"Is this guy really human?"

"It's a bit weirdly strong."

Gillian, the look of shock on his face at this time was even richer than the others.

You must know that Cuitra and Weimei have long known Qin Yu's strength, but Jilian does not.

This is the first time they have met.

In the past, he always thought that he was the strongest human being, because in terms of combat power alone, he definitely surpassed the destructive god virtue of the 11th universe!

But today he completely understood that there is a so-called sky outside the sky, and there are few people.

Qin Yu was much stronger than him, and even if he had exhausted all his strength, he could not reach Qin Yu's body.

"I don't believe I can't touch you!"

Ji Lian shouted in his heart, his body flashed out, and he directly punched towards Qin Yu.


Qin Yu easily took Ji Lian's fist.

"What... What the? "

Gillian was instantly shocked.

The punch he just gave contained all the power.

He took it so easily.

Just when Ji Lian and the other God of Destruction were extremely shocked, Qin Yu grabbed Ji Lian's fist.

Then he smashed directly towards the other gods of destruction.

Bang bang!

The five gods of destruction didn't have any chance to react at all, and they were directly smashed out.

Gillian suddenly felt that his brain was buzzing...

He is also the strongest human being in the 11th universe, but he didn't expect this guy to use himself as a weapon.

"But... Damn, this bastard is simply teasing us! "

Cuitra's face became solemn.

Before, he also felt that if he combined with other destruction gods, he should be able to sanction Qin Yu.

But now it seems that there is no such possibility.

This guy seems to be teasing them all the time.

A few minutes passed, and their fists did not touch Qin Yu's clothes at all.

And as soon as that guy made a move, the five gods of destruction and the human in the 11th universe were directly shot away.

"Wow! Qin Yu is so strong! "

"It's great, the fight is so intense, everyone is starting to get serious!"

Quan Wang said with a look of excitement.

The battle at this time was indeed very intense.

Because the eleventh universe has also joined the game at this time.

So Kafis and Gabe were even more uncomfortable.

Originally, it was already quite difficult for Kafis to fight the entire ninth universe with his own strength!

Now those guys from Universe 11 have joined the fray.

In this way, Kafis is more difficult with a dozen or so.

Even if the Super Saiyan God's endurance is relatively strong, it is under such high-intensity consumption.

It's also a little unbearable...

On the other side, Gabe had already suppressed Frieza steadily!

At this time, Tispo of the eleventh universe suddenly inserted a kick.

"Hey little rabbit, this is King Ben's prey."

"You get away from me!"

Frieza looked at Tispo and said in an icy tone.

To be honest, this wild monkey in front of you really messed with yourself a little!

So now you are ready to use your true power!

I didn't expect this little rabbit to appear halfway, which affected the mood.

"Hmph! My target is the man of the sixth universe, and I care whose prey he is! "

Tispo also glanced at Frieza coldly and countered.

For those guys in the seventh universe, he also had no good impression.

"Oh, is that so?"

"For the first time, someone dares to talk to King Ben like this, this is even more annoying than that wild monkey, in that case, then I will clean you up first, and then go clean up that wild monkey!"

Frieza smiled grimly.

Then the direct target was replaced by Tispo.

Anyway, he is here to make trouble, but he will not listen to them so obediently.

"Cut, I don't know if I'm alive or dead!"

Tispo also snorted coldly, and the two instantly fought together.

Gabe looked at the two in front of him a little confused.

"It seems that their alliance is not very strong either."

Gabe snorted coldly, and then rushed directly towards Kafis.

He could feel that Kafis's physical energy was rapidly depleting, and if it continued like this, it was likely to be eliminated.

Since that Frieza had been stopped by Tis, he could just go and help Kafis.

"You don't have to worry about me, I can handle them."

"You go now to help Thunderbolt and Saounell, eliminate the fourth universe, we will have much less pressure."

Sensing that Gabe was coming to help him, Kafis quickly said to Gabe.

If these guys from the ninth universe and the 11th universe join forces, it is very difficult to deal with.

Even if he and Gabe join forces, it is very difficult to completely eliminate them.

And that Topo was still on the side and did not shoot.

Relatively speaking, the comprehensive strength of the fourth universe is weaker than that of other universes, and if Gabe goes to help the two of Thunderbolt, it is estimated that he will soon be able to eliminate everyone in the fourth universe.

"Well, hold on to yourself."

Gabe could only answer and flew directly towards Thunderbolt and Saonel.


At this time, the battle between Xiangpa and Broly was not smooth.

Broly is okay, even in Super Saiyan form, he can stalemate with Rumsey.

But Xiangpa is already in a weak position at this time, and it looks like he will lose soon!

And just when the battle was very fierce, the voice of the Great Priest suddenly sounded.

"Sixth Universe Bodama player, Margeta player eliminated..."

"Sixth universe remaining players, eight."

"Fourth Universe Damon Player, Canos Player, Garvey Player, Darkli Player, Shosa Player eliminated, Fourth Universe Six Player."

"What? The fourth universe was eliminated by so many people at once! "

At this time, Kuitra, who was fighting with Qin Yu, heard the voice of the Great Priest, and his body trembled.

Why did their universe eliminate five people at once?

At this time, he found that the seventh universe and the second universe had not made a move at all until now.

"Cut, those bastards, definitely want to preserve physical energy, it's really insidious."

When they lose both the universe and the sixth universe, they can sit on the profit of the fisherman.

The two bastards of Beerus and Helles are really a good calculation.

"That guy from Goku is still not stupid, that's it, good obscenity, when they are all exhausted, our seventh universe will have a chance to win."

Beerus thought happily in his heart.

I didn't expect that Monkey King guy would still use his brain!

It's just that he doesn't know that Sun Wukong just feels that it is a little too unfair to join forces to deal with the sixth universe.

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