
Qin Yu waved his hand, and then his body flashed directly and disappeared into the Realm King God Realm.


And at this time in the temple of the whole king.

"Great Priest, how are you preparing for the Power Conference?"

Above the throne, the king looked at the great priest in front of him with wide eyes and asked.

Since returning from the Nameless Star half a month ago, he had entrusted the matter of the power conference to the Great Priest to prepare for it.

"Yes, the ring has been built, and it is in the boundary."

"There are also some rules of the competition that have been drawn up, wait for Lord Wang to take a look, if there is anything wrong, I will modify it."

The Great Priest smiled lightly and said to the whole king very respectfully.

"Uh-huh! I don't worry, Great Priest, and I have left this matter to you, and the rules are up to you! "

The king naturally believed in the Great Priest very much!

"Thank you Lord Quanwang for your trust."

"By the way, I remember that Lord Quan Wang said before that he intended to erase some universes that were more underground with comprehensive scores."

"So will the universe lost in this competition face the result of being erased?"

The Great Priest asked again.

"Hmm! That's exactly what I intended. "

"With the help of this competition, then those universes with a relatively low comprehensive level will be directly erased."

"Therefore, the first, fifth, eighth and twelfth universes with relatively high ratings do not have to participate in this competition!"

"Of the remaining eight universes, only one universe survived in the end."

"As a reward for the ultimate winner, grant him a wish!"

Quan Wang smiled and spoke.

When Quan Wang spoke this time, he obviously did not look like the mentality of a child.

On the contrary, it is very mature and steady, and his thinking is very clear.

"Oh! Can only one universe remain of the eight universes? "

The Great Priest's brows frowned slightly, obviously feeling very sorry for the universe where those forces were destroyed.

But there is no way, the whole king has such power and power.

Even if he is a great priest, he can only give some opinions to the whole king, and cannot influence his decision.


"Well, I have to trouble the Great Priest to go to other universes and inform all universes of this news."

The king said with a smile at the great priest.

"Okay, I'll do it."

The Great Priest nodded, and then walked out of the Temple of All Kings.

"Alas! Only one of the eight universes can remain, and I hope that the last universe can be restored to the other seven universes. "

After leaving the Temple of the All Kings, the Great Priest sighed to himself.

It's just that such a thing is obviously somewhat unlikely.

As a great priest, he knew very well that whether it was humans or gods, they all had their own selfish desires and desires.

Giving up an omnipotent wish for the sake of other universes is estimated to be impossible for many people.


Half a day later, the Great Priest had already notified all the universes participating in the king's decision!

This notice made it difficult for many gods of destruction to accept.

Losing the game means disappearing along with the universe.


At this time, after the order of the Great Priest was transmitted, a conspiracy also began.

Cuitra and Mimei contacted all the gods of destruction at this time.

Except, of course, the elephant of the sixth universe.

"Hey Cuitra, what are you looking for us for?"

"Yes, yes! I'm bothered, what are you looking for us to do at this time? "

"Say something quickly, let it go quickly, I don't have time to waste here with you."


The destruction gods of several other universes were obviously impatient.

Although the power assembly organized by Lord Quan Wang was held a month later.

But they now have to go to the universe to find a candidate.

It is not easy to select ten contestants from each universe, knowing that the selected person must be the strongest in the universe.

A month wasn't a lot of time, so they didn't have time to waste here.

Only Beerus looked calm.

He knew exactly what Cuitra and Taste were going to do next.

"How? Are you so anxious to find death? "

Cuitra finally spoke coldly.

"Hey, how do you guy talk?"

Sitara, the god of destruction of the ninth universe, asked coldly.

If this guy is just trying to get through the video at this time, then he won't have time to waste here.

"I'll do it all for him!"

"Everyone, I think you have all heard about our four universe competition half a month ago!"

Wei Mei said with a gloomy face.

"Che, you are embarrassed to say this kind of thing."

"It's really humiliating that the God of Destruction was defeated by a human being!"

Helles, the destroyer of the second universe, scoffed.

When he heard this, he felt that the two guys Kuitra and Weimei were really disgraceful of destroying God!

Two people can actually be defeated by a human?

"It is undeniable that we have indeed lost the face of the God of Destruction."

"But have you ever thought that neither I nor Cuitra are below you."

"The two of us joined forces and lost to that guy from the sixth universe, so what is the odds of a human being in your universe in front of him?!"

The taste was so beautiful that his face was sinister, and there was a cold smile on his face.

Then his gaze swept over everyone's cheeks one by one.

After hearing the beautiful painting, all the gods of destruction were silent at this moment!

Before, they just thought that the taste was so beautiful that Cuitra and Cuitra were too embarrassing to the God of Destruction!

And didn't think too much about things.

But now it's delicious.

They figured it out too!

Yes! A human being who can single-handedly defeat two gods of destruction must participate in this power conference.

So what are their chances of winning in other universes?

Each of them still has some understanding of their respective universes, and those that reach the strength of the God of Destruction do not exist at all.

If you really participate in this power conference, it is just going through the motions.

Come to think of it. The faces of all the gods of destruction became solemn.

"Let me tell you, we don't have any chance of winning at all, not at all."

"Participating in the Power Conference, we will all become foils in the sixth universe."

"In the end, we will all be eliminated by Lord Quanwang."

Wei Mei continued to say grimly.

And when Cuitra heard the words of the taste, he couldn't help but admire this guy's eloquence, and he became nervous when he heard it...

"So what do you two mean?"

"Do you want to let all our universes join forces in the power conference and defeat the sixth universe."

Rumsey, the destroyer of the tenth universe, asked in a very heavy tone.

You know, this is a matter of life and death in the universe!

There is no room for sloppiness.

If the situation is as good as it says, then they really don't have any chance of winning.

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