"Thank you all for sending me to the doctor, and I have to trouble President Cao to come forward. Guan Yu is very grateful."

  "Everyone is brothers. Brother Guan is very polite, but because the Eastern Han Academy still needs me for many things, otherwise I would like to accompany you to Tiandang Mountain."

  "Stop talking nonsense, the seven-day low bone needs to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, otherwise, once it occurs, it will inevitably lead to low life and die, time waits for no one!"

  Ye Wudao interrupted them, took a deep look at Xiu, and coughed: "Brother Liu, good luck!"

  "Thank you for the alliance, thank you brother Ye for your help, Liu Bei represents my brother Guan Yu, thank President Cao and all the brothers for their help, let's go!"

  Zhang Fei waved on the yacht, and everyone got on the boat.

  After watching them disappear into the sea, Cao Cao, Ye Wudao and Diaochan decided to return to the Eastern Han Academy.

  along the way.

  Cao Cao asked Ye Wudao all kinds of advice, whether it was talking about the situation or discussing the past and the present, Cao Cao failed to achieve his goal.

  On the contrary, he was even more jealous of Ye Wudao, thinking that Ye Wudao would become a stumbling block for him to dominate the world.

  However, the more Ye Wudao didn't care, the more Cao Cao wanted to know more about Ye Wudao.

  "President Cao is quick-witted and a rare talent. The Eastern Han Academy is only because the eunuchs and relatives are fighting each other, and now there are signs of decline. With the support of the father-in-law and President Cao, the entire group has stood firm. Let Wudao admire!"

  Ye Wudao looked like a compliment.

  But Cao Cao is suspicious of character, but thinks that Ye Wudao is playing a trick.

  After many ups and downs along the way, I finally returned to the Eastern Han Academy.

  Hedong High School lost face because Zuo Ci's [Eight Doors Golden Lock Array] was broken, and must want to get it back.

  But until the Five Tigers return, nothing major will happen.

  Ye Wudao knew that Dong Zhuo still wanted to attack the Eastern Han Academy, and he didn't care about that.

  But if Dong Zhuo dares to hurt Diaochan.

  Then he didn't mind, letting Dong Zhuo disappear ahead of schedule.

  There are golden space-time and silver space-time pearls in front.

  When he came to Silver Time and Space, in fact, the main thing was to be a shit-stirring stick.

  "Brother Ye, this time I would like to thank Brother Ye for his method of breaking the formation. I believe that the students of the Eastern Han Academy can have a happy class, and the efforts of Brother Ye and the Five Tiger Generals are an honor."

  Cao Cao is complimenting.

  Ye Wudao secretly laughed, this Cao Cao was afraid that he still wanted to find out his origin, but this time he was going to disappoint him.

  He Ye Wudao established the Sky Eye Intelligence Network in three years. If he was really a spy, his puppets would spread all over the world in various colleges and universities and forces in the silver time and space.

  Once he wants to start what plan.

  No one can stop them.

  Cao Cao also did not know that his Cao family compound and his Cao family army also had nails buried by Ye Wudao.

  of course.

  Not the time to expose.

  The conditions given by Ye Wudao are still very loose, not that kind of villain, and what he wants to snoop on is not a secret.

  After all, the real secrets are in the hands of important people.

  "President Cao, you don't have to be polite, everyone is classmates of the Eastern Han Academy, as long as you don't come to provoke me, I'm too lazy to deal with you, like asking someone to investigate Ye, it's better not to happen a second time, otherwise I No matter whose dog it is, hehe, you know!"

  Ye Wudao left a meaningful sentence.

  Cao Cao was surprised.

  When I want to say something.

  Ye Wudao has floated away with Diao Chan.

  Cao Cao was left alone in the wind, and he began to wonder again, not knowing what Ye Wudao was talking about.

  "President, this is the investigation record of the younger ones yesterday, but can I apply, don't let me investigate that Ye Wudao, his eyes are really scary, I really want to be a good person."

  "Jiang Gan, I'm afraid you've already been exposed. In this case, you should return to the team first. In the near future, don't investigate secretly, and don't provoke him, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

  When Cao Cao saw Jiang Gan, he already understood.

  Ye Wudao secretly reminded him that if Ye Wudao had not exposed his supreme force yesterday, perhaps Cao Cao would still want to bring people under his banner.

  But now, he no longer dared to compete with Ye Wudao.

  After all, people know themselves.

  Not everyone is qualified to have a relationship with that person.

