After all, the Alliance of Time and Space did not have so many rules before.

  Only strength is king.

  But now, as soon as the emperor comes out, the rules are the rules.

  No one dared to despise the majesty of the God of Time and Space, especially in the Imperial Capital of the General League.

  Ye Wudao can mobilize the power of the world and kill any non-governor, but they can't resist.

  Even if the five messengers make mistakes, they will also be held accountable.

  However, Ye Wudao will not deal with them, because they are all five spirits selected by the Space-Time Federation from the laws hundreds of millions of years ago.

  Gives life, is loyal and reliable, and has made countless contributions to the Alliance of Time and Space.

  The God of Time and Space, however, bestowed upon them absolute strength.

  To put it bluntly, they are the thugs and managers created by the God of Time and Space.

  Ye Wudao inherited the mantle of the god of time and space, and the laws of time and space have been completed.

  And under the protection of the Space-Time Alliance, even though his divine power index is not high, he is invincible.

  At the very least, Ye Wudao can sense and punish anyone who is disobedient.

  "Go on."

  The Holy Soul Messenger swallowed a mouthful of spit, and hurriedly lowered his noble head, saying: "Return to the Holy Venerable, the number of days is very magical, it will be hidden in the most special treasures in every time and space, people or creatures, only according to the laws of the universe. The investigation was carried out. After the efforts of our supervision department, we finally discovered this secret. That’s why we sent three of them to investigate the XYZ quadrant universe. However, because of our supernatural power, we cannot enter this time and space and destroy the order of time and space. We can only rely on our own efforts to find it. Destined people, know the rest."

  The Holy Spirit retreated.

  Ye Wudao nodded, he was very clear about this, only at a certain time, the breath of the fragments of the book would be revealed.

  It is very difficult to find the carrier of the fragments of the Book of Heaven in the vast sea of ​​people.

  According to the god of time and space.

  That piece of heavenly book should be the piece from which the copper space-time was taken away.

  Therefore, Ye Wudao does not need to go to the copper time and space.

  Next, if you want to return, you need to go to Wood Water Fire Earth and Light Wind Thunder Magic to find the remaining eight pieces.

  And at the moment when the Imperial Palace opened.

  Ye Wudao felt that there was also a fragment of the book of heaven preserved here.

  And it's the biggest piece.

  "Okay, if there is nothing to do, everyone will step back first, and the emperor will find time to visit one by one. As for the need to step up the training of masters recently, perhaps soon, we will take the initiative to declare war on the demon world!"

  "As ordered!"

  "The Frozen Rain Envoy stays! This Emperor has a private matter to discuss with you."

  Ye Wudao looked calm.

  The other messengers smiled at him, making the Frozen Rain messenger a little overwhelmed.

  He asked himself, it had nothing to do with Ye Wudao.

  How could he leave him alone?

  "Holy Venerable, what are you doing?"

  "Sit down, this time I want to discuss with you, marry Shengyu as your wife, and make her the first imperial concubine.".

Chapter 277

  The Ice Rain Messenger was startled.

  He looked at Ye Wudao deeply, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out why.

  "Xuan, the Saintess of the Rain Alliance, the Holy Rain, has an audience!"

  Gong E went out to call.

  After a while, the holy rain appeared on the palace with half surprise and half joy.

  "Meet Your Majesty, and see your grandfather!"

  "Yu'er, how can we be so divided? This time, I am sincere to ask your grandfather for marriage."

  Holy Rain was excited.

  She thought she would be forgotten, after all, even if she was once noble, compared with Ye Wudao, she was still a bit cloudy and muddy.

  Unexpectedly, Ye Wudao would say such a thing, and I was really surprised for a while.

  "Holy Rain, what's going on?"

  Bing Yu seems very strange. After all, he has been in seclusion for a longer time. He needs to understand the laws and improve his strength, and he has no time to cultivate future generations.

  As everyone knows, his descendants have given him such a big surprise.

