Why did it become like this?

She was the one who had lived with Rita for so long.

She is also the closest person to Rita.

Just forget your own name.

But why did she still obey that black-haired male protagonist, with a respectful look?

Haven't you already recovered your memory?

Bianca bit her lower lip unwillingly, feeling wronged.

The atmosphere between the three became a little more subtle.

Ren Yu glanced at You Tianwai, Rita, who was thinking about something, and then glanced at Miss Ulandle, who looked sad and tightly clenched her fists, as if something most important had left her.

I have a toothache.

It seems to be in big trouble.

The misunderstanding on Rita's side is getting deeper and deeper, and there is no tendency to solve it at all.

Logically speaking, this should obviously be something to be happy about, and Ren Yu wished that Rita would just go on like this.

But he was also a little afraid that Bianca would suffer too much mental shock, and would become abnormal because of it, and would make some drastic actions at that time.

And at this moment.


There was a loud noise outside.


Then there was a shrill roar, and the sound of stones rolling down.

Everyone left the camp tent one after another, came to the observation deck, and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

At this time, there were already many scouts on the observation deck, looking out with telescopes and the like.


"That iceberg that existed there many years ago actually collapsed?"

"No, no matter how high the temperature in that scorched earth is, it's impossible to affect that far away."

Ren Yu ignored the conversation they were talking about, casually took the binoculars from one of the scouts, and started to look at them.

He saw a crystal clear and beautiful large iceberg appearing in front of him.

"If I remember correctly, the place where the collapse occurred is still a long way from the glacier."

Ren Yu raised his eyebrows in doubt.

Just as he was contemplating, the roar sounded again, the sound piercing through the sky, very high.


"Is this sound like a dying sound? I even heard some pain in this roar?"

"Where does the Honkai beast suffer from?"

The investigators nearby were whispering and talking in low voices.

At the same time, Bianca's face suddenly changed. She looked at the tablet computer on the table, carefully analyzed the surrounding terrain, and said solemnly: "This location... Could it be that the one just now called The sound was made by that guy Berenas?!"

As soon as she finished speaking, a few guards who had come to report came over behind her and stopped in front of Ren Yu.

"Ren executor, our regiment leader and Mr. Raiden Ryoma are looking for you everywhere, please go to the general command room of the army immediately, there are some important things to discuss."


Hearing this, Ren Yu put down the telescope in his hand and returned it to his master, then nodded to several guards, probably guessing what was going on.

"Lead the way."

Next, the group quickly came to the "Legion General Command Room" stationed in an open area.

It's just that Rita and Bianca, who are outsiders, were stopped.

But they didn't care about it, saying they would wait outside.

After Ren Yu gave a few casual orders, he followed a few guards into the iron house, which was so simple that it hadn't even had time to seal the roof.

Chapter 170 Benares

"Ren executor, you are finally here."

As soon as he entered the door, the familiar mercenary captain approached him happily.

Ren Yu turned to the side without moving his expression, and said lightly:

"It's about that roar."

Hearing this, the mercenary captain was slightly taken aback, and said with a headache:

"Yes, about that, it seems that you know all about it."

"Come, come, come in first, you sit here first."

He led Ren Yu into the room full of joy, walked to a table and sat down.

Soon, Raiden Ryoma and Yae Sakura also came, and the table was full of people.

"To tell you the truth, we have actually encountered a big event."

After everyone arrived, Raiden Ryoma quickly described the current situation.

"The judge-level Honkai beast whose whereabouts are unknown after the second Honkai, Benares, actually we have always had news about it."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar among the crowd, and there were many discussions.

"real or fake."

"A judgment-level Honkai beast?"

"Could it be that the cry just now was made by Benares?"

Raiden Ryoma looked around, pressed his hand, and signaled to calm down.

In an instant, all the sounds in the room disappeared.

Everyone stared at the two executors.

"Someone should have guessed it. That's right. The direction of the roar just now was exactly where Benares was sleeping."

"And that iceberg was also created by us using some special means to seal it and make it immortal."

Hearing this, Ren Yu thought it was true.

In other words, where is the glacier in this area?

It turned out that anti-entropy was artificially produced by some means.

That makes sense.

But did they seal up Benares because they wanted to study the body of the Judgment-level Honkai Beast?

Ren Yu guessed the purpose of anti-entropy.

"But just now, Benares' roar sent us a very bad news."

Leiden Ryoma straightened his face, and said slowly:

"It's very likely to get out of trouble!"

"Benares is a judgment-level Honkai beast. Even if it is seriously injured at this time, it is far more threatening than an ordinary emperor-level Honkai beast. I have issued an evacuation order to the surrounding towns. What to do next The only thing we need is to send people to investigate the situation.”

The meeting lasted only five minutes in total, which was very brief.

The final decision was that the five regiments gathered here by the reformists immediately mobilized their personnel to the scene of the incident, trying to stop the awakened Benares as much as possible.

On a transport plane speeding toward a large iceberg.

Ren Yu, Yae Sakura, Rita, and even Bianca are here.

Raiden Ryoma knew that his combat power was insufficient, and that commanding the army was more effective than fighting alone, so he followed the chariot below and set off.

Although the two are not the executors of the reformists.

But there are also special regulations at this critical moment, the legion must obey the executor, regardless of the faction.

So, no matter how unhappy Cocolia's men were with the two airborne executors, they couldn't disobey the rules and regulations, so they had to admit it.

Soon, the rest of the passenger transport plane came to the area around the iceberg.

According to the image analysis taken by the satellite, Benares has recovered the ability to fly at this time, and can soar in the sky for a short time.

"Ren executor, there is a big iceberg ahead, shall we continue to move forward?"

The driver asked loudly into the cabin.

"Go on, don't stop."

When he said this, Ren Yu slammed and opened the door of the transport plane with his hands, and the cold wind swept in instantly, making several women in the cabin shiver.

"Master Ren Yu, what are you doing here?"

Even though Rita covered her face with her hands, she asked Ren Yu in confusion.

"Remember to close the cabin door later, don't worry about me, I'll go to the top of the transport plane to see the situation."

After finishing speaking, Ren Yu jumped up, his right hand was hanging on the bump on the fuselage, and with a slight effort, he quickly climbed to the top of the transport plane.

Because of the shield, Ren Yu did not feel the strong wind pressure, nor did his sight be affected.

The special shoes were firmly attached to the wing. After Ren Yu managed to stabilize his body, he began to look around.

Wherever you can see, there are dense forests, or the clear sky, how can there be Benares?

"It's strange, isn't Beibeilong the favorite to play the set of 'Grandpa Flying Away', why is there not even a single figure?"

Ren Yu muttered softly.

And just as he was looking forward again, there was another hysterical howl in the dense forest.

Benares seemed to be enduring intense pain.

Ren Yu's face was a little astonished.

When the second Honkai happened, Siegfried tried his best to release the Holy Inquisition of Skyfire and gave it a blow. After so long, the wound still hasn't healed?

This seems to be unreasonable.

While he was thinking about other possibilities.

The forest trembled.

Afterwards, Benares flapped his dragon wings, took off with his heavy body, and flew into the midair.


But at this time, countless black translucent crystal blocks also flew up, following behind Benares like a shadow, never ending death!

Ren Yu's eyes suddenly froze, and a warning sign rose in his heart.

This thing...something seems wrong!

Why did these black clusters hunt down Benares?

When his eyes fell on the shocking wound with thick dark black crystals stuck in it on the right wing of Benares, and the bright red blood gushing out continuously, Ren Yu suddenly thought of something again.

Could it be that she woke up from a deep sleep because of this?

But who is chasing her?


Just as Ren Yu was thinking, another sharp black crystal pierced through another wing of Benares.

With her wings injured, she could no longer maintain her huge body that was already crumbling, and fell straight towards the forest below.


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