It seemed that besides the three of them, there was an inexplicable "thing" in this room.

And that thing is the same as himself, with the same aura.

Glancing at Qiyana next to her, and finding that the latter's face didn't change, as if they were talking about normal topics before, Ren Yu tentatively said, "Is there anything else you want?"

The implication is to see off guests.

After all, Qiyana is the only "outsider" here.

It is not convenient to reveal some hidden topics.

"Of course there is!"

Qiyana immediately came back to her senses, with a tangled face, hesitatingly said: "Help, assistant! Did you pour me some ecstasy soup while I was sleeping?"


Ren Yu raised his eyebrows, not understanding where Qiyana's thinking went.

"That's right, I suddenly have a feeling that I really want to come to see you and talk to you, it's so strange..."

As she spoke, Kiyana's voice became smaller and smaller, and finally became inaudible.

At the same time, her pair of light blue eyes flickered frantically, constantly changing between gold and blue.

Chapter 147 Too Advanced


Ren Yu grinned, and suddenly understood something.

Perhaps Qiyana didn't want to thank herself at all, but simply wanted to find the answer to this question.

No, not right either.

He shook his head, thinking it might be both.

After all, Qiyana is quite affectionate and righteous.

While Ren Yu was thinking, one of Qiyana's eyes had already turned golden.

And that aura that didn't seem like what she should have, also rippled along with it.



It seems to maintain a superior attitude towards everything.

"Go away, don't continue to talk in my head, I told you that I don't know your god, if this continues, I will find the master of exorcism in Shenzhou, and I will send you to the 18th floor of hell, forever It's reincarnation!"

I saw Qiyana clutching her head and struggling constantly.

But it's clear she's doing it in vain.

In order to be able to go to Yin to meet the 'god' in her heart, how could Xilin give her a chance to resist?

In just an instant, she took control of her body and suppressed Qiyana under her body.

Her vision gradually became clearer. When Sirin saw the figure of the man in front of her, she was overjoyed for no reason, and the aura that looked down on everyone disappeared instantly.

Like a deflated ball.

The Herrscher Sirin, who was still aloof and mighty at first, instantly became a docile little sheep.

"God...God...really you..."

Her eyes were in a trance, her voice was trembling, and she was struggling to rush towards Ren Yu's direction.

And the grievances she had suffered over the years completely exploded in her heart at this moment.

"You, the core you gave me has been dug out! Even the life and death of the accompanying Honkai beast is unknown!"


Before Ren Yu had time to say something, he heard another breaking news from Xi Lin in his arms.

"A traitor has appeared between us!"

"Someone is eyeing the divine power you gave us and wants to steal it!"

"What's the meaning?"

Hearing this, Ren Yu immediately became interested.

traitor? Steal divine power?

"Yes, I heard your call in the laboratory. When I successfully condensed the core of the Herrscher and went to the moon to meet you, the traitor appeared."

When she said this, Sirin seemed to be gnashing her teeth, extremely angry.

"They claim to be the avengers of some civilization. As soon as you left, they imprisoned me. After that, they broke open my chest to take the core of the Herrscher, and headed to Earth disguised as me. It is said that they want to open the door to the quantum sea, and show their mighty power to this low-level civilization by the way, and plan to use this place to make a comeback and reshape civilization."

"And what happened after that, I don't know."

Sirin looked a little scared and trembling.

I have clearly accepted the power of 'God', and I just swelled up and wanted to settle accounts with the Destiny Organization.

Who knew it would be punctured in the next second.

In the end, he has survived until now with the aggrieved way of storing his consciousness inside the Herrscher's core.

Really are.

Lost all the face of 'God'.

And the other side.

The more Ren Yu listened, the more he felt something was wrong.

The astonishment on his face grew more and more.

Take away the core of Herrscher? Demonstrating might? Comeback?

its not right.

This is completely inconsistent with the plot of Honkai 3 that he is familiar with.

"You mean to say that the second Honkai War was actually caused by the avenger who claimed to be some civilization?"

he asked curiously.

Hearing this, Sirin nodded her head immediately, looking extremely sad and angry.

"It was I who failed your expectations and failed to wipe out the human race with my own hands. I am really sorry."

But Ren Yu only listened to the first half of what she said.

I saw him frowning deeply.

the Avengers…

Is it the survivors of those civilizations that were destroyed by the collapse?

"How many of them are there?"

Ren Yu suddenly thought of something and asked again.

But Sirin shook her head, expressing that she was not clear.

"I don't know the exact value, but I vaguely remember that there are people around me, and they seem to be excited about capturing my core."

"Ah yes!"

Sirin exclaimed, and Ren Yu looked over immediately, only to see that she added: "In the sky, there seems to be a big circle in the sky, and there are many, many things floating like ships."


Ren Yu was stunned.

"Yes, it's like the spaceship in the movie!"


After hearing this, Ren Yu finally couldn't sit still, his face was moved.

This damn.

No run, these people are definitely aliens from other civilizations.

Although I don't know if it is a lost dog that was destroyed by the collapse, but it is definitely not a human on earth.

Ren Yu suddenly felt a bit pained.

Other civilizations are about to invade, and humans are still engaged in civil war.

And the plot is a little too advanced.

In the past, there was a screening mechanism called "Hangkai", and then there was an alien civilization invasion, and the situation was very tense.

"Are you sure they mentioned the place 'Quantum Sea'?"


Sirin nodded her head resolutely.

"That was the last sentence I heard before I lost consciousness. I will never forget it!"

I saw her saying with deep hatred.

Because of this sentence, she lost the gift of 'God'.

He also lost his revenge capital.

So she can't hold grudges too much.

"The Sea of ​​Quantum..."

Ren Yu's eyes flickered.

Since all these alien civilizations can be paid attention to, it seems that I have to put it on the agenda as soon as possible and go to the Quantum Sea to see it.

In fact, when it comes to alien civilization, Ren Yu thought of something called "Heavenly Man".

Could these aliens be bullies who specialize in hunting low-level civilizations—"men of heaven"?

He doesn't know, but what is certain is that these guys must have bad intentions anyway.

And while the two were communicating.

Inside the 'Moonlight Throne' laboratory.

The research on those "Keys of Judgment" is in full swing.

At this time, a group of anti-entropy top researchers are exchanging their experience after failure.

"Failed again..."

"I didn't expect that we still have so many things that we haven't unearthed about the electromagnetic system."

Said an elderly man in a white robe with a gray sky.

Although he looks not young, his eyes are exceptionally sharp, clear, and his thoughts are well-organized, even compared to some young scientific researchers.

"Perhaps we were wrong at the beginning. We took too fast a step, and it is unrealistic to try to reach the microscopic domain of molecules or even atoms in one step."

Another middle-aged woman with red glasses calmly analyzed.

Chapter 148

Of course everyone knows this simplest truth.

But the leader insisted that relying on these few bullets can achieve the effect of decomposing objects.

They couldn't protest, so they had to endure it.

At this time, Wadrin was sitting on a chair, looking up at the ceiling in a daze, looking a little tired.

Are you wrong?

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