Why did the environment suddenly change?

I shouldn't be talking to Ren Yu...

Suddenly, Xi'er suddenly opened her eyes wide, as if she had discovered something terrible.

Could it be that what I experienced before was all a dream?

Chapter 130 He got used to being awkward

Thinking of this, Xi'er suddenly realized that she had wrapped her arms around Ren Yu's neck naturally.

In an instant, her body froze suddenly, and she asked softly, "You...do you remember what happened between us?"

Xi'er's voice trembled a little, and her eyes looking at Ren Yu were also flickering.

If everything she experienced before was a dream.

Then the sudden action of hugging Ren Yu's neck seems completely unreasonable?

Thinking of this, a blush quietly bloomed between Xi'er's cheeks, and before Ren Yu could respond, he looked away in surprise.

shame on...


He must have been horrified by his actions...

All sorts of thoughts lingered in Xier's mind.

At the end, she suddenly felt a sense of loss again.

He glanced at Xi'er, who lowered her head, blushed and said nothing.

Ren Yu seemed to understand something, and asked curiously:

"You had a dream?"

Seeing that Xi'er didn't answer, Ren Yu continued to ask:

"What did you dream about?"

As soon as the words fell, Ren Yu found that Xi'er's body tensed instantly.

She turned her head to the side, as if she didn't dare to look at herself.

"I guess, did you dream about me?"

Ren Yu joked with a smile.


Xi'er suddenly slammed into Ren Yu's arms, and buried her head deeply in the latter's collar as if giving up on herself, as if she could escape everything by doing so.

She was biting her tender lips, even her fair earlobes were flushed red, her eyes were already tightly closed, and her body was trembling constantly.

So embarrassing, so embarrassing, so embarrassing...

What about her other self, where did she go at such a critical moment?

Obviously, I am almost shy to the point of shutting myself down...

Why hasn't she come out yet...

Seele kept whimpering in a low voice.

Without Ricier, she instantly became helpless.

After all, at this time, she would directly pull the latter out to replace her.

Seeing this scene of Ren Yu and Xi'er, the women beside them cast surprised glances.

Especially that 'Qiana'.

I saw that her expression was a little strange at this time, she clenched her silver teeth tightly, feeling that her position was seriously threatened.

Where did this blue fur come from?

She, Sirin, shouldn't be the only one who can be favored by the 'God', right?

Could it be that this 'God' is already dissatisfied with himself?

Or are you not interested?

For a moment, 'Qiana''s cheeks seemed to have lost all color, and were frighteningly white.

She cast her eyes on the girl who buried her head in the chest of the 'God' again, feeling even more desolate in her heart.


She felt a familiar aura from the latter.

That is the aura that only a 'Rischer' can have.

On the other side, the pink-haired girl floating in the air was also stunned.

What is this big brother doing with that sister who doesn't look much older than him?

Is that sister afraid?

But it doesn't look like it.

But at the point where the gaze converged, Ren Yu's expression didn't change much, and he was still calm.

After all, he was used to being embarrassed.

Compared with his previous weird behavior where Ren Yu seemed to be interacting with the air in the eyes of passers-by, this kind of behavior was still too low.

calm down.

And at the same time, the other side.

Tianming's transport plane is falling sharply, completely losing the ability to balance the fuselage.

Seeing that the transport plane was about to hit the mountain peak and the emergency airbag popped up.

A dark light shot over.

Then, the surrounding gravity was skillfully manipulated to a balanced value, and the transport plane hovered in midair strangely.

A woman with long blonde hair appeared not far away.

I saw Otto holding a black sphere in his hand, and relying on the ability of Mimic-Star of Eden, he slowly put the transport plane that happened to be on the ground back to the ground without any risk.

In the cabin, dozens of Valkyries and scientific researchers were relieved.

Finally out of danger!

"what happened?"

After all the dust settled, Otto glanced at the subordinates in the transport plane and asked coldly.

After a while, Xi'er finally separated the dream from the reality, and the memories were slowly reuniting.

It turned out that what she did just now was really just a dream.

Thinking of this, a feeling of unwillingness suddenly surged up from her heart.

It would be great if my relationship with Ren Yu could be as it was in the dream.

But when she calmed down, her cheeks turned red again when she thought of the scenes of kissing and kissing each other that happened in the dream earlier.

How can I think such a thing...

Kissing should be very sacred!

Xi'er closed her eyes and shook her head, hurriedly throwing all these thoughts out of her mind.

"Calm down."

Seeing that she had almost recovered, Ren Yu asked tentatively.


Xier blushed and nodded.

"Can you get off me first? If you want to hug me, go back and hug me."

Hearing this, Xier immediately let go of her arms as if she felt guilty.

Ren Yu put her down slowly, and picked up the 'Ksitigarbha Yuhun' on the ground while the latter was squirming and his eyes were wandering.

"Is this thing capable of reshaping a human body?"

Ren Yu turned his head and asked the dumbfounded Fei Yuwan.

"Huh? Oh! Yes."

The latter looked like he had just woken up from a dream.

"But it has certain limitations..."

Ling glanced at Ren Yu, and said hesitantly:

"For example, only the soul body in the stigmata space can be reshaped, or the reshaped physical body cannot leave me, or the elder sister, the pseudo-herrscher, is too far away..."


Ren Yu only listened to the first few sentences, and ignored the rest.

so troublesome?

He looked at Xi'er, hesitated for a while, and finally gave up the idea of ​​reshaping her body in this way.

He is not very clear about the concept of soul.

But there is no doubt that the current Xier is just a mass of consciousness, not a soul body in the true sense.

Moreover, the resurrected person cannot leave Yae Sakura for too long.

Forget it…

Anyway, Ren Yu never thought of reshaping Xi'er with Jizo Yuhun from the very beginning.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for anti-entropy to conduct research on her.

"So, what are you going to do with this weapon?"

Ren Yu raised the Jizo Royal Soul that was broken in two with his hand.

Su Ling's eyes lit up instantly.

"Please be sure to give it to me, as long as I have this, I can use it to revive eldest sister!"

Hearing this, Ren Yu nodded and said lightly:



Hiyumaru's eyes were about to shoot light.

"But I have a condition. After you use it up, you must return this broken Jizo Yuhun to me."


Before Ling could reply, Ren Yu changed the topic and looked up at the sky.

Everyone also looked over.

"There's another one to be resurrected there."

Chapter 131 You Think It's Beautiful



Yae Sakura and Suzu looked at each other, and saw a suspicious light in each other's eyes.

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