But they don't know themselves at all.

Words of comfort are also not where needed.

I saw Xing's voice getting more and more irritable.

But next to him, Ren Yu said with a smile:

"How do you know I don't know anything about you?"

He recalled the story about Xing in his heart.

She used to be a child of a wealthy family, and she had a happy family before her parents died.

But one day, the gangster came.

They broke into the rich man's mansion to wreak havoc, and even killed her biological parents under Xing's eyes.

Xing's spirit was greatly stimulated and became abnormal.

And after that, relying on her ability to manipulate time, she easily subdued the gangster and avenged her blood with her own hands.

But things are not over yet.

More magic is coming.

The adults who rushed over did not find the criminal's body, nor did they show signs of intrusion, only Xing holding the murder weapon and the two parents lying in a pool of blood in the house.

So they thought it was all done by this little girl.

Because of fear, these people all left her far away.

I do not know how long it has been.

Xing was finally adopted by two relatives who coveted her family's property and were willing to pay with their lives for it.

So, her nightmare life also followed.

The adoptive parents are not good to her. They beat and scold Xing casually. The more serious ones even send the young Xing to a certain nobleman with special hobbies as his wife in order to gain more love. luxury status.

Xing is naturally unwilling to accept her fate.

So she used her ability again to kill the nobleman who disgusted her, including her adoptive parents.

"The reason why you became like this is that when you were a child, you personally wiped out all the murderers who killed your parents, so you were mistaken for a lunatic?

Ren Yu said slowly.

And his opposite.

After hearing what he said, Xing was completely stunned, and her eyes with different pupil colors were staring at Ren Yu.

She was shocked!

Why does this guy know about this?

Obviously she didn't tell anyone!

"Take good care of it, it should still be quite cute."

"Hey! Tell me, how did you know..."

But in the next second, a feeling of extreme danger came.

Xing wanted to retreat quickly, but it was too late.

Ren Yu quickly slapped her on the back of the neck with a knife.


Then something embarrassing happened.

Xing didn't faint because of Ren Yu's slap on the back of the neck.

I saw that she was still standing there, and she was even completely blown up because of Ren Yu's hand knife!

"What are you doing?! You are so courageous! I haven't taken any action yet, yet you dare to attack me first. You're tired of work, aren't you?"

Xing took a few steps back in an instant, looking extremely angry, and grinned at the latter threateningly.

Chapter 161

"I'm sorry, I used too little force."

Ren Yu smacked his lips regretfully, intending to knock the troubled girl unconscious.

"No one will do like you!" Xing immediately retorted loudly.

After finishing speaking, she stared vigilantly at the black-haired man in front of her, guarding against Ren Yu's next move.


This is a strange guy!

Because of the events she experienced in her childhood, Xing can see the color of human emotions and the ugly side of her heart, so in one of her eyes, the whole world is so distorted and dirty.

Malicious is black.

The one with good intentions is white.

Those who have some kind of unruly idea are flirtatious purple.

But Ren Yu's body was emitting white light all the time.

This is also the reason why Xing didn't get violent immediately after being hit by Ren Yu's hand knife, and she manipulated some abilities to give the latter a hard lesson.

'Besides, I can't see anything else about this guy except his emotions, as if he was completely shrouded in a fog. '

There was doubt on Xing's face.

It stands to reason that she should be able to see the other party's crimes, and she should be able to reflect them and feed them back to others.

Just like the time Bronya was frightened and protected the devil with the sickle behind her, saying that she was a monster.

But there was nothing on Ren Yu's body, only a pure white soft light, and a few strands of silk thread wrapped around it.

One of them was the scent of a guy named Bronya Xing was most familiar with.

"Sorry, I will never make a mistake next time."

Ren Yu clenched his fist and said slowly.

He seemed to be considering how much force he should use.

On the other side, Xing's face was as black as ink.


What does this guy think of her?

She really thinks that Uncle Xing can knead casually, right?

Too much!

"No, something is going to happen!"

In the rear, beside the trench, a certain mercenary leader exclaimed, his face pale.

I saw him hastily yelled at his subordinates:

"Where did that guy go, didn't he tell you to keep an eye on her?"

"I, we can't stand her, it's not like you don't know..."

I saw a young man weeping, and replied bitterly.

That guy can manipulate time, how can he catch her as an ordinary person?

It's fine if you don't get beaten up!


The mercenary leader was impatient.

That's the adopted daughter of the crazy woman in Cocolia. If something really happens, they don't have to do it!


Seeing that the two were so panic-stricken, Leiden Ryoma next to him came over and asked curiously.

After hesitating for a while, the mercenary leader explained to Raiden Ryoma: "It is... the daughter of Cocolia, a guy named Xingmaer, with lavender hair, dressed like a boy, and has a bad temper. Relying on his status, he is lawless in the Corps!"

"But now she got lost for some reason! There are Honkai beasts everywhere, if she rushes to fight in a flash of her brain, she will be bitten to death after being exhausted, it will be troublesome."

At this moment, the eyes of the young man I was reprimanded lit up, as if he had thought of something, he said loudly: "I remembered!"

"That guy seems to be heading in that direction. He said he was looking for someone, and told us not to follow her. He will be back in a while!"

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and a steep canyon blocked their sight.

"Isn't that where Ren Yu is?"

Thunder Ryoma frowned.

"The little lunatic said he was going to find the executor? Why didn't you stop her?!"

The mercenary leader was darkly excited and cursed.

Thinking of Xing's violent temper, he felt a little scared.

In case she got into a fight with the executor, it would be the members of the corps that would be difficult to end in the end.

After all, Cocolia had already ordered them to keep an eye on Xing Maer's matter.

"You're really... more than enough to succeed than to fail! You actually find it troublesome to ask you to send dozens of people to watch her. Now it's better! Something happened!"

The mercenary leader hated iron and said.

"But what if they don't fight?"

The young man retorted unconvinced.

"Didn't fight? Do you think it's possible? That guy hits everyone he sees. Do you think there is anyone in this world who can calm her down?"

The mercenary leader sneered again and again.

Let Xingmaer calm down and return to normal?

You are dreaming!

If only someone could bring Xingmal back to normal.

Then he will swallow this special rifle in his hand!

The one with not a single part left!

swallow it all!

A few kilometers away, the Grand Canyon, the edge of the cliff.

The cold wind howled, and there was solitude.

The animals here have long sensed the crisis and migrated elsewhere, leaving only some dense vegetation left here.

Ren Yu rubbed his swollen temples, glanced at the group of Houkai beasts that hadn't come to him, then turned to the problem girl in front of him and said, "I told you to leave quickly and you refused, then I I have to use some coercive means to knock you out and let someone come and move you back."

But Xing persisted and asked:

"You haven't answered my question, I'm not leaving!"

She had to figure out what was going on.

The dark blue and crimson rays of light intertwined on this person's body were very strong.

In other words, the man in front of him had a very unusual relationship with the devil holding the sickle.

But why does this happen?

Now that Xier has returned from the Quantum Sea, there is no reason not to pester her 'Sister Bronya'.

Thinking of this, Xing suddenly shouted loudly:

"Did you do something to that demon with the scythe? Otherwise, it shouldn't be possible for this to happen."

Hearing this, Ren Yu was silent.

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