking at Qin Yu, he said.


"There's no denying that you have indeed gained great power."

"But do you think such a force can defeat me? How stupid! "

Qin Yu glanced at Ji Lian coldly, and said lightly.

Even if Ji Lian's strength has skyrocketed, in front of him, he is simply vulnerable.

"Anyone ... There's nothing they can do to stop me. "

Ji Lian seemed to have gone crazy, and after roaring madly again, he instantly rushed towards Qin Yu.

The speed has increased significantly.

"Hmph! Don't measure yourself..."

Qin Yu didn't put Ji Lian in his eyes at all, but just stretched out a finger to greet Ji Lian's Ji Lian.


Roars continued to come out of his throat, and Ji Lian's fists were blasted out towards Qin Yu like a machine gun.

However, with just one index finger, Qin Yu easily blocked all of Ji Lian's attacks.

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