"That's, that's because..."

Ren Yu looked away, thinking about how to prevaricate.

But he was surprised to find an acquaintance, following behind Lei Dian Longma, appearing not far from him.


Ren Yu was shocked.

How did this Thunder Ryoma bring Mei in?

At this time, Leiden Mei, who was chatting with his father and curious about the things in the laboratory, also noticed the black-haired man in the corridor.

teaching assistant?

Why is the teaching assistant here?

Mei suddenly couldn't walk anymore, she pulled the corner of Leiden Ryoma's clothes, raised a finger, pointed in Ren Yu's direction, and said in a low voice, "Father..."

Lei Dianlongma paused, looked in the direction his daughter was pointing at, and saw a very familiar figure.

He looked down at his doubtful daughter, and suddenly a bad thought flashed through his mind.

Damn, I almost forgot that this guy is also an employee of Anti-Entropy.

My daughter is so smart, if she knows Ren Yu's true identity, she will probably find out about the match-fixing in the ring sooner or later.

At that time, where will he put his old father's face?

While Raiden Ryoma was desperately thinking about the solution.

Some of the hazy things in Mei's mind suddenly became clear at this moment.

She raised a finger and pointed to Ren Yu not far away.

"Father... how about we go and have a look?"

Thunderbolt Ryoma's heart skipped a beat.

But on the surface, the situation has become calm, and he said bravely:

"Well, just right, I have something to do with that guy.

Soon, Ren Yu and Siegfried also found the Thunder father and daughter walking towards the side.

"This is?"

Siegfried cast his eyes on Ren Yu as if asking questions.

But before Ren Yu could speak, he heard Leiden Ryoma stretch out a hand and said loudly, "Hello, Mr. Siegfried, I've heard you for a long time."

"you know me?"

Siegfried frowned, but the latter smiled.

"I know your deeds. When the second Honkai happened, our leader had a close cooperative relationship with you."

"It turned out to be like this..."

Siegfried shook Raiden Ryoma's right hand, but at this moment, the communicator on his body rang.

—From: Wadrin

After casually glancing at the above information, he scratched his head in embarrassment, and apologized to the people around him: "I'm sorry, something happened, so I'm sorry."

It's just that before he left, he suddenly took a deep look at Ren Yu again, and after a while he uttered a sentence: "Take care of Qiyana for me."

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about the fact that he still hadn't got the Holy Fire Tribunal back, and hurriedly disappeared at the end of the corridor.


After hearing the name Kiana, Mei was very surprised.

Not just her.

Thunder Ryoma on the side also sensed something was wrong.

Take care of Kiyana, what does that mean?

Mei hesitated for a while, and then mustered up the courage to say:

"Assistant, that was... Kiyana's father, why is he here?"

Although there were many questions in her heart that she wanted to ask, she was asking about Qiyana at this moment.

"Yes, he is Kiana's father, Siegfried."

Raiden Ryoma also turned his gaze around curiously.

In the next ten minutes or so, Ren Yu focused on introducing the relationship between himself and Siegfried, and the reason why the Holy Inquisitor of Skyfire was in his hands.

Of course, those things that molested Qiyana in front of Siegfried were selectively ignored by Ren Yu.

"In general, Siegfried and I met because of this incident."

"I just said why the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment is in your hands. It turns out that there is still such a relationship between you and Siegfried..."

Raiden Ryoma showed such an expression on his face.

"Singapore naval battle, typhoon..."

He lowered his head and thought for a while, then suddenly he said again:

"But what I'm curious about is, how did you manage to release the fire from the sky unrestrainedly?"

"The reason why Siegfried was able to control the Great Sword of Skyfire for a period of time is because he has the gene of the Honkai Beast—Pavanti, which can make the surrounding temperature drop suddenly."

"And you..."

Leiden Ryoma's eyes fell on Ren Yu, and he frowned and thought about it.

"According to the data stored in the anti-entropy archives, you don't have any genetic mutations in your whole body, and even your resistance to Houkai is much lower than that of ordinary people."

"It stands to reason that your physique should not even be able to cross the selection threshold for the lowest-level soldiers, but why can you explode to such a high level of combat?"

"how could I know?"

Ren Yu spread his hands and had nothing to say.

He didn't bother to explain the fact that his body was special.

It's not that I'm afraid of causing others to covet it, but that other people don't even notice the existence of the badge.

Wadrin also studied Ren Yu's physique and the 'badges' in his mouth for a period of time, but the result was still nothing.

It was as if that thing existed in another dimension.

It can't be seen, touched, and even the slightest energy fluctuations can't be detected.

If it weren't for Ren Yu's unbelievable strength, no one would dare to believe that such a thing exists in the world.

Didi Didi

Just as he was talking, the communication equipment on Raiden Ryoma also rang.

"The electromagnetic experiment facility has arrived?"

Looking at the text displayed on it, he was slightly taken aback, and then told Ren Yu beside him: "I'll go to the laboratory to check the situation, you and Mei stay here for a while, and you'll be back soon."

After finishing speaking, he strode towards the elevator next to the corridor.


In the corridor, only Mei and Ren Yu were left.

in silence.

No one spoke.

Mei felt uneasy, too many things happened today.

Her father is a villain against entropy, and she herself is the villain's own daughter or something...

This kind of thing is even more outrageous than those shown in those TV dramas.

Also, this base was actually built under St. Freya College. Does President Teresa know about it?

All of this made Mei feel confused.

At this time, the girl took another look at the black-haired man in front of her.

The teaching assistant turned out to be an employee of Anti-Entropy...

But what did he come to St. Freya Academy for?

After thinking about the scene where he had a familiar conversation with Siegfried earlier, the figure of a certain white-haired girl flashed in Mei's mind.

Is it specially to protect Qiyana?

After thinking about it, Mei plucked up the courage to ask:

"Assistant, I actually have something I want to ask you, can I trouble you to answer it?"

"you say."

Ren Yu nodded and agreed casually.

"That day, when you and my father were confronting each other on the training ground, did you already discover each other's identities?"

After speaking, Mei raised her head and stared at Ren Yu's eyes without blinking.

"At that time, the reason why you lost to my father was to maintain his image in my daughter's mind."


Chapter 201 This thing is really evil

After some tossing, Raiden Ryoma finally came back.

But there was no sign of Ren Yu in the corridor.

"Where's that guy Ren Yu?"

He frowned and asked his daughter.

"Help...Ren Yu him, he seems to have something to say, let's take a step first, let's not worry about it."

"Oh, then leave him alone."

For some reason, Raiden Ryoma always felt that the way his daughter looked at him was a bit weird.

He touched his chin subconsciously.

The beard is also shaved.

Is there something dirty on your face?

"Father, father."


Mei swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and boldly asked:

"Father, I want to ask you a question. If you were to simply compete in swordsmanship against Yu Ren, how sure are you that you can beat him?"


Lei Dianlongma was stunned for a moment, then smiled and waved his hands, and said with a relaxed face: "I'm probably 80% sure."

"His strength is indeed good, but due to too few things he has been in contact with, he is still a little tender. I don't bother to use many moves against him."


Hearing this, Mei nodded silently and let out an oh.

It's just that there seemed to be a little more understanding in the way she looked at her father.

"Why, Mei, why did you suddenly ask this?"

Leiden Ryoma glanced at his daughter, feeling a little uneasy.

Could it be that she has discovered something?

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