It wasn't as embarrassing as it was just now, but everyone couldn't let go.

  From the corner of Xiu's eyes, he was always looking at Ye Wudao, but Cao Cao was staring at him.

  He had some doubts whether Liu Bei and Ye Wudao were related.

  He had seen that look a lot.

  It always feels like deja vu, but for a while, I can't figure out what the relationship is.

  "I didn't expect the food in this restaurant to be good, how come I never found it before?"

  Xiao Qiao muttered to himself.

  Cao Cao heard it right.

  He doubted whether he had met the fake Xiao Qiao.

  After all, it was not a day or two that he had a crush on Xiao Qiao.

  "Xiao Qiao, is it not to your taste? It's not like you."

  "No, it's all because of Brother Ye. He took me and Diaochan on an outing today, and I still feel like I'm holding on!"

  "Outing? Brother Ye?"

  "That's right, I live in Brother Ye's house now. Speaking of which, his house is really big. I think it's twice as big as the Eastern Han Academy, and it's not far from the Eastern Han Academy."

  When Cao Cao heard this, he immediately stared at Ye Wudao with malicious eyes.

  "Cough, Xiao Qiao, don't say that, it's not that I invited you to live there."

  Diaochan is busy making a clearance.

  Ye Wudao ate the food in a slow and methodical manner, but his mind began to be empty.

  "Wu Dao, Dad just called Siman, let me go back today, you will remember to help me send Xiao Qiao back!"

  Diaochan spoke.

  Ye Wudao nodded.

  But at this time, on the stage of the restaurant, the lights suddenly came on.

  Two magicians dressed in strange clothes began to perform trick tricks.

  One man and one woman, their eyes are always wandering around their table.

  Although the magic was wonderful, it received a lot of applause.

  But Ye Wudao knew that the two were Li Ru and Mei Niang.

  "I don't know if you have seen the performance of the big change, now we need a lucky customer!"

  When the customers dining under the table heard the words, they immediately raised their hands, and they cooperated seamlessly, but Ye Wudao could feel that they had blood on their bodies, and they should be from the masters in the military.

  "Dengdengdengdeng, she is the long-haired beauty at table 6, please come on stage to perform."

  The crowd booed.

  Xiao Qiao glanced aside, and suddenly said in surprise: "Aren't we at table number 6, the long-haired beauty is naturally Diao Chan, Diao Chan, hurry up, I want to watch the show."

  Diao Chan looked at Ye Wudao.

  "Don't go up, there's something wrong with those two people, and so are the diners around."

  Ye Wudao suddenly refused.

  Diaochan breathed a sigh of relief, blushing and said, "I'm not used to performing any shows, but how did you find out?"

  "It's not easy to guess, you didn't raise your hand, and you still have your back to the stage, but so many people raised their hands, why did you choose you.".

Chapter 246

  The five tiger generals did not think so much after hearing the words.

  Instead, Cao Cao frowned and persuaded for a while, "No way, they look like ordinary people. Brother Ye, don't you have persecution paranoia?"

  Ye Wudao wiped his mouth.

  Suddenly there was a sigh of relief.

  Press directly to the stage.

  After the two faced each other directly, they were dripping with cold sweat.

  Li Ru scolded inwardly, and even lost the courage to look at Ye Wudao.

  "Sure enough, there is a problem, Brother Ye is really thoughtful."

  "Diaochan is my woman, I will kill anyone who dares to trouble her."

  Ye Wudao coughed and said, "I'm here today. I'll take Diaochan back to Principal Wang Yun's house first, and I'll ask you to help me take Xiao Qiao back to Ye's house later."

  Did not continue to participate in the follow-up.

  Ye Wudao took Diao Chan out of the restaurant.

  Everyone looked at each other.

  Cao Cao was a little displeased, but it was not easy to attack.

  "Xiao Qiao, are you living at Brother Ye's house now?"

  "That's right, Brother Ye is a very kind person. I envy Diaochan for meeting such a considerate person."

  "Look, those two magicians really have a problem. They have already run away. Should we chase them?"

  Zhang Fei suddenly interrupted the conversation.

  Not only that.

  There are fewer diners around.

  Ma Chao said: "Those people all have a force index, and they are not low. Could it be that they are really here for Diaochan?"

  "Then which faction are they from? The Yellow Turban Thief or Hedong High School?"

  "I don't know, but Brother Ye can actually see that there is a problem with the other party. It is indeed my fault. I am afraid it will be a little dangerous here. We might as well send Xiao Qiao back first, and we will have a dinner next time."

  Cao Cao could no longer remain silent.

  The crowd came with interest and returned disappointed.


  Silent all night.

  Ye Wudao went directly to the Eastern Han Academy with Xiao Qiao the next day.

  "Brother Ye, something is wrong. I called Diaochan several times in the morning, but Diaochan didn't answer."

  "Is that right?"

  "Brother Ye, you are finally here. Principal Wang Yun invited us to the principal's office."

  Cao Cao looked worried.

  "Little Qiao, you go back to class first."

  "No, is something wrong with Diao Chan? I'll be with you too."

  Ye Wudao thought about it, and didn't persuade her.

  The three of them rushed to the principal's room together.

  Five Tiger Generals, Xiu is already waiting.

  After everyone arrived, Wang Yuncai hurried over.

  "Ye Wudao, I'm afraid that something will happen. Diaochan left home in the morning, but now he didn't come to school, he didn't pick up Siman, and he couldn't find anyone at school~々."

  "Headmaster, don't worry."

  "Cao Cao, how can I not be in a hurry, that's my daughter."

  Without waiting for everyone to talk about it, Wang Yun's SIMAN sounded.

  After the connection was made, a masked man called, saying that Diaochan had been kidnapped.

  And let them see a picture.

  Ye Wudao's expression changed, and he hummed: "Be familiar with the situation and let Diaochan go immediately, or I will raze Hedong University to the ground. Whether it was done by Dong Zhuo or not, this matter will be counted on his head."

  The other party was startled, but hung up immediately.

  Wang Yun looked at Ye Wudao in surprise and asked, "How can you be sure that Dong Zhuo did it, not the Yellow Turban thief?"

  "Recently, only Hedong University and our Eastern Han Academy have had a conflict. A villain like Dong Zhuo will definitely not miss this opportunity. You continue to think of ways, and I will save people first."

  Ye Wudao did not wait for them to reply, and the person had disappeared without a trace.

  Cao Cao had a headache and said, "It's not clear yet. The exact location where Diao Chan was kidnapped, Brother Ye is too impatient."

  Xiao Qiao said thoughtfully: "This is not necessarily. If it is really done by Hedong University, I'm afraid they are going to be bad."

  She was present, the only one who knew how powerful Ye Wudao was.

  Besides, when something happened to Diao Chan, the most urgent person must be Ye Wudao.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't help but envy Diaochan even more.

  Cao Cao didn't expect Xiao Qiao to say this, and looked at her suspiciously, but he could only wait.

  After all, they now have too few clues.

  "I'm calling again, can you answer?"

  Wang Yun has six gods and no masters.

  The crowd hurried to persuade.

  After connecting.

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