This kind of stigmata should have gradually become rare during the decline of the colorless family, and finally completely lost.

Can the Archbishop of Destiny, Otto? With the help of Apocalypse, these stigmata miraculously revived and appeared on the newborn baby again.

Since then, the Wuse family regards the destiny as the main priority, and chooses to belong to the Destiny organization, and the latter has also given a lot of help to the Wuse family, making it return to the extreme east stage again.

Up to now, the colorless family has cooperated with Tianming for more than two hundred years.

And the colorless brilliance is also a descendant of countless generations since the first generation of stigmata owners recovered.

And at this moment.

Just a bang.

The door of the room where the colorless glow fire was located was knocked open from the outside.

The girl was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately showed a "very troublesome" expression on her face.

"So it's you, what's the matter with you?"

Colorless Huihuo's voice sounded unmotivated, giving off an extremely lazy and unmotivated feeling.

Correspondingly, it forms a strong contrast.

It's Bianca's energetic, full-bodied voice.

"It's not that there is something wrong! How many times have I said, don't play around with Valkyrie armor at home, but you don't listen to me. Although I can understand your excitement about getting new armor, but if you want to try it on If so, at least go to the training ground to try it, no matter how bad it is, you can go to the courtyard!"

While speaking, Bianca walked up to the indifferent girl, pushed her with her hand, and walked out of the room.

"The bishop has already said that your set of Valkyrie armor is extremely powerful, if you don't control it well, you will demolish this house. Do you know it?"

Bianca complained dissatisfied:

"Really, if Rita knows that I failed to protect the house properly while she was away and a new member demolished it, she will definitely train me until dark!"

Finally, Bianca almost pushed halfway, and transported the colorless glow fire and the Valkyrie armor on her to the outside of the courtyard.

Wiping the fine sweat from her forehead, she put her hips on her hips and shouted to the girl who had no guilt on her face: "And I've said so much, how much have you actually listened to?"

Chapter 223 Waiting for You Outside

Under Bianca's responsible eyes, Colorless Huihuo slowly shook his head.

"Because it was too troublesome, I didn't hear it very clearly."


For a while, Bianca looked at the black-haired girl who exuded a lazy aura all over her body, and was speechless.

"Then I'll change the question."

"Why do you deploy the Valkyrie armor in the dormitory? Is it difficult for you to walk two steps to the training room?"

To the surprise of Bianca.

Colorless Huihuo actually nodded, and replied with a serious face:


For her, these things are too troublesome, and she doesn't like to communicate with people.

Even though this blond foreigner looks so...

Upright, even the whole body exudes the breath of "I won't lie".

But Colorless Huihuo still prefers to be alone.

Looking at this exquisite girl with the label "Stay away from strangers" on her head, with unusually conspicuous long black hair, but the inside of her hair is dark red, Bianca let out a long sigh.

"You... hey, I don't know why the bishop forced you, a rookie, into my team. However, since you have come in, I must take the responsibility of teaching you until I train you to be able to take on the role alone. So far as the excellent Valkyrie."

Colorless Huihuo didn't speak.

But I said silently in my heart, you can completely kick me out.

She prefers to fight alone rather than in a team.

"Okay, cheer up, since I can reach the current level through training, I believe that you will also be able to become better through hard work, and eventually you will be just like me."

I saw Bianca patted the **** the shoulder and said carelessly.


But then, Colorless Huihuo looked at the latter with a very puzzled look, as if she was joking.

Work as hard as her?

Just kidding.

This guy's hard work is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

Colorless Huihuo has already had a certain impression of this blond guy through getting along and observing these few days.

She is serious about her work, and she will continue to work hard for it once she has determined a little bit, even to the point of desperately.

And training too.

Bianca spends almost all day in the training room, like a tireless robot.

And what frightens Colorless Huihuo the most is that, according to the gossip and the file introduction, this Bianca, who leads the strongest Valkyrie team of Destiny, seems to only need to continue to train hard, and she will grow without limit , getting positive feedback every day.

This is still human?

Obviously, it has surpassed the scope of ordinary people, okay!

Although their Valkyries have stigmata, they have already surpassed the level of ordinary people.

But few are like Bianca.

After thinking about it, Colorless Huihuo decided to divert this topic and not discuss hard work with Bianca.

It hurt my pride too much.

"Who's Rita?"

At this time, only the colorless brilliance asked in a low voice.

Originally, Bianca was still talking about her "success story".

But after hearing the colorless brilliance mention Rita.

She stopped her words abruptly, and asked suspiciously, "Why do you suddenly want to hear something about Rita from me?"

"Two days ago, when I mentioned Rita, you still looked impatient."

Colorless Huihuo didn't want to speak.

Just looked at each other silently.

Fortunately, Bianca didn't bother about it too much.

Since the other party wants to hear it, it just so happens that she has a lot of stories to tell.

Just take this opportunity to get closer to the relationship between the players.

After all, in group combat, mutual trust and tacit cooperation are very important things.

Thinking of this, Bianca's eyes showed memories, and she said, "Rita, Miss Rita is a very gentle, considerate, and perfect lady who can take care of others..."

"Although she has been expelled now, I believe that she must not be a traitor. The bishop must have made a mistake to become like this."

Hearing this, Colorless Huihuo caught the point of the words, and said in a little astonishment: "Traitor? Is that Rita expelled from the Destiny Organization?"


Bianca nodded.

"Then where is she now? How is it?"

Or being frightened by this overly shocking news, Colorless Huihuo was also aroused curiosity at this time.

"She...she is now in a place far, far away from here..."

When she said this, Ren Yu's figure unconsciously appeared in Bianca's mind, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

"She's staying with a trustworthy guy. She's safe. After this mission is over and the vacation is approved, I'll definitely go and visit her."

On the other side of her, Colorless Huihuo looked at the smile on Bianca's face, and his expression became even weirder.

In this world, there are still people who make this almost rigid guy say the words "trustworthy" in public?

You know, it is worth trusting this kind of evaluation. Colorless Bright Fire only heard it when Bianca mentioned the mysterious "Rita".

But now, there is one more.

Who is that guy?

Could it be that, like that Rita, they have been by Bianca's side since childhood?

Besides, she seemed to be laughing just now.

Just when many doubts popped up in Wu Sehui Huo's mind.

The eastern coast of China, near the extreme east.

St. Freya College.

In the rest of the dormitory.

Rita was being watched closely by three pairs of eyes.

The reason was only because of a sentence Ren Yu said.

—"There should be no outsiders here, so I will talk about something more private. I will tell you at the meeting tomorrow."

He had just finished speaking.

Two Seeles, plus Bronya.

There were three pairs of eyes in total, and they were instantly shifted to a woman with short gray-blonde hair and a white and gold maid costume.

Their meaning is self-evident.


Isn't there another one here?


Rita blinked her watery eyes innocently, then turned to look at Ren Yu, showing grievance.

It's like saying.

They bully me...

Obviously I have followed you since childhood.

Relying on their status as your younger sisters, they used their status to oppress me...

Sir Ren Yu, you must make the decision for me.

A certain person glanced at the other Xi'er, whose eyes were piercing and murderous, with black air billowing behind him.

After thinking about it, she was about to speak, but Rita smiled and got up on her own initiative.

I saw her walking slowly to the door of the dormitory with graceful steps measured like a ruler.

"Master Ren Yu, I understand, Rita is waiting for you outside."

Chapter 224 Change Your Personality

But before she walked out of the door, Ricier behind her frowned slightly, and stopped Rita who was about to leave.

"Hey, wait!"

Hearing this, Rita immediately turned around, with the same smile on her face.

"What's the matter? Another younger sister of Lord Ren Yu, do you have any other business with Rita?"

She deliberately put a little emphasis on the word "sister".

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