"It doesn't matter if you perform poorly. Only when you show your shortcomings can we help you correct them."

"OK then."

Xi'er nodded, took a deep breath, bent down, picked up the sickle lying on the ground, and carried it on her shoulder.

"I, I'm going to start."

After finishing speaking, she carried the sickle on her shoulders, took small steps, and waved vigorously according to the method that Cocolia taught her in her memory.

After watching for a while, Ren Yu took the initiative to look at Rita beside him, and asked aloud, "How is she doing?"

"Hmm... Master Ren Yu, your sister's fighting skills are indeed something to be proud of if you put them on a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl. Whether her steps are good or her strength is good, they are actually excellent."

Hearing this, Ren Yu waved his hand and interrupted Rita's next words.

"You don't need to compliment me, don't you know who I am? Don't look at her with the eyes of ordinary people, just use the level of training you have received before to comment on her."

For a moment, Rita's expression became very embarrassed, and she said slowly:

"Master Ren Yu... are you sure you want me to do this?"

In addition to being Ren Yu's personal maid, she is also a former S-rank Valkyrie of Destiny.

But now, Master Ren Yu wants to use strict eyes to rate her sister?

Rita hesitated for a moment.

I'm afraid that if I say it, it will make this sister Xi'er unhappy.

After all, in her heart.

This is my future sister-in-law.

A person who needs a good relationship.

But because of this incident, Sister Xi'er can't have a bad impression of herself.

While Rita was hesitating, she suddenly saw Ren Yu's expression again.

It was a look that made her boldly tell the truth.

After much deliberation, Rita finally made a compromise and expressed her own point of view.

"Master Ren Yu, in my opinion, Sister Xi'er's scythe-using technique actually has something remarkable..."

"However, compared to these advantages, the shortcomings of sister Xi'er's fighting methods are far more obvious than the advantages."

"For example, when she slashed just now, the twisting range of her waist can actually be optimized a little bit, so as to achieve the effect of making the scythe faster and stronger..."

Rita chose her words carefully.

From time to time, he also looked in Xi'er's direction, paying attention to the latter's expression, for fear of offending the other party.

After all, although the blue-haired sister is not as grumpy as the red one.

But it must not be careless.

In order to win the favor of my future sister-in-law, in order to continue to be by Mr. Ren Yu's side in the future, and accompany him to the end of his life.

At this moment, Rita had already lost her own face.

What he said in his mouth was full of nonsense.

Beside, Ren Yu didn't think so much.

He doesn't know much about these skills and fighting methods.

The only one who knows, and only a few tricks stolen from Leiden Ryoma, and modified by himself, "Beichen One-Sword Style".

Besides, he doesn't know anything about these things.

After listening to a few words, Ren Yu nodded and said to Rita beside him, "Since Rita understands the combat skills in this area, can I ask you to do me a favor?"

Rita was stunned for a moment, nodded subconsciously, and said:

"Master Ren Yu, tell me."

"Rita, you...you can help me teach Seele and teach her fighting skills, can you?"

When he said this, Ren Yu even felt a little ashamed in his heart.

Rita was miserable enough because Higokumaru used the erosion core to modify her consciousness.

But he not only squeezed her into a high-level thug, but even smashed her bones and sucked her marrow, and even learned her final fighting style.

The more he thought about it, the more ashamed Ren Yu felt.

Are you going too far?

After all, he was so kind to him, Master Ren Yu shouted at him all day long, and treated him with respect like a real master and servant.

Even though this was just a dream, when Rita regained consciousness, she might be chasing her around the world with a scythe.

But get along for so many days.

Ren Yu had a pretty good impression of this polite maid.

After Rita heard these words from "Lord Ren Yu".

My heart immediately blossomed with joy.

Let yourself teach sister Xier?


This is a good opportunity to get closer to my sister Xi'er!

That's exactly what Rita was thinking in her mind at the moment.

I saw that she immediately patted the two lumps of softness on her chest, and swore firmly: "Master Ren Yu, don't worry, since you trust me so much, I will definitely use my fighting methods without reservation. Pass it on to your sister completely."

After finishing speaking, the smile on Rita's face became stronger, as if it was about to materialize.