  "What a terrible and respectable opponent! I, Cao Cao, won't back down so easily! But Ye Wudao, what exactly do you want?".

Chapter 222

  Not to mention what Cao Cao thinks.

  Ye Wudao was very happy anyway.

  Because of Diaochan's divine assistance, Xiao Qiao has begun to become curious about Ye Wudao.

  This is a good start.

  But he also remembered that in Xiao Qiao's heart, a past period made her feel a sense of distance from others.

  "Wu Dao, my dad said he wanted to see you, should we go to the principal's office first?"

  Diao Chan just picked up a call from SIMAN, and Wang Yun said that he had something to look for.

  Ye Wudao put down the scroll, stood up, and left the classroom with Diao Chan.

  After he leaves.

  The classroom became lively.

  Everyone is talking about Ye Wudao.

  After all, he just brought a lot of pressure to all his classmates.

  "The new classmate is terrible. Do you know his origin?"

  "Monitor Jiang Gan, you are the most well-informed, tell us which prestigious family Ye Wudao is from?"

  Jiang Gan thought about it and thought it was okay to talk.

  And after his regularization, he always felt that Ye Wudao should not come to class, but should go to teach.

  "Although I don't know much, I heard President Cao say that Ye Wudao is a close disciple of the great Confucian Cai Yong and the fiancé of classmate Diao Chan. It seems that he has a relatively prominent status in the school league, but I don't know his family background."

  Although so neat.

  But the discerning person can see that Ye Wudao is not simple, and his background is not small, and he can be linked with the young emperor of the whole school alliance!Naturally strong men!


  Principal room.

  Ye Wudao and Diaochan were sitting on the sofa.

  Wang Yun seems to be discussing the anniversary with Cao Cao.

  Diao Chan sounded like she was sleeping, she rested her head on Ye Wudao's shoulder.

  "Cough, Cao Cao, you go back to class first. I still have some things to discuss with Ye Wudao. As for the opening of the school celebration, there is still a long time, and we will discuss it later."

  Cao Cao glanced suspiciously at the two behind him, and left with a strange thought.

  When Ye Wudao did not appear.

  He is Wang Yun's confidant.

  As the student council president, I have to deal with a lot of things.

  But since Da Ye Wudao appeared.

  Wang Yun seemed to have found the backbone, and Cao Cao found that Wang Yun did not look at Ye Wudao like an ordinary classmate or nephew, but looked at his boss.

  "Hey? Boss~々?"

  Cao Cao was a little dumbfounded, he couldn't understand how his idea came about.

  But perhaps he has found the tangle of the problem.

  After waiting for people to leave.

  Ye Wudao was sitting in the principal's seat.

  Diao Chan was a little stunned.

  "What are you doing? This is the principal's office. How can you sit in my dad's seat?"

  Wang Yun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Chan'er don't say that, just sit there and listen."

  "Principal Wang Yun!"

  "Subordinates are here!"

  "This messenger brought a letter from the leader of the alliance this time, as well as the use funds of the Eastern Han Academy for the next quarter, [-] million yuan, which is not a small amount. After a period of time, there will be special funds to be put into the account of the Eastern Han Academy. ."

  "Allegiance to the Alliance Lord and maintaining the orthodoxy of the Eastern Han Academy is my Wang Yun's lifelong wish. Please rest assured, Wang Yun must be ruthless, and he has already reported the great favor of the Alliance Lord!"

  Ye Wudao put the letter on the desk, then stood up and came to Wang Yun's side to support him.

  "I naturally know Principal Wang's loyalty. It's just that the Yellow Turban colleges and universities have been rampant recently, and all small and medium-sized schools have been robbed of their property. When I came to the Eastern Han Academy this time, I was personally pardoned by the leader of the alliance and designated as a general of the auxiliary country. Clear up the Yellow Turban thieves, but my identity is only known to you and Chan'er, and I can't spread it until the critical moment. Here is the imperial decree written by the leader of the alliance, and I have another thing."

  Wang Yuncheng was frightened.

  Diao Chan was a little dumbfounded.

  After Ye Wudao winked at her, he sent out another letter.

  "Looking for the alliance leader Yuxi? This?"

  "Don't make a fuss, the jade seal used by the alliance leader is fake. The real jade seal was once stolen by thieves in the fire of the imperial palace. Except for the fact that I was ordered by the alliance leader to search for the jade seal, I have only been in the National Martial Arts Archives for the past three years. There are already some eyebrows in the place where the real jade seal is located."

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