So they just think about it.

On the ground, St. Freya College.

The students and teachers woke up, and the campus at this time had gradually restored order.

Wadrin walked side by side with Ren Yu.

"The situation you mentioned reminds me of a currently recognized law of quantum mechanics."

After listening to what Ren Yu described about Xier's current situation, her mood fluctuated slightly.


Ren Yu raised his eyebrows. He once dreamed of being a scientific researcher, so he has always been interested in this cutting-edge scientific field.

Although the later quantum concepts have been used badly, some people even used the phrase "quantum mechanics is indecisive" as a joke.


Wadrin nodded.

"The two individuals you describe, they share information, and whichever is affected, the other is also affected."

"This is very similar to a principle used in the 'quantum communication' we study, the entanglement effect."

Hearing this, Ren Yu shrugged:

"I've thought about this theory too, but when they were separated in the stigmata space, they didn't show any signs of intercommunication."

Chapter 137 The Bishop Is Angry

"I don't know, I'm just guessing."

Wadrin didn't dare to speak too much.

After all, this kind of thing is completely beyond the highest level of technology that humans can achieve.

At least for their anti-entropy.

At this time, Ren Yu suddenly stopped.

Xi'er, who was behind her, seemed to be thinking about something, she didn't pay attention, and bumped into his back directly.


The latter rubbed his sore and swollen nose, only to find that someone and Wadrin beside him were looking in a certain direction.

Seele followed the line of sight curiously.

But there was nothing there.

"What are you looking at…"

Just as she opened her mouth to ask Ren Yu, she suddenly let out another snort.


It exploded with a loud bang.

I saw a figure stumbling out of the woods beside a certain lake in the distance.

Xi'er looked into the distance and found that it was a woman's figure.

And behind the woman who fled in a hurry, there were dozens of pure white energy light spears overflowing with sacred aura.

ding ding ding ding

This batch of light spears was extremely fast, like wind and electricity, and almost sank into the ground by rubbing against Rita's back, leaving one after another potholes that were as thick as an adult's fist and more than one meter deep.

"Want to escape? It really is a guilty conscience!"

At this moment, a ball of golden light suddenly shot up from the woods, and when it was about ten meters above the ground, it exploded again and turned into a blond woman.

At this time, Otto stood at the top of the simulated "Oath of Judas".

Her face was getting colder and colder, and a pair of dark green eyes that seemed to have no emotion reflected the figure of a certain S-rank Valkyrie.


This woman really has a problem!

How dare you resist your will in public!

If it was just ordinary subordinates who resisted her, Otto might not say anything.

Ke Lita is an S-rank Valkyrie, representing the face of destiny, and also her super thug!

Although Otto already has plans to replace the S-rank Valkyrie.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter whether you have a different heart or have been influenced by others, first catch it and then talk about it!"

Think so.

She raised her bare hand slightly, and twelve golden threads shot out behind her, extending to the sky.


After the golden wires were pulled out, there was a sound like a shattering lens.

I saw that the "Oath of Judas" began to shatter from the bottom, and finally spread to the end where Otto stood on his feet.

In the end, Otto's whole body was pulled by gravity and fell downwards, and soon disappeared into the dense forest.


Before Wadrin reacted, Ren Yu touched his chin, smacked his lips and said with a smile.

"Hey, isn't this our old acquaintance, Miss Otto?"

He recognized it.

That guy with swaying golden hair and protruding figure is the current bishop of the Mandate of Heaven, the real power behind the scenes.

— Otto Apocalypse

It's just different from the game.

Otto-sama, who has always been strong, turned into a female.

When hearing the news.

Ren Yu once laughed so hard that he almost rolled on the ground, which startled Wadrin next to him, thinking that something happened to him.

"But what is this guy doing here?"

He muttered again.

The same thing happened with the last Singapore cruise.

As long as Miss Otto is present, nothing good will happen.

Just as she was thinking, a tugging sensation suddenly came from behind her, and Xier pointed her finger in a certain direction, and reminded: "That sister..."

I saw Rita running towards their direction!

Behind him was a basketful of Judas spears!


Rita glanced back at the objects that were chasing after her, then turned around quickly and continued to run madly.


She was panting heavily, and her skin was slightly red due to the strenuous exercise.


Why did the bishop treat himself like this?

Rita couldn't figure it out.

Why did the bishop become so agitated after hearing his words of defending Mr. Ren Yu?

Is it wrong for me to refuse the bishop's order to transfer me back to the headquarters of Tianming, saying that I will continue to stay here to serve Master Ren Yu?

The more Rita thought about it, the more wronged she became.

Did I do something wrong?

Why do you do this to her?

Just as she was thinking, Rita suddenly felt a chill in the back of her head, and a dangerous breath came.

She lowered her head suddenly like a conditioned reflex!

Then, a sharp spear of light flew past her head, and in an instant, strands of gray-gold hair fluttered in the air and fell down.

Realizing that she had walked through the gate of **** just now, Rita's heart beat violently.

It's dangerous!

If it weren't for years of training and the reflexive awareness formed when fighting against the Honkai Beast, I'm afraid that the light spear just now would have hit her for real!

The bishop is really angry!

She has no intention of holding back at all!

Thinking of this, Rita turned pale again.

But she had no idea what she had done wrong.

And that set of Valkyrie armor called "Moon Soul", I don't know why, I can't summon it at this time, it is said that it is because the energy is too low.

But soon, the second light spear followed.

Without the blessing of the Valkyrie armor, it is too difficult to avoid the imprisoning light spear flying at high speed with the strength of the physical body alone.

What's more, there is no terrain around that she can use.

Rita quietly swallowed a mouthful of saliva, at this time the dozen or so light spears behind her had completely occupied her field of vision.

Can't escape!

While her heart was beating violently, a feeling of despair rose in her mind.

There is no escape!

Will I die here?

Several golden lights are getting closer and closer, and they are about to break through the sky in an instant!

Seeing this scene, Wadrin clenched her fist, and when she was about to help secretly, she was surprised to find that Ren Yu beside her suddenly disappeared.


She swiveled her eyes, and sure enough, she found a super-high-speed object, rushing towards the distance like a fleeting image.

On the other side, looking at these whizzing bright spears, Rita could even clearly feel the sharpness contained in the spear tips!

Her left breast is aching!

That is exactly where the spear in front of him landed!

Rita gritted her teeth, just when she was about to lower her figure and try to make a final fight, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

who is it?

Rita's heart skipped a beat!


All of a sudden, there was a crisp sound of being hit on a hard object in her ear.

ding ding ding

Immediately afterwards, there was the second and third voices.

who is it?

Who is this black figure in front of him!

She desperately wanted to see who the person in front of her was, but she could only see a black coat that was flapping like a cloak.

I saw that amidst the bursting light particles all over the sky, Ren Yu's face was still calm, except for the aroused air current that made his hair dance wildly, he himself didn't even move.

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