Qiao Qian never thought that she would become a sweet pastry.

  And Ye Yuxiang was already stunned.

  what did she hear?

  Ye Wudao is chasing Xiao Qiao?

  This is ridiculous.

  Just why, she felt that Ye Wudao was not joking.

  "If that's the case, I wouldn't object."

  Qiao Qian suddenly smiled.

  Ye Yuxiang said, "Xiao Qiao, don't you want to see that person?"

  Qiao Qian glanced at Ye Yuxiang, shook her head and said, "Ah Xiang, after he did something like that, we won't have the chance to be together again, even if I know it's fake, but he never explained it to me, nor did he tell me about it. Take it to heart."

  "Miss Sun, are you trying to sabotage my date with Sister Xiao Qiao? Or can I think you're trying to sow discord?"

  Ye Wudao spoke unhappily.

  Press back what Ye Yuxiang wanted to say.

  She only felt that Ye Wudao was like a fierce beast, staring at herself full of disgust, and her heart was bitter.

  She finally persuaded her father to transfer to the Eastern Han Academy. What was it for?

  Ye Wudao shook his head and said, "There will be no future between us. I hope you don't pester me in the future. I'm sorry, teacher, for ruining your lecture."

  "I won't dare, General Ye, please do it yourself. Let's go to self-study."

  The teachers were scared away.

  The whole class was in an uproar.

  Xiao Qiao's blushing look is very cute.

  But Ye Wudao knew it.

  He has already overwhelmed Zhou Yu, or at least seized the opportunity.

  Even Zhao Yun and Cao Cao are very upset.

  But Ye Wudao didn't care.

  "If Diaochan doesn't mind, I also like being with Brother Ye, it will make me feel at ease."

  Xiao Qiao is not as weak as Ye Yuxiang, and wants to gain the initiative.

  She is not stupid.

  She knew very well that what Ye Yuxiang said just now really meant to make her retreat.

  Ye Wudao's maintenance made her very happy.

  Besides, confessing in front of the whole class was a pleasant surprise.

  "Let's go out for a walk, all students continue to study on their own."

  Ye Wudao took Xiao Qiao away in public.

  The Five Tigers will be a little stunned.

  But Xiu covered his face, and Wang Dadong and the others also felt that this scene seemed familiar.

  do not forget.

  Ye Wudao picked all the golden flowers of the final class at the beginning.

  It seems that wherever he is, as long as the woman he takes a fancy to, can't escape the devil's claws.

  "Brother Ye's peach blossom luck is too strong. Calculate he has 7 girlfriends now?"

  "No, there could be nine!"

  "OMG, isn't Brother Ye afraid of capsize? Teacher Tian Xin doesn't care about him."

  "What are you talking about, are there many women in Brother Ye?"

  "But this is also normal. Brother Ye is a censor and general of the country. He has a very high status in the school league. He is young and rich, and it is normal for women to have a good relationship."

  Wang Dadong and the three did not answer this.

  However, Xiu and Zhang Fei discovered that Guan Yu's face was very ugly.

  "It doesn't break the law if you like people, but Ye Wudao's actions, aren't you afraid that Diao Chan will be sad? I will never forgive this kind of scum."

  "Second brother, calm down!"

  "Yeah, second brother, don't forget, even if we are willing to help you, Diaochan may not treat you differently, and even blame you for being meddlesome. Didn't you hear Brother Ye say that Diaochan is not against it!"

  Zhang Fei and Xiu's persuasion did not make Guan Yu sober, but even more annoyed.

  "I want to ask Ye Wudao for an explanation. If he can't concentrate on Diaochan, I will also pursue Diaochan."


  Guan Yu's words came out.

  The voice of the entire class discussing Ye Wudao gradually died out.

  Ye Yuxiang felt that this was an opportunity.

  If she can handle it well, maybe Diaochan will leave Ye Wudao, and she may have the opportunity to become Ye Wudao's real wife.

  "Although I don't want to say that, but I think what you think, Second Brother Guan, is false, or do you think Brother Ye will allow you to destroy other people's feelings like this?"

  Wang Arthur's words made the five tiger generals glared at him.

  Xiu hesitated for a long time and motioned him to stop talking.

  But he also knew that the brothers in the Golden Time and Space Ultimate Class were all completely defending Ye Wudao.

  And he was caught in the middle, very embarrassed.

  "Big brother, please say something, the second brother listens to your words, and we will fight for you."

  Zhang Fei knew that Ye Wudao was very difficult to mess with.

  If not, they could easily be persuaded to leave by the Eastern Han Academy.

  "Brother, I can listen to you about other things, but this time, I hope you can stand on my side and break with Ye Wudao."

  Guan Yu is like justice incarnate.

  Xiu felt a headache.

  No matter from which point of view, Ye Wudao will definitely not see such a thing happening.  …

  Ye Yuxiang looked at Xiu in surprise.

  For some reason, she was suddenly curious about him again.

  "Liu Bei, do you feel embarrassed?"

  "Student Sun Shangxiang, this is not an embarrassment, I just think that it is necessary for two people to work hard, not wishful thinking."

  "Brother, don't you think Ye Wudao is too domineering? He still wants Xiao Qiao after Diaochan. Shouldn't this kind of person who doesn't respect women be stopped?"

  Guan Yu's anger surged, his face turned red, and at first glance it was out of anger.

  Ma Chao and Huang Zhong looked at each other, shook their heads and said, "This matter is Brother Ye's private matter. Zhong and I are not involved. Second brother Guan, please forgive me."

  "That's right, Brother Ye is kind to Chao, and the two of us don't get involved."

  The Five Tigers will diverge.

  Guan Yu looked at Zhao Yun.

  "I'm not involved either. Who Xiao Qiao likes is her freedom, Guan Yu, calm down."

  "No, I can't see that Diao Chan will be sad. Even if you all stop me, I will let Diao Chan see Ye Wudao's true face."

  Guan Yu directly dialed Diaochan's SIMAN.

  "Student Guan Yu, why did you contact me?"

  Diaochan was in the city of the sky, chatting and laughing with the girls.

  Inexplicably received Guan Yu's SIMAN, some doubts.

  "Student Diaochan, this is how it goes..."

  The whole class fell silent.

  When Guan Yu finished saying these words, he saw that Diao Chan didn't care, and said in surprise: "What I said is true, aren't you angry and sad?"

  "Student Guan Yu, I thank you for telling me these words, but I asked Wudao to do this, so there is no problem between us, please don't contact me in the future, you speak ill of others behind your back. The behavior is not worth promoting, goodbye."

  Diaochan hangs up SIMAN.

  Guan Yu was dumbfounded.

  He was actually regarded by Diao Chan as a despicable villain.

  And Diao Chan even suggested that Ye Wudao pursue Xiao Qiao, how could such a thing happen here.

  "Second brother? Are you okay?"

  Zhang Fei was very worried.

  Guan Yu forced a smile on his face, but everyone could see that he was hurt now.

  Unexpectedly, everything is his own guess.

  Diao Chan turned out to be the mastermind.

  this is too scary.

  For a while, Guan Yu really couldn't say anything.

  "Brother, what should I do now?".

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