Tian Hongguang exclaimed.

  If it weren't for the neon clothes and feather clothes given by Ye Wudao, I'm afraid that his slight combat power index would be absorbed in the score.

  Holy Rain was a little surprised.

  Looking at the same appearance as the flame messenger, I was shocked in my heart.

  "It turned out to be you, so the kid who broke into the tower is Ye Wudao who defeated me last time? Why didn't he see me when he came to the Alliance of Time and Space!"

  Defeat the Firebringer?

  What a joke.

  These elite masters present were all shivering with fright.

  Don't talk about them, even the other four messengers will be three-pointed when they see the flame messenger.

  Run into this fighting lunatic.

  That is how far it will go, how far it will run.

  Slightly surprised.

  Sheng Yu came over and asked in a low voice, "Grandpa Flame, do you also know my little friend?"

  Just don't know why.

  Tian Hongguang only felt very inconsistent.

  The avatar of his sister, called his avatar grandfather?

  It's too exciting to ride a horse.

  The Golden Time and Space Five, Xiu and Xia Xia came forward to greet the flame messenger.

  After all, they were spared by the flame messenger last time.

  Otherwise, the iron time and space will inevitably be destroyed.

  "Hehe, I didn't expect that the Ultimate Teke would also come to the Space-Time Federation. This is something that hasn't happened in many years. You guys are really good. I actually felt pain last time."

  "You're joking, we're only fighting one-in-a-millionth of your strength. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid that my iron time and space will be destroyed.".

Chapter 274

  The flame messenger just smiled, and then looked at the competition tower in surprise.

  displayed outside.

  Ye Wudao broke into the 900th floor during the conversation.

  "Good boy, his strength has improved so fast. The last time he saw you, he only had a combat power index of more than 200 million, but now he has broken through the limit and reached 1300 million divine power index. If he can worship me, maybe my time and space alliance A second flame messenger will appear, take my class!"

  The entire time and space alliance.

  Only the five messengers have passed through the 900th floor.

  Only the flame messenger can pass the customs and reach the top, but it is also completed after many challenges.

  At that time, the Alliance of Time and Space was not as lively as it is now.

  And the record is displayed on the ranking of the competitive tower.

  The number one is naturally the God of Time-Space, clear the level.

  In second place is the Flamebringer, tier 99-9.

  The third place is the Messenger of Ice Rain, with 980 floors.

  The fourth place is the envoy of the wind and wind, with 970 floors.

  Ranked fifth is the light mine messenger, with 968 floors.

  Ranked sixth is the Dark Electric Messenger, with 963 floors.

  Further down, the founders of the Four Alliances, the four deputy envoys of Feng Yu, Thunder and Lightning, all ended on the 955th floor.

  The boss of the Ministry of Supervision, the Holy Spirit Envoy, on the 950th floor.

  The boss of the Judgment Department, the Holy Angel, on the 944th floor.

  The boss of the inspection department, Sheng Ming, on the 936th floor.

  The boss of the Law Enforcement Department, the 921st floor.

  Then there are the Sons and Saints.

  They have only passed more than 800 layers.

  Ye Wudao has already caught up and is now ranked 15th.

  It happened to be on the head of the Holy Son of Fengmeng.

  And it is gradually increasing.

  The Arena Tower began to vibrate.

  The heroic spirits cheered and shouted continuously.

  The entire time and space alliance is like encountering a storm.

  "It's already 950 floors, and he actually defeated the Holy Soul Envoy and reached the 11th place?"

  "It hasn't stopped, he's still going through the barrier."

  "My God, the God of Time and Space is above, does he want to climb to the top in one breath?"

  "I really can't imagine that I can witness the birth of a miracle."

  Everyone was forced to withdraw [-] meters away from the Arena Tower.

  Boundless evil spirit surrounds.

  Although the flame messenger was still laughing, his eyes began to be solemn, and he said softly: "Next, I also want to see if you can reach the limit that I have not reached."

  Didn't even the flame messenger clear the level?

  Is it a rumor?

  The saints and saints who were present all looked at him with a search intent in their eyes.

  The flame messenger smiled and said: "Because the last level of the competitive tower will face the god of time and space. If this kid can pass the level, he will definitely become the most powerful existence in the space-time alliance, and he will become the second time. God."

  This statement came out.

  Everyone was horrified.

  The god of time and space is not formless, without a name, without a surname, and unable to predict the origin and existence.

  Even these five ambassadors have never seen it.

  I don't know if he is male or female.

  And the flame messenger seems to have witnessed the true body of the god of time?

  one way or another.

  All the people present are witnesses to the miracle.

  They held their breaths and watched Ye Wudao break the leaderboard record little by little.

  When Ye Wudao challenged to the 981st floor.

  The competitive tower rankings were updated, and Ye Wudao was the third.

  Only a dozen floors away, will he also reach the height of the flame messenger?

  Sheng Yu's heart has been surrounded by a shock of joy.

  She did not expect that Ye Wudao would give her such a big surprise.

  If this is the case, her eldest brother and father will never refuse this marriage.

  He even hoped that Ye Wudao would marry Sheng Yu as soon as possible.

  Even the flame messenger personally said that Ye Wudao would inherit the god of time, then the pattern of the general alliance would directly change.

  at this time.

  Ye Wudao no longer concealed it. He held the cosmic super magic crystal cannon and began to charge at every floor.

  Each time it consumes [-]% of the energy, it directly attacks in a fixed area and wipes out each layer.

  And this method makes those spirits of the competitive tower unable to defend, and directly disappears as molecules.

  Ye Wudao gritted his teeth and insisted.

  He knew it.

  As long as you are not approached by those heroic spirits.

  He will not fail.

  There are only 5 levels to reach the level.

  No matter what, keep going.

  outside world.

  The flamebringer was able to see the fighting inside, though.

  But he could feel the energy that did not lose to him with the same divine power index.

  Every time, it will make the time and space league competition tower vibrate.

  That is the power enhancement of the universe super magic crystal cannon.

  In order to maintain full energy.

  Half of the energy in the Huntian Moku was emptied by Ye Wudao.

  But the benefits he got were real.

  Until Ye Wudao took the last step.

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