At this time, the Herrscher's core shell had been almost repaired by Ren Yu.

Different from the fragile interior, Herrscher's core shell will not collapse easily after bearing the energy of the badge.

Ren Yu also discovered this.

So he gradually increased the injection of badge energy.

From 0.01%, gradually increased to 0.1%

"Okay, it's all filled in."

After patching up the last hole in the shell, Ren Yu withdrew from the state of concentration, took a long breath of relief, and told Tesla: "You find someone to throw this guy back into the glass warehouse to soak, probably It won't be long, a few days at most, and she will be alive and kicking."

"You... Forget it, throw it back, right? I don't need to find someone, I can stuff her back by myself."

As soon as Tesla finished speaking, he picked up the gray-haired **** the ground whose eyes were broken and who was still muttering something like "give it back", "quickly stop", "you devil", and threw it away. into the tray, and then stuffed back into the glass compartment.

huh huh

The next moment, Ren Yu pulled the switch, and a special healing liquid made of rosemary poured in, filling the entire glass chamber and submerging Baby Girl in it.

"Sure enough, Beibeilong can absorb the medicinal effect of rosemary only after the shell is repaired."

"Maybe I should have repaired her shell in the first place..."

"No, it won't work either. The injury inside her core is also very serious. If the shell was repaired at that time, I don't know how long it can last."

Looking at Beibei Longniang in the glass warehouse, Ren Yu crossed his arms and kept thinking.

But soon, he suddenly smiled and shook his head.

Forget it, why think so much.

As long as things can be resolved.

After taking a deep look at Bella in the glass cabin, Ren Yu withdrew his gaze.

Immediately, after greeting Tesla, he turned and left the place.

A few minutes later, Tesla also left, and the lighting facilities in the laboratory stopped working.

Only the cylindrical glass chamber soaked in Benares remained, and it was still glowing with a faint green light.

Due to the hypnotic drugs contained in the treatment liquid, Bella felt sleepy for a while, and soon she couldn't bear it anymore, she closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep.

In this dream, she, Berenas, was constantly traveling and traveling in a chaotic, distorted, and weird space.

She was very fast, and with a flap of her wings, she flew from one end to the other.

But as the flight distance increased, Bella also realized something was wrong.

Where is this?

Why are you here?

While Bella was thinking hard, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind her.

"Bella, hurry up and take us to the world bubble ahead..."

After hearing this voice.

Beibei Longniang was overjoyed suddenly.

It's Her Lady Queen!

She turned her huge head and looked at her back with difficulty, wanting to see how Her Lady Queen was doing.

But when Bella finally saw what was on her back, she suddenly froze.

I saw Queen Sirin, who she was thinking about day and night and dreaming about at night, leaning on someone with a happy face at this time, looking extremely well-behaved, as if I would do whatever you say.

"My Lady Queen is laughing?"

After seeing this scene, Bella looked a little astonished.

Because what Sirin showed at this time was an expression she had never seen before.

Her Lady Queen seems very happy...

Thinking of this, Bella turned her eyes to the person next to Sirin.

But she couldn't see everything clearly, as if a layer of fog was blocking between herself and that person.

Bella was a little frustrated, just when she was about to give up.

The figure gradually became clear again.

Suddenly, Bella was startled, and even her huge dragon body trembled violently a few times.

brunette male…

It's that guy!

At this time, Bella suddenly woke up from her sleep, looking at the green liquid beside her in surprise.

Why, why would the Queen lean on that guy? !

Could it be that the aura about the queen on him came from this way?

Chapter 198 Personal Design

After that, life was very uneventful.

It was calm and nothing happened.

Until three days later.

An email was sent from London on the other side of the map to St. Freya College near the Far East.

"Urgent report, there is really something above the Thames River, exactly as your Excellency Ren predicted!"

After receiving this email, Tesla immediately called Ren Yu who was waiting for Seele's medical examination to end in the quantum laboratory.

"What happened?"

After coming to the conference room, Ren Yu sat comfortably on the sofa and asked with his hands spread out.

"Your prophecy has come true."