  That is the master of time and space, the first emperor of space and time, His Majesty.

  "Yu'er and I fell in love at first sight, so we naturally wanted to make her a concubine, not to mention the past oaths, there must always be a beginning and an end."

  Ye Wudao winked at her.

  Sheng Yu was very happy in his heart, even with a hint of shyness.

  Even though she is [-] years old, she still looks like a child in front of Ye Wudao.

  "Hey, Xiao Yu'er, what's going on?"

  The Frozen Rain Envoy still didn't understand.

  Not long after he left the customs, he didn't know the situation at all.

  When he was pulled out by the flame messenger, he met the God of Time and Space canonized Ye Wudao as the new leader, and also opened the Time and Space Empire for him.

  You know, the time and space empire itself was set millions of years ago, but it was never activated.

  And at that time, the god of time and space suddenly disappeared.

  The General League has always pursued the practice of not participating in the internal affairs of each time and space.

  Never interfere with the order of time and space, and only train troops and horses in the time and space that are known to be obtained.

  Ye Wudao now has the Dao.

  Either way, it's a good match.

  It would be very high if the Messenger of Ice and Rain could get permission.

  "Grandpa~ My Majesty Wudao and I are really destined to be together, so I want to be with Wudao forever~々."

  Sheng Yu is coquettish.

  The Bingyu messenger hesitated, looked at Ye Wudao, and said: "If your Majesty really sees Yu'er's appearance as a willow, it's okay to become Qin Jin, just follow His Majesty's wishes, but ask Your Majesty treats Yu'er better, I am just such a precious granddaughter."

  "Don't worry, this emperor will not disappoint Yu'er."

  "That's fine, that's fine."

  Bing Yu did not expect that he would get such a big surprise.

  His Majesty the first Holy Venerable took a fancy to his granddaughter, and getting married would at least improve the future survival rate of Yumeng.

  Wait for the freezing rain to leave.

  Ye Wudao took the holy rain and wandered in the imperial palace.

  This alone occupies one-tenth of the imperial capital.

  Don't underestimate this area, after all, the sum of the inner and outer cities of the Space-Time Alliance is equivalent to the total area of ​​the four spiritual worlds.

  Ye Wudao coughed: "What, now you still think I'm not worthy of my baby?"

  "Hate, how do people know that you were able to break through the competitive tower, and you were accepted as a disciple by the God of Time and Space, and became the chief alliance leader. You don't know how shocked Fengmeng and Dianmeng were when you appeared. ."

  "Okay, from now on, you will stay in the Imperial Palace, and even the five envoys will give you some face."

  Go back first and prepare the dowry. I want to give you a wedding that you will never forget.

  Ye Wudao patted Shengyu on the shoulder and whispered something in her ear.

  Sheng Yu's face was flushed, and he hurried out, but he looked back every three steps, and was reluctant to leave Ye Wudao.

  After her figure completely disappeared in the inner courtyard of the palace, Ye Wudao's expression changed a little.

  He did not expect that he directly inherited the will of the God of Time and Space.

  And the other party didn't lie to him.

  The place under his feet is the center of the Space-Time Alliance.

  But it is also the core area where the God of Time and Space stores the strongest divine power.

  to keep him.

  The God of Time and Space is no less than a gift to him, but it also represents his responsibility.

  "It's not that easy to gather the remaining fragments of the Book of Heaven."

  "It seems that the devil world must be conquered."

  "Fortunately, there is no time limit, and after the synthesis of the heavenly book, what kind of power does it have that the God of Time and Space is so eager to obtain it."

  Ye Wudao stayed alone in the Imperial Palace.

  No one dared to step forward.

  As for the current stage, Ye Wudao's figure disappeared directly in place.

  Appeared again in an instant.

  It's just that a spaceship model suddenly appeared in his hand.

  The battle fortress of the city of the sky was instantly brought to the Space-Time Alliance by him.

  After all, it is impossible for the rules to impose any restrictions on him.

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