For her, teaching Xi'er was a rare opportunity.

What Corita didn't know was.

The two "Sister Xi'er" in her impression are actually the same person.

In other words, the "plan to please my sister-in-law" in her heart was in vain before it even started.

Not to mention that Xi'er had a special affection for Ren Yu.

From the very beginning, the two were actually in a state of hostility.

Chapter 226 Have you thought about it?

But at this point it's clear that Rita doesn't realize the problem.

Her mind is now completely occupied by the word "how to please my sister-in-law".

And just when they were training.

St. Freya College, Himeko's dormitory.

Kiyana had just woken up at this time.

Walking out of the room, I heard the clicking sound of kitchen knives hitting the backing board in the hall.


Qiyana was very puzzled and took out her phone to check the time.

"Today is...it's Sunday!"

"Why are you up so early, Mei?"

With such doubts in mind, Qiyana quickly went downstairs and went to the kitchen to check the situation.

At this time, a black-haired girl was wearing a sky blue apron, busy back and forth in the kitchen.

Really bud...

Kiyana looked at the various facilities in the kitchen again.

I saw a few pressure cookers spraying steam continuously, and the frying pan was also sizzling, frying certain ingredients.

Mei seems to be getting weirder and weirder...

Kiyana murmured in her heart.

This is so hearty, it's clearly not breakfast.

And it's seven o'clock in the morning.

Mei usually doesn't make lunch ahead of time...

What happened today?

Thinking of this, Qiyana put her hands behind her back, forced a smile on her face, walked into the kitchen with a grin, and said carelessly: "Mei! You made such a rich breakfast, did something good happen today?!"

As he said that, Baimao Tuanzi stretched out his hand towards Mei, with a very familiar gesture, wanting to take the washing basket in the latter's hand.

"Now there are only two of us in the dormitory. You have done so much, are you planning to eat it at night?! Oh yes, let me wash the vegetables for you!"

At this time, Mei also noticed Kiana who appeared in the kitchen.

I saw that her expression was a little unnatural at this time, and she deliberately tilted her arm to avoid the movement of Qiyana touching her.

"Qiana? You, you're awake, breakfast will be finished soon, you should wait in the hall first."

Mei Qiang smiled happily.


Qiyana looked at her grasping hands in doubt, with a confused look on her face.

"You, don't you need my help?"

"No need, I can handle this trivial matter by myself, Kiyana, go out first..."

Saying that, Mei pushed out the bewildered Kiyana.

"Mei, you really don't need me..."

"No, Kiyana go out first!"

Wait until Kiyana really disappears.

Mei Yi breathed a sigh of relief slowly.

There was a flash of struggle in her eyes, and she kept admonishing herself as if she was a little nervous.

"It's just my sister... Qiyana and I are just the relationship between sisters... The cuddling thing like before can no longer be done so casually. It is a better choice for me or her .”

It's just that she doesn't know it.

It is actually quite normal for ordinary sisters to cuddle and hug each other.

At this time, Mei is indeed a little too sensitive.

In the hall, Qiyana also looked suspicious.

What happened to Mei?

Why did you kick yourself out?

Could it be that he really made her angry?

"You clearly said before that if I don't work, you won't give me food..."

While muttering, Kiyana kept looking into the kitchen.

It seemed that she wanted to find some clues from the busy Mei.

Unfortunately, until half an hour later, Mei was busy with everything, and Qiyana couldn't figure out why.

At this time, Mei put the food in the refrigerator and said to Qiyana in the hall: "Qiana, I will go out later, and I will not come back until evening. As for the three meals in the morning, lunch and evening, I also prepared them for you and put them in the refrigerator, you can just take them out and warm them up to eat when the time comes."

"Oh, by the way, if Teacher Jizi and Dean Teresa come back, then you can share some with them. Anyway, I made meals for several people, which is enough for the three of you."

Listening to Mei's instructions, a bad premonition suddenly flashed in Qiyana's heart, she hurriedly grabbed the latter's sleeve, and said, "Mei, where are you going? Do you need to leave us for so long? Or , let me go with you!"

But Mei gently broke free from Kiana's palm, and said with a light smile:

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