The sky has become dark.

  It seems that because of the imminent war, there are no Muggles on the street except for a few high-level abilities.

  This is also inevitable.

  Bai Daomeng used supernatural powers to confuse them to return home, otherwise they would have no time to rescue them once danger arises.

  How can there be no death in a war.

  To tell the truth, if Muggles really come out, then life and death will be left to fate.

  There is not much time left for them.

  Ye Wudao took the Lanling King and left the Xia Mansion without looking back. He had to eliminate the four war zones attacked by the demon world as soon as possible.

  Just now, I felt the leakage of magical energy from the south, south, and northwest.

  At least more than [-] demons have begun to gather.

  Fortunately, both the first and second floors of the Demon World were swept away by Ye Wudao, otherwise it would take a long time to clean up the low-level demons.

  "Master, I feel that a very strong demon has appeared in the forbidden area of ​​Yehenara's house. This is the place where the most demon soldiers from the demon world gather in the southern district."

  King Lanling is worthy of being the ultimate magic fighter.

  Even Ye Wudao just guessed it, and the Demon Fighter can already feel the existence of Demon Venerable.

  It's just that the protective magnetic field that comes with Iron Time and Space itself will become very empty when the extremely yin day arrives.

  This is why.

  Ye Wudao will provide another ten underworld magnets to Bai Daomeng.

  Because of the appearance of demons, it will cause disturbances in the magnetic field of time and space.

  Radio audio is also available for short distances.

  But there is absolutely no way for the coverage to spread to the four theaters.

  "Let's go, let's go to the forbidden area of ​​Yehenara's house and wait for work. The other troops are completely separated. We will round up a small number of demon soldiers and try to lead them to the war zone!"

  Ye Wudao ordered to go on.

  Mobilizing Tie Shikong is both black and white, whether it is a powerful family or a loose family, at this time, it is necessary to be united.

  Otherwise, once the Demon Venerable takes advantage of it.

  Ye Wudao can only lead people to retreat to the spiritual world and not participate in the battle of good and evil in time and space.

  Take advantage of staying in the war zone and concentrate on the neutrality of the troops.

  In the power store, he bought a hundred magic crystal cannons and fixed them in all directions.

  Once the magic soldiers gather, one cannon can kill at least [-] soldiers.

  Even the magic crystal cannon is lethal to the demon king level.

  "Quick, fix everything for me. This has magic spar as an energy reserve. Don't be afraid to waste it. At least let the magic suffer a big loss first."

  There are 25 gates in four war zones.

  Plus a giant magic crystal cannon.

  In total, it only cost Ye Wudao [-] million power coins.

  This thing has its own aiming lock, no need to control the direction, and it is definitely a weapon of war.

  of course.

  Need to consume magic spar, only enough to hit ten times, the magic crystal gun will be scrapped, each time you need to consume a magic spar (small).

  And he didn't need to kill him personally, as long as the masters of the martial arts league under his command killed demons above the level of demon generals, it was also