I saw Ren Yu jumped up, and the whole person rose into the air, and the distance of hundreds of meters from the emperor of the Houkai was shortened by a large amount in an instant.

This is not over yet, in mid-air, the long knife lit up a coquettish red light!

Ren Yu took a deep breath, and injected the energy in the badge into the long knife in one breath.


The scarlet blade seemed to be suffering some kind of pain, humming continuously, seeming to be howling or weeping.

Then, a crack suddenly appeared on it.

Can't take it anymore!

With less than 4% of the energy injected, this standard long knife is on the verge of collapse and will disintegrate at any time.


The Honkai Emperor roared fiercely, and the black-haired man in the sky was reflected in several small eyes, as well as the red light that made his heart skip a beat!

Although it has no intelligence, its instinct makes it feel life-threatening.

Dodge, must dodge!

Otherwise you will die!

In an instant, it shot up and retreated far away, trying to avoid Ren Yu's knife.

"Die to me!"

But how could Ren Yu let it get what he wanted, he immediately roared, and instantly switched to another badge that increases the attack range, and the blade swiped down.

All of a sudden, the erratic red glow surged, abruptly extending tens of meters long, easily breaking through the proud body of the Honkai Emperor, and falling downward.


The remnant body of the Honkai Emperor fell from the sky and hit the ground of the simulation cabin with a bang.


The cut is as smooth as a mirror!

It was split in half with just one knife!

Ren Yu landed gracefully, shook the long knife in his hand, and was about to put it back into its sheath, but the next second it made the sound of glass breaking, and it shattered to the ground.


Deathly silence!

Outside, all the students who saw this scene were stunned.

From appearance to ending, the whole process takes no more than five seconds.

The Honkai Emperor, who was so invincible that even the A-rank Valkyrie had to fight for a long time and could only be eliminated with cutting-edge equipment, was chopped off by the black-haired man.

How did he do that?

"Fuck, teacher, so you are really the city soldier king!"

Qiyana was already dumbfounded.

It turned out that all the experiences written on the teacher's resume were true? !

At the age of eighteen, he fought nine days and nine nights with the Emperor of Bengkai.

No, now there's one more

——Nineteen years old, killing the Emperor of Honkai with one blow? !

"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

On the other side, Mei, who had just arrived at the scene, blushed and panted slightly.

It may be tired, or it may be caused by excitement!

Now her heart has been completely occupied by that destructive red light, even if she closes her eyes, it won't leave for a long time.


too strong!

Although she couldn't see everything in front of her.

But the last sword, like the sword cutting through the water with a long knife, she saw it!

The girl swallowed her saliva, and she couldn't help yearning for it.

If I can learn this kind of sword skill, wouldn't it be...

[Simulation ended...data uploading...]

In the cabin, Ren Yurou glanced at the remaining energy in the badge.


It dropped 5% all of a sudden, it's too uncomfortable!

If he didn't want to make a quick decision and frighten those high-ranking Destiny who were watching the live broadcast, he wouldn't use such a fancy way.

Yes, Ren Yu knew that his fighting process must be recorded. Who told him that the anti-entropy mark on his body was so obvious, and he swaggered into other people's colleges, and it was difficult not to attract attention.

【Leaderboard scores have been updated...】

【Congratulations! You are seventh in the simulated battle score. 】

After a glance, his name was indeed written on it.

【1.? ? ? 1479652]

【2. Ulandal 797877】

【3. Leanna 777777】

【4. Cecilia 723146】

【7. Yang Chengwen 567899】

[Congratulations, please make persistent efforts]

"1479652, almost double the number of the second place?"

Ren Yu looked at the score above and smiled.

He didn't pay much attention to the list.

Although it is very likely that the people on the list didn't give their best, when he finds a way to equip the second badge, whoever wins may lose.

Chapter 6 How Could It Happen

After removing the badge "Underworld" that increased the attack range and allowing blood to explode, and re-equipping it with the "Hound of the Baskervilles", Ren Yu frowned as he looked at the mess all over the floor.

The floor is cracked!

The ceiling is cracked too!

The phantom is dead and scattered!

The entire cabin was cut in two by this knife!

Even the lighting tubes were broken!

However, this was not intentional by Ren Yu, who knew that the training cabin was so careless.


As if the sound of the balloon leaking again sounded, the sealed door was opened, and the light from the outside world came in.

A white-haired nun was standing at the door looking over here.

"Yo, Teresa, you're here."

Ren Yu was in a good mood and greeted the dean with a smile.

You know, he used to take out Theresa from time to time on the bouncing bridge.

Although it was later replaced by some other new characters.

—Like Hee or something...

"If I don't come again, are you going to tear down the entire training area?"

Teresa glanced at Ren Yu dissatisfied, and then saw the blue screen suspended in midair.

—New! 【7. Yang Chengwen 567899】

"Sure enough, you broke the record."

She seemed to know all this a long time ago, and added:

"Well... you're qualified! You can start working officially from tomorrow."


Ren Yu nodded, thinking that this is not qualified, then few people can meet your recruitment requirements.

At the door, another white figure suddenly appeared.

Kiyana yelled as soon as she opened her mouth:

"Teacher, since you are so strong, can you teach me how to practice sword?"

Although she practiced the "Kaslana Spear Fighting Technique" handed down in her family, she could no longer be calm after seeing Ren Yu's knife.

Besides, I heard that the Heavenly Fire Sacred Order has other forms, maybe it is a sword form.

When the time comes, she will hold the ancestral Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment and use her teacher's sword skills, won't she be unparalleled in the world?

Just thinking about it, Kiyana couldn't help laughing.


Ren Yu really never thought that he would change Qiyana's future direction. If she stopped practicing gun fighting, what would the Valkyrie armor and weapons developed for her be changed to?

Super electromagnetic sword?

Thor's sword?

Valkyrie Moon Blade?

Or is it true that Guijiao has earned the name of Thunder Saber?

No matter which one it is, Ren Yu feels ashamed.

Besides, if she gets the Skyfire Sacred Order in the future, it will be terrible.

The sword form of that thing is not a good thing, even Kiana's father, Siegfried, has to use his life to suppress it.

Thinking of this, Ren Yu shook his head:

"I don't know swords, and I have nothing to teach you."

He really didn't know any sword skills, nor did he know any knife skills. The knife just now was swung out by intuition.

If you want to ask him about more detailed operations, there are only a few steps: accumulating power - aiming - changing the range badge - releasing.

"Eh? I don't believe it!"

Kiyana crossed her hips angrily.

"Then what happened to your previous move of cutting off all the wings? You said you don't know swordsmanship, you are lying to ghosts!"

"How can I..."

Ren Yu just wanted to refute, but suddenly thought of something and stopped talking.

No, it seems that there are.

He remembered.

The move I used before was like a manual phantom sword dance!

But, that's not a sword move at all!

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