After Seele was also seated, Rita looked at Bronya and the other pink-haired women in the room.

"The words of these guests..."

"The lady with light gray hair is sitting next to Miss Seele, how about the other guests sitting in the guest seats together?"

Rita said with a smile.

In the next second, Yae Sakura cast a questioning look at Ren Yu as if asking for advice.

Because she didn't understand these etiquettes that she had never seen before, she was afraid that she would embarrass Ren Yu.

But Ren Yu didn't think so much.

He didn't follow this kind of etiquette much, and he didn't care much.

Seeing the latter nodding, Yae Sakura quickly took her seat with her two younger sisters.

At this time, there were not many empty seats left on the long table.

And just when everyone started to eat.

Rita suddenly walked to Ren Yu's side and almost sat down next to him.

The fragrant wind blows, and the distance between the two is less than a fist.

Ren Yu could even smell the faint fragrance of roses on the latter's body, and see the tiny tear mole in the corner of Rita's eye.

In an instant, he froze on the spot.

This is how the same thing?

Why did Rita sit next to her?

But the latter is a matter of course.

I saw Rita reached out to take the knife in Ren Yu's hand, pulled the silver plate in front of him, and carefully cut the food for Ren Yu.

"Master Ren Yu, in your capacity, you don't need to do this kind of thing, so let me, a servant, serve you."

Rita was quick.

Before she finished speaking, she simply and neatly divided the steak in front of Ren Yu into several portions in an instant.

Each serving is just a small piece that can be bitten off in one bite.

"Master Ren Yu, let me feed you."

Rita picked up a small piece of steak with a fork, and handed it to "Master Ren Yu" with a smile.


Xier was also stunned.

This is…

What's the matter?

Why did that maid suddenly do such a thing to Ren Yu?

Hillary bit her lip.

Does Ren Yu like being treated like this?

Even Bronya, who was next to her, had a cold look in her eyes, and put the fork on the plate with a snap, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Ren Yu clearly promised himself that he would treat Xi'er better!

To this end, Bronya also signed a ten-year "prostitution contract".

Who knows that it didn't take long before this guy started to play tricks!

And it's a woman I don't know!

Isn't it just a little bigger, a little longer, and a little warped!

He and Xi'er will also become like this in the future!

On the other side, Ren Yu glanced at Xi'er, who was sitting directly opposite the long table, with a resentful expression on his face, and quickly stopped Rita's attempt to give him a "feeding play".

"No need, I'll just eat it myself."

He quickly took back the knife and fork from Rita's hand, and explained: "You don't have to continue to serve me like this anymore, find a place to sit down and eat together, I'm not at the point where I need to be served."

After he finished speaking, he smiled, ignored Rita, and started eating sullenly.

Seeing this, Rita was a little disappointed.


Why did Master Ren Yu refuse to let her serve as a maid today?

Isn't this what she has been doing since she was a child?

Could it be that he was disliked by Mr. Ren Yu?

The smile on Rita's face faded away and turned into bitterness.

It was the same before, Lord Ren Yu stood up in times of crisis and saved himself who was hunted down by the bishop.

She was very grateful to Master Ren Yu, and even felt some strange emotions, that's why she made this sumptuous meal today.

But why, Master Ren Yu refused to accept his service?

Rita is distressed and depressed.

Chapter 143 Sakura is willing to be

Rita hesitated, but Ren Yu didn't pay much attention to her.

What are you thinking.

This is a ticking time bomb.

Don't look at being so good to yourself now, in case she wakes up one day and knows what she has done.

Ren Yu can assure you that Rita will definitely hunt and kill her all over the world with a scythe.

But then again, he'd be fine if Rita couldn't wake up like this.

Although a bit cruel to Rita herself...

And while Rita was distressed, on the other side of the earth.


Destiny Floating Islands, at the main hall.

At this moment, Master Otto, who had just woken up, was not in such a calm mood.

Her soul steel avatar was actually blown up!

"My lord bishop, the reason has been found out. Your soul steel avatar was completely dissolved from the microscopic level by means beyond our known level."

Standing beside Otto, the white-haired girl named Kohaku said.

"I see."

Otto closed his eyes, pondered for a while, and then ordered:

"That colorless family in the far east hasn't elected a member with S-rank Valkyrie qualifications yet?"

"Go back to the bishop, they said that it will take a little time, and they will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."


Rita rebelled on the spot, one bite at a time as adults, which she never thought of.

Fortunately, I have already made enough preparations.

Even if one Rita is missing, there will be a new S-rank Valkyrie to fill in.

Just how to deal with this traitor?

Otto was a little hesitant.

And at the same time.

The door of the bishop's hall was suddenly opened, and a woman with the same blond hair walked in.

Bianca was very puzzled.

"Master Bishop, are you calling me?"

After eating enough, Ren Yu took the three Yae Sakura sisters up to the second floor.

That is their future dormitory.

"This is a fingerprint identification system. You only need to put your fingers on it. After entering your fingerprints, you don't need to bring a key."

Ren Yu dutifully explained how to use the door lock.

After all, apart from Ling, these two are all old men from more than five hundred years ago...


It is also understandable not to use modern objects.


Just as he was speaking, the door lock was opened.

"It's amazing!"

Bell was the first to exclaim.

"Sister, come and take a look, with this thing, you really don't need to bring a key!"

Then she locked the door with a bang and played back and forth, never tired of it.

Finally, after the two sisters are familiar with the unlocking method of fingerprints and irises.

Only then did Yae Sakura hesitantly walk to the front of the machine and put a slender finger on it.

But Ren Yu saw her small movement of taking half a step back.


In Ren Yu's field of vision, Yae Sakura's ears, who didn't know whether they were foxes or some animals, instantly stiffened.

"Collection error, please place your finger on the recognizer for a while, don't let go!"

"Yes, sorry!"

Yae Sakura immediately blushed and apologized repeatedly to the machine in front of her.


After seeing this scene again, Ren Yu didn't want to say anything anymore.

It has been said many times that this is just a machine, and there is no one in it.

But Yae Sakura refused to listen...

What can I do?

Let's mix it.

After tossing back and forth for about ten minutes, Yae Sakura said "sorry" and "sorry" countless times.

She finally got her fingerprints in.


The door was opened smoothly.

Her eyes were shining, and she looked at her index finger as thin as a catkin in disbelief.


The gate is closed.


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