Wadrin gently pushed the suspended light curtain in front of her with her hand, and the latter floated to Ren Yu's side immediately.

"London, the Thames River... Your efficiency is quite fast, have you detected the specific location?"

Ren Yu smiled and pushed the light curtain back, saying that he already knew.


Wadrin shook her head and said:

"With a radius of ten kilometers, this is the location coordinates we detected without disturbing the destiny. We roughly know the exact location of that thing, but the exact location needs further investigation."

Speaking of this, she suddenly raised her head to look at Ren Yu, and asked curiously: "What is that thing? It must be very unusual for you to pay such high attention to it?"


Ren Yu was silent for a while, and said loudly:

"That is a God's Key, the God's Key called Thousand Worlds One Vehicle. It is made from the core of the Herrscher of the Sky from the last era. It has many functions, but I will not explain them one by one here. When the time comes, you will Just test it."

"Is it important?"

Wadrin frowned and continued to ask.

"It should be very important. The Destiny Organization is also looking for this thing. I heard that this thing can observe other parallel universes, and it can even break through the channel leading to the Quantum Sea and create world bubbles."

Ren Yu replied unhurriedly.

It's 2015 now.

It was the point in time when Destiny had not obtained the second God's Key, One Thousand Realms.

It was also because of this that he sent people to the Thames to find clues.

"The Sea of ​​Quantum..."

Wadrin savored the word Ren Yu said carefully.

"You said that Destiny is also looking for this thing, have they found any clues? Or are we the only anti-entropy who know the coordinates of this God's Key?"

But Ren Yu interrupted her with a smile.

"Destiny's side... I guess it's about the same as us."

"They may not know that the God's Key is floating over the Thames, but they definitely know that it is in England."

"you sure?"

"I'm not sure."

Ren Yu shook his head again.

in his memory.

It seems that Bianca and Rita completed the capture of the Second God's Key by the Destiny Organization while they were on vacation.

But the world is a little different.

Except for my own butterfly flapping its wings and deflecting the historical track, this world is very different from the original Honkai 3.

He couldn't tell what was going on with Tianming.

"But no matter what, we have to get involved with this God's Key. It's best to grab the second God's Key before Otto."

After hearing these words from Ren Yu, Wadrin fell silent for a while.

Ren Yu was right.

If anti-entropy wants to develop, it must seize the opportunity and **** the God's Key for research.

After all, there is nothing on the anti-entropy side.

Even the only Star of Eden was destroyed decades ago by the Archbishop of Destiny, Otto Apocalypse.

Wadrin was a little moved, but was struggling again.

And at the same time.

In the Mediterranean Sea, on the floating island of Destiny.

Next to the garden of the main church.

"Amber, what happened to the girl I transferred you to the headquarters of Destiny?"

At this moment Otto was watering the flowers.

But as she was pouring, she seemed to have thought of something again, and turned her head to ask a certain white-haired woman.

"Bishop, are you referring to the girl from the Colorless Family in the Far East who has surrendered to our Destiny Organization?"


Otto stopped what he was doing and asked:

"She seems to be called Wu Se or something... I remember that she has been working in the headquarters of Tianming for several days. Has anything happened during this period?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the white-haired woman behind her dutifully started investigating.

Not long after, Amber spoke again and reported in a straightforward manner:

"Bishop, this time the Colorless Family in the Far East introduced a girl named 'Wu Se Huihuo' to our Destiny Organization. She joined the Destiny Headquarters two weeks ago, and her current position is Valkyrie Reserve. Enter the ranks of B-rank Valkyrie."

"As for the matter... nothing major happened, but I heard that she likes snacks, especially sweets."

"Because of this incident, she seems to have had several quarrels with the Valkyrie preselectors living in the dormitory, but none of them were particularly bad incidents."

After finishing speaking, Amber stood quietly aside, waiting for Otto's next instruction.

"Oh, snacks..."

Otto seemed to miss something in his eyes, and murmured:

"Snacks...It seems that Teresa liked it at the beginning, but unfortunately, she fell in love with bitter melon..."

Seeing that the latter is about to fall into memory.

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