The figure turned.

  Ye Wudao appeared in Zuo Ci's villa.

  The seven little ones are indeed here.

  "Brother Ye, who are you?"

  "Just give you a good fortune, and then."

  The seven godheads were still in the hands of seven people.

  After Ye Wudao opened his mouth to explain, he said: "The god body has already given you the authority to upgrade, but if you eat the godhead, it means that you can only become the main god in the future, and you will not return to the golden time and space when you have the opportunity. If you are willing, you can accept the godhead, and the combat power index will be increased to 1 million for you."

  Tian Hongguang hesitated for a while before taking the godhead.

  The combat power index is slowly increasing, and within half a month, he will be able to reach the limit.

  But the other four refused except Ding Xiaoyu who said to consider it.

  Especially Wang Dadong, it is impossible for him to abandon An Qi and the knife crazy knife ghost.

  It is also impossible for Wang Arthur to give up the Tulong Gang.

  And Rex is the same, unless Ye Wudao will choose to let the Thunder Dragon couple also come to the Alliance of Time and Space, otherwise he would rather be an ordinary person.

  "Xiaoyu, are you not playing with us?"

  "You have to resist the temptation, you don't like fighting anyway, so why do you need so many combat power indexes."

  Ye Wudao just listened.

  No explanation.

  How to choose is up to them.

  "Stay or go back with me, you can think for yourself, Qian Laiye, the three of you come out with me."

  Ye Wudao waved his hand.

  Leaving King Arthur and the others to continue their discussion.

  And he took the three fools into the yard.


  The three knelt down.

  "Get up, although you have tried to cheat me, but this is destined for me to be the chief ally of time and space. I don't care about the past, and I will continue to assist me in finding the fragments of the book in the future. Are you willing to become the chief inspector?"

  "Thank you for the kindness of the leader, we are willing."

  Zuo Ci knew that there was still a chance to hold his thigh tightly now.

  After this village, there is no such shop.

  A fool would refuse.

  You must know that there are only 12 chief inspectors, chief inspectors, chief adjudicators, and chief law enforcement officers in each department of the Time and Space Alliance.

  Apart from being loyal to the Alliance Leader, the only person who can mobilize them is the Holy Soul Messenger, the boss of the Supervision Department.

  When the chief inspector, they can choose to use a lot of points to improve their body and increase their lifespan. They can't refuse this alone.

  "Very good, you can go back to the X quadrant. By the way, who are the people in charge of the Y quadrant, and if you can have their contact information, let them come to see the emperor quickly!".

Chapter 279

  3 days.

  Ye Wudao has changed from a penniless boy to a master of the space-time alliance and a master.

  No one dared to disobey his orders.

  It is expected that in three months, the enthronement ceremony will be held.

  Ye Wudao found a reason and sent the X-quadrant three fools to go back first to investigate the identities of the Y-quadrant inspector, inspector-and adjudicator.

  In four more days, he will bring people back.

  Except for the girls in the golden and iron time and space left behind this time, everyone else needs to return to the silver time and space with him.

  As long as he makes a beautiful ending, he will be able to travel to other quadrant universes, making open and unannounced visits to find fragments of the Book of Heaven.

  In addition to the four worlds of gold, silver, copper and iron, Ye Wudao didn't know anything about it.

  But he is a man of identity.

  Inspectors and inspectors can be dispatched to work for him.

  If you just lack an identity, just fake one.

  Anyway, for the order of time and space, the god of time and space represents everything.

  Ye Wudao began to explore all the secrets of the Space-Time Alliance.

  For him, there is a lot of mystery here.

  In the palace, there are also recorders.

  But there is no comparison.

  Because he was the first holy emperor.

  "Call the leaders of the four alliances, this emperor has something to ask!"

  Ye Wudao is naturally clear, who is the manager of the Space-Time Federation on the bright side.

  Don't look at the five messengers' abilities and combat power are top-level, but they don't care, just explain a general direction.

  Naturally someone will do it for them.

  Rather like nuclear weapons, it can play a stabilizing and deterrent role.

  Even apart from the flame, the other four ambassadors have not shot for millions of years, but under the management of the four alliances, the time and space alliance is still stable.

  Although the God of Time and Space ignores everything, everyone with discernment knows that he is omnipresent and omnipotent.

  The Airborne Empire became the Supreme Emperor, and Ye Wudao's strength and combat power were obvious to all.

  Moreover, he is very aggressive and can change the status quo of the Space-Time Alliance, while the Space-Time Empire is flourishing and needs a dynamic leader to bring prosperity.

  The current situation is that the Space-Time Alliance is neutral, the spirit world is biased towards eliminating demons, and the demon world attacks and seizes major time-spaces. If the Space-Time Alliance changes its neutrality, from passive demon elimination to active demon elimination, the status quo will definitely change.

  But the whole body is moved by one hair, and it is impossible for the Alliance of Time and Space to fight the Demon Realm immediately, and it needs to be done step by step.

  And the twelve time and space where Ye Wudao is located has become the beginning of the intersection and hegemony.

  For the Space-Time Alliance, the space-time order is just a piece of paper.

  It's okay to lie to a child, Ye Wudao is very clear, the space-time general alliance has at least more than [-] times and spaces, and resources are mined and brought into the general alliance to build an empire.

  Otherwise, how can we enrich the points store.

  This is the Confederation's system.

  "Your Majesty, I don't know what orders you have to invite the four of us?"

  In the imperial study.

  Ye Wudao just smiled.

  After a long while, the more impatient Leimeng leader dared to open his mouth tentatively.

  "Four leaders, please sit down, this emperor also wants to understand the status quo of the space-time empire."

  "You have also made great contributions to maintaining the stability of the Space-Time Alliance. After all, although this emperor was assigned by the master to manage the empire, he also needed the support of the four. This is the production method and main material of the magic crystal cannon."

  "Don't refuse first, listen to me!"

  Ye Wudao took out a series of drawings of the magic crystal gun from weak to strong, but there is no cosmic super magic crystal gun. After all, this is Ye Wudao's killer, and it is impossible to spread it.

  But the magic crystal gun came into being, but it can change the situation of the battle.

  The ancient battlefield opened up by the Space-Time Alliance in the Demon Realm has been chaotic for many years, and it is like a devouring machine, devouring the source of troops from both sides of the enemy.

  According to Ye Wudao's understanding.

  The total population of the space-time empire is about [-] billion.

  The total population of the Demon World is fifteen times that of the Space-Time Alliance.

  However, among the 1000 billion in the space-time empire, even if the strength is the lowest, there is a [-] divine power index, so that they can live in the empire.

  What is recorded on the map is already recorded hundreds of years ago.

  Ye Wudao looked for the four alliances, and also wanted to find out how many people there were in their alliance, and how many troops could participate in the war.

  After the magic crystal cannon was circulated, the eyes of the four alliance leaders lit up.

  Only the leader of the Rain Alliance was a little embarrassed.

  After all, his daughter Shengyu once gave him a detailed drawing, but when he looked at it again, he realized that this thing was actually contributed by Ye Wudao.

  Even Ye Wudao owns [-]% of Jubao Pavilion's shares.

  The leader of the Yumeng even wanted to give all the Treasure Pavilion to Ye Wudao, but he refused.

  "Everyone is a senior, I won't talk about it if you are polite. The most important thing now is to search for the fragments of the celestial book, reunite the celestial book, and rescue the god of time and space. With him, the entire time and space alliance is truly stable, but I need to understand the general What percentage of the authenticity of this record is?"

  Ye Wudao handed this record to them.

  After the four of them glanced at each other, the leader of the Yumeng League suddenly smiled and said: "It's true, the four leagues also participated in the mapping and census many years ago, and the Supervision Department has the roster of all the population registrations of the General League, although the military has been at a loss. , but it is expected that the total population is gradually increasing, because they are actually derived from the outstanding people in [-] times and spaces."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  "Yes, we remember this matter. It was proposed by the Holy Soul Envoy of the Ministry of Supervision, and the meeting passed the investigation."

  "The military department is actually the name of the four departments before the division. Now there is no military department. Only the supervision department commands the overall situation. The inspection department represents the general alliance and the stability of the major time and space. At most, there are [-] million middle- and low-end abilities, [-]% of them are in the ancient battlefield of the demon world, [-]% are allocated to each time and space, and [-]% are left behind and stationed in the imperial capital."

  It turned out to be the case.

  The four divisions cannot supervise each other, but the Judgment Division has the lowest number of people, but the highest combat power.

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