The fact that her mother, who had loved her for many years, had a back door in the biochip implanted in her, made Bronya's good image of Cocolia collapse in an instant.

at this time.

Ren Yu also seemed to have noticed something, and took the initiative to comfort him:

"Don't think too much, things are in the past, people have to look forward, life is still very long."

Bronya nodded, indicating that she knew.

She just can't get out of this circle for a while, and needs some time to transition.

On the side, listening to the conversation between the two as if they were playing charades.

Xier blinked suspiciously.

Sister Bronya...what are you talking about with Ren Yu?

Why can't she understand anything?

Just when she was about to ask, a faint sigh suddenly came from her mind.

Richel's voice also sounded.

"Xie'er, you don't have to think about it so much, just be yourself happily and keep the status quo."


After hearing this voice, Xier subconsciously felt relieved.

But some doubts about this matter still linger in her mind.

What the **** does this happen?

At the same time, on the other side of Saint Freya College.

Jizi's dormitory.

At this time, Mei finally returned from Raiden Ryoma's temporary residence not far from St. Freya Academy.


Open the door.

The first thing I saw was the white-haired girl sitting in the living room looking anxiously at this side.

"Mei? You're finally back. I'm so worried about you. Where did you go?"

Kiyana stood up from the sofa and walked towards the entrance.

"Qiana, are you alone, where are Teacher Jizi and Delisa?"

Mei casually handed the plastic bag in her hand to Kiana, then lowered her head and took off her sneakers, and put on a pair of pale pink indoor slippers.

"Teacher Ji Zi is still the same. I heard that she went to perform some mission, and so did my aunt. She said that they will not come back these days."

Hearing this, Mei nodded in understanding, and then asked again: "Oh, what about Bronya? Where did she go? Isn't she in the dormitory?"

"Bronya, she...she is still in the teaching assistant's dormitory. It seems that she has something to do with the new teacher Rita, and she will come back later."

Kiana quickly replied.

"Well, Qiyana, are you hungry? I'll go to the kitchen to cook for you first."

Saying that, Mei smiled and stretched out her hand to take the plastic bag full of ingredients, which she handed to Kiana earlier, and was about to walk into the kitchen.

But at this time.

Kiyana suddenly called to stop her.


"Qiana, what's wrong?"

"Mei... Did you encounter some trouble outside?"

Yai froze for a moment, then said in astonishment:

"Trouble? No, Kiyana, why do you think I'm in trouble?"

"You, your complexion is very bad. You usually don't look like this. I remember the matter about Mei most clearly... Oh, don't hide it from me. Did you encounter any trouble, Mei? Let's discuss it. Discuss and solve it together, okay?"

Kiana stepped forward, grabbed Mei's arm, and said coquettishly.

"If you continue to look sad like this, no matter how much delicious food you cook for me, I won't be able to eat well."

Seeing Kiana in such a state, Mei stretched out her free hand and touched her cheek, thinking to herself.

Is your complexion so bad?

Even Qiyana could see it.

Mei just smiled wryly.

She does have something on her mind.

But these things are obviously not convenient to tell Qiyana.

"Mei, if you have anything to say, you can just say it. After you say it, maybe you will feel better?"

Kiyana still tugged at the corner of Mei's clothes and refused to let go.

Seeing this, Mei was silent for a while, and soon, she spoke again with her tone in mind, and asked tentatively: "Qiana... What do you think the relationship between us should be?"

At this moment, Qiyana suddenly froze.

She didn't understand why Mei suddenly asked herself this question.

After a moment of silence, she cautiously said:

"Hey, Mei, why did you suddenly ask this question? Could it be that I made you angry? If so, I can apologize, or if you beat me up, I'm not unacceptable, as long as you are happy."

Unexpectedly, Mei just shook her head, and then asked a question that Kiyana didn't expect.

"Qiana... Do you think that we will get married in the future, have children, and eventually have to be on our own, and it will be difficult to see each other again?"

Qiyana's face froze immediately.

"Mei...why do you ask this question?"

"Also, why do we have to get married? Those stinky men, what's so good, I just need to be with Mei in the future, children and other things, when the time comes to adopt one, won't it be fine?"

At this time, Mei smiled and continued without refuting:

"Qiana, we are all only children in the family, and we all have to get married in the end."

Qiyana suddenly had an idea, and said loudly:

"Then...then Mei, wouldn't it be good if you marry me? Then we can be good sisters for the rest of our lives! We don't have to be bound by that family!"


Mei was speechless.

Kiyana continued to yell:

"I just want to be with Mei. Obviously we are so close. We are not real sisters, but we are better than real sisters. Are you willing to leave me like this?"

"I don't want to part with you, Mei... If you leave me behind, I'm afraid... I'm afraid no one will treat me so well again. I will starve to death, and I will definitely starve to death on the street."

After hearing these words, Mei's face was slightly moved.

"Sister? Kiyana, so you see me like this?"

"That's right...Mei, I've always regarded you as the best sister."

Kiyana asked suspiciously:

"What's wrong with that?"

"You are not only one year older than me, but also have a much calmer personality than me, and you often take care of me, so unconsciously...I gradually become inseparable from you, thinking that you are my real sister .”


Cautiously glanced at Mei, who was silent and seemed to be stunned, Kiyana thought that she had said something wrong, and hurried to make amends.

"Mei, if I make you unhappy, just scold me, I will definitely change it, if you really can't, you can just beat me up, as long as you don't dislike me, I, I will do anything. "

Baimao Tuanzi raised his head and begged in a low voice.

Chapter 221 Never!

After hearing these words from Qiyana.

Mei suddenly froze in place.


Can't do without yourself?

Did Qiyana say that she saw herself this way?

At this moment, she suddenly thought of what the assistant teacher said.

—The relationship between you and Qiyana may not be the kind of relationship you imagined.

Was it just wishful thinking all along?

Eyes fell on Baimao Tuanzi, Mei's throat moved, and she said in a trembling voice: "Qiana, then you said you wanted to drink my sister's juice, and you wanted to hug me to sleep at night, or even do something... do What does something like that mean?"


Hearing this, Kiyana immediately showed an expression of "Have I ever said such a thing?"

Immediately, she lowered her head and thought about it seriously.

In the end, he explained to Mei with an embarrassed face:

"Mei... Well, that's why I saw those self-proclaimed gentlemen doing this kind of thing all the time on the forum. I thought it was funny, so I said those words to you on a whim."

"But! I really didn't do it on purpose! Mei, you have to believe me! I really don't intend to make you angry. Drinking sister, my sister's talk about that thing is also a joke. You must not be overwhelmed by this matter. Abandon me!"

As she said that, Kiyana hugged Mei's arm tightly.

A "as long as you don't forgive me, I won't let go" expression.

"Mei, I will never play hooligans with you again, don't play tricks like me, okay?"

At this time, Kiana had mistook the reason for Mei's bad face as the reason for the nonsense she said before.

But in front of her, the girl named Mei, at this time, her face turned pale and blue.


Did Qiyana talk nonsense to herself because her head was hot for a while?

There seemed to be something in her heart that collapsed.

In the end, it turned out that it was just my own wishful thinking, so I thought that Qiyana had that kind of meaning for me?

"I...I...I'm such a fool..."

Mei Yi glanced at Baimao Tuanzi who was still holding her left arm, and muttered to herself as if mocking herself.

It turned out that Kiyana didn't mean that to herself.

But I was still stupid, thinking that she really had that tendency towards me, and even almost broke myself.

Mei smiled wryly and shook her head, her eyes were filled with indescribable complexity.

"Qiana, let me go, I'll go to the kitchen and make you dinner."

"No, Mei, if you don't forgive me, I will never, never let you go!"

Kiyana replied firmly.

Have been together for so many years.

She has long summed up the "one hundred rules" of acting like a baby with Mei, defrauding trust and even forgiveness

Among them, the most effective is to hold on to Mei directly and not let go until her anger subsides.

But this rule is doomed to fail today.

"Qiana, you... let me go, I'm not angry with you, you don't need to ask me for forgiveness."

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