What kind of scene was that?

More than a dozen Honkai Beasts with a height of two to three meters were rushing forward hand in hand. The ground was trampled, the sand and rocks shook, and their ferocious faces looked like ghosts crawling out of hell.

How have ordinary people seen such a battle?

Even though they were separated by a hundred meters, this oppressive atmosphere still cast a cloud over their hearts.

The middle-aged man touched the iron handle made of steel beside him, and swallowed hard.


At this moment, he clearly realized that he would never be able to defeat monsters by himself!


He roared to the rear, and excitedly picked up the iron handle and was about to rush forward, trying to buy some time for his wife and children to escape.

"I'm going to fight you!"

The middle-aged man's face was flushed, and his adrenaline surged, just as he was about to give a head to these Honkai beasts.

A cold air suddenly hit from afar.


In an instant, the surface of the several-meter-high Honkai Beast was covered with a thin layer of frost.

Even with a distance of tens of meters, the middle-aged man still felt a biting chill.

who is it?

Just when he was about to turn his head and look for the person who caused the result of this matter.

A black shadow approached quickly, but in an instant, the Honkai Beast, which was the size of four or five adults, was instantly blown up and turned into a sky-filled meat paste.

But oddly enough, they didn't shed any blood.

The middle-aged man was stunned.

In the car, the crying child was also stunned, looking straight at the silicon fragments scattered in the sky.

At the moment when these people are stunned.

In the distance, the head looks like a small boss, several times bigger than the previous Honkai beasts. The large Honkai beast with hard armor suddenly let out another shrill howl!

The cry was shrill and painful, like a wail before death!

"It's boring, they're all first-class stuff..."

Chapter 157 You, Are You a Demon? !

All are first-class stuff.

Seeing the large Honkai beast slowly falling in front of him, Ren Yu couldn't help curling his lips.

These six or seven-meter-tall monsters looked powerful, but they couldn't help punching themselves.

After looking back at the few civilians who had been stunned, Ren Yu frowned.

These people are really brave.

How dare you run around at a time like this.

Really not afraid of death!

But he didn't stop there.

Ren Yu has no time to **** these civilians to safety.

He has already sent a message to the anti-entropy army stationed here, and someone should come to pick them up soon.

Immediately afterwards, the two quickly went to the next location.

—The center of the Honkai occurrence is also the place where the most Honkai beasts gather.

"Isn't it my turn to come on stage yet?! Can you guys do it!"

I saw a certain girl's voice became more and more irritable, and even started to smash the table!

She can't stand it!

There is a sinister atmosphere everywhere.

Xing even saw some obscene thoughts on several mercenaries.

And those thoughts turned out to be aimed at me!

These people dare to have such thoughts about her, do they not want to live anymore!

If it wasn't for the fear that Cocolia would blame herself, Xing would have dismantled all these nominal subordinates long ago.

It's like dismantling those killers who killed their parents when they were young!

"Dear Miss Xing, please bear with me a little longer, please bear with me. After we clear up the low-level Honkai beasts around you, you can directly face the high-level 'Honkai Emperor'."

The mercenary leader suppressed the anger in his heart and flattered the girl with lavender hair in front of him.

Can't afford it!

Although he had already scolded Xing ten thousand times in his heart, he didn't dare to show any disrespect on the surface.

This guy looks like just a rebellious **** the outside, but in fact it's terribly scary, the kind who can cut limbs and limbs off while laughing.

Before this, a few malicious guys have already tried it!

Hit, can't beat.

Reasonable, then it can't be more reasonable!

After all, her mother was that Cocolia!

I don't know what has happened, this woman has been very protective over the past few years!

If you can't fight or reason, then you can only maintain your life like this by cursing secretly in your heart and fantasizing about it.

But what they don't know is that Xing has actually noticed all these thoughts of theirs.


The girl's eyes became colder and colder, and her expression became more ferocious.

When she was about to explode.

"Ah, I suddenly remembered that I still have something to do over there, so I won't bother you, Miss Xing, see you later."

The mercenary hurriedly left a word, let out a series of embarrassing laughs, and dodged far away.

Only the apricots that are approaching the critical point are left, and they remain in place.

—Bear with you one more time, and the next time you have this kind of thought, I will kill you straight away!

I don't know how many times I made such an idea.

Xing also slowly returned to normal.

At the same time, a flash of blue light pierced the sky, and quickly fell into the group of Houkai beasts that the mercenaries had cleaned up.

huh huh

The cold wave spread rapidly, and at the center of the landing point, the smaller Honkai Beast was frozen into a large ice sculpture.


Next to the small battle, most of the mercenaries and the Tsarist Russian army turned their heads to look at the place where the light came from.

I saw two black-haired men walking slowly, with almost the same height, and one of them was putting the crystal blue long knife back into its sheath.

And the dark blue armor on his body also emitted bursts of white gas, as if dissipating heat.


At this time, the 'Head' who was in charge of the third mercenary regiment of the Reform Sect recognized the identity of Raiden Ryoma.

After all, he is a world-famous swordsman.

The recognition is too high.

And when his eyes fell on another black-haired man, he was suddenly taken aback.

"Ren... Ren Demon King?"

The head of the group was immediately happy.

He didn't come up with this title alone.

It was based on what Ren Yu had done, and the mercenaries voted for it.

- Likes to **** other people's daughters, and has a strong background, just like the villain in the story!

Even Cocolia can't do anything about him!

He is not a demon, so who is the demon?

Thinking of this, the 'regiment leader' was suddenly very glad that his daughter was married, otherwise, he might have a headache because of it.

On the other hand, Ren Yu didn't know that because of Cocolia, his reputation among the reformists had been completely rotten.

He is in a good mood at this time.

Good enough to put a smile on your face.

Ren Yu felt that the emperor-level Honkai Beast with a height of tens of meters in the distance was actually a level 3 life form!

Does that mean that as long as I kill this creature, I can improve his physical fitness?

Ren Yu clenched his fist, and quickly compared himself with the emperor-level Honkai beast that was taller than an office building.

Soon, he came to his own conclusions.

- beat it!

Although he had only fought a small 'Honkai Emperor' in the simulator, Ren Yu had an inexplicable sense of confidence.

I am confident that as long as I kill all the surrounding Honkai Beasts, after stacking up the 'God of War Warriors', I can easily defeat this emperor-level Honkai Beast.

Ren Yu suddenly turned his head to look at the Thunder Ryoma beside him, and said with a smile:

"Well, can I borrow a knife?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the latter immediately felt a chill and took a step back involuntarily.

He even subconsciously protected the plasma shadow show around his waist!

Raiden Ryoma had a bad feeling.

It seemed that as long as I lent out the Plasma Shadow Show, I would never get it back.

Why do I have such thoughts?

Leiden Ryoma didn't know, but after he glanced at the harmless young man beside him, he began to hesitate again.

Or...let him use it.

When he was thinking so.

However, Ren Yu slapped his head, and suddenly realized that he pulled out a black and white pair of strange guns with gold-plated barrels from the holster on his waist.

— This is precisely because there were too many things, Ren Yu forgot to return it to Siegfried's Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment!

I saw the dark red core inlaid on the body of the gun, which was flickering slightly at this time, as if the heat of burning all things was sealed inside, ready to surge out at any time.

That's fine too.

Ren Yu was still wondering where to use the whole weapon.

Don't worry about it now.

He quickly docked the cores, rose-red flames rose up, and the gun body gradually melted like flowing water, intertwined and entangled into a sword-like weapon.

In the chaotic airflow, Ren Yu directly reached out and grabbed the Heavenly Fire Great Sword.

Chapter 158 Confidence

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