It can be said that Rixier looked so pale and powerless in front of Ren Yu that she couldn't even resist, all thanks to Xier's contribution.

Regardless of whether she was voluntary or not, anyway, the strange emotions that Xier felt when she was with Ren Yu were all transmitted to Rixier's side completely.

And the latter, there is no way to resist.

After all, the two are one, and Richel can only passively accept these things.

At this moment, she backed up again and again, and finally plopped and fell on top of the sofa.

"No, you are still different from Xier."

Ren Yu came to the edge of the sofa, looked down at the latter with a smile in his eyes from a condescending angle.

"At least for me, there is still a big difference."

"You... what nonsense are you talking about!"

Richie's face was flushed, and she was about to struggle to get up and flee to the other side.

"Xie'er and I are the same person. I am her and she is me. What's the difference?"

"Don't mess around, get out of the way, I'm going to get up."


Ren Yu smiled, stepped back to the other side, and made room for Rixier.

But just when the latter was about to get up and hadn't stood still.

However, Ren Yu suddenly put his arms around her slender waist.


Li Xier just exclaimed, his center of gravity became unsteady, and he fell into Ren Yu's arms like the other Xier.

Immediately afterwards, a roar of shame and annoyance sounded.

"What are you doing?!"

Richie growled angrily.

However, she couldn't hear much anger in her words.

Even the wrist used to push Ren Yu away was limp, as if it was just a formality, just a show.

"What am I doing here, as the direct experiencer, aren't you the clearest?"

"Although you have been saying that Xi'er is an idiot, in my opinion, you don't seem to be bad."

"You say one thing with your mouth, but your body reacts with another. For example, your action of pushing me away is not at all the level you should have with a powerful stigmata. Could it be that you Is this playing hard to get?"

Ren Yu teased with a smile.

At this time, I saw Ricier blushing, gnashing her teeth and retorting word by word: "It's not all because of you, because of Xier's kindness, you took away the energy we had stored up with great difficulty, causing I am weakened, otherwise, how could I be in the current state of restraint?"

But she just finished speaking.

Xi'er's voice came faintly.

" obviously haven't used that energy since just now, and moreover, there's still more than half of that energy left..."

Her voice is small.

But it was accurately passed on to everyone's ears.

For a moment, Ricier froze.

Chapter 218 Two Seeles?

After being exposed by Xi'er, he watched the eyes of everyone shooting in this direction.

Richie was extremely upset.

Especially that guy, why did he deliberately make a playful expression?

Do you really think you are afraid of him?

If you push yourself.

She, she is!

Richie snorted heavily, and after calming down, he pushed Ren Yu away with his hand again.

But to Ren Yu with her strength, it was no different from scratching an itch.

"You let me go!"

Seeing this, Richier gritted his teeth and said.

She was extremely dissatisfied with the other thing that she cheated on her.

"Don't let go, you can escape by yourself if you have the ability."

When he said this, Ren Yu even hugged the latter's slender waist tightly to make her get closer to him.

"It turns out that not only the body shape, but even the scent on your body, you and Xi'er are exactly the same."

Feeling Xiangyu's bosom full of touch, and the two lumps of softness pressing tightly on his body, Ren Yu smiled and teased on purpose.

"You bastard... Are you a pervert?! You deliberately smell, smell me and Xier's... smell!"

Richier's face seemed to be on fire, and his mentality had long since lost the composure he had just molested the protagonist and Bronya, and he looked flustered.

"Can this be my fault too? It's normal for you two to smell a little accidentally when you are so close to me."

"You, you are making too much sense!"

Richie shouted again:

"Let go of me, if you don't let me go, I'm going to use those things to deal with you."

"Oh, then you can use it, I'll wait."

It's just that her threats are nothing to Ren Yu.

As he said that, he gave Ricier a provocative look.

The latter suddenly became anxious.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, and even looked at his master Ge Xier with a kind of pity.

The embarrassment in Richier's heart was even worse.

I have been domineering for so many years, and I have fallen on the same person in succession.

Obviously in the past it was only me who was molesting others.

It's fine now, it's the other way around.

That guy, together with Xi'er, teased himself in turn, and even did some extremely excessive things to her like now!

But she can only bear these things passively.

How could Ricier, who had always been domineering, accept this?

So at this moment, she was outraged by these two.

"You adulterers and prostitutes...wait for me."

Seeing that Li Xi'er gritted her teeth, she gave Xi'er a hard look, and then gave Empress Ren Yu another look.

The figure suddenly became unreal.

Ren Yu only felt that his left hand was empty.

There were only two Xi'er in her arms, but only one remained.



Ren Yu looked angrily and funny at Xi'er who was still leaning on him.

I thought she would really use some big moves or something.


who knows.

That's it?

When Ricier was extremely shy, she hid directly inside Xier's body, acting like a coward?

He promised to protect Xi'er and block all dangers for her?

At this time, Xi'er, who was next to her, was slightly taken aback after receiving another memory sent back by herself, and her face became extremely strange.

"What did she say?"

Seeing this, Ren Yu asked curiously.

Xi'er hesitated for a while before replying in a cautious tone:

"She... she said you're an idiot, and so am I..."


Ren Yu felt a little suffocated for a while.

"Ask her if she is still willing to come out?"

Xier closed her eyes to communicate with the latter, but soon opened her eyes and shook her head.

"She said...she will never come out again, and she never wants to see you again, and she doesn't want to stay with us for a moment."

Ren Yu thought for a while, then suddenly said:

"Refused to come out? Oh right, Xier, you and that guy seem to be one, no matter what happens to you, that guy will accept it passively, right?"


Xier nodded her head, a little confused.

"In that case, what's the point of that guy running into your body to hide?"

"What's the meaning?"

"I mean, since she can passively perceive everything that happened between me and you, isn't she just deceiving her when she goes back to hide in your body?"

After listening to Ren Yu's explanation, Xi'er finally understood.

"How about you kiss me again like last time, and see if that guy will jump out?"

heard the words.

Hillary didn't respond yet.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a certain girl suddenly tensed her delicate body, her eyes widened, and her face was full of disbelief.

Richie was about to collapse.

This guy!

It's so vicious!

He even thought of torturing himself in this way.

He clearly knows that he and Xi'er are indistinguishable from each other.

He also deliberately said this to Xi'er, warning the other her hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness through her body.

Richie panicked.

After all, if it's that Xi'er, it's really possible to agree to that guy and do something like kiss him.

And just when Rixier wanted to forcibly seize control and prevent Ren Yu's plot from succeeding.

Xier spoke up.

"No, no, there are a lot of people watching here..."

She looked around, her cheeks were flushed, and she shrugged at the latter in embarrassment.

Being able to lie in Ren Yu's arms in front of so many people is already the limit of Xi'er's shame.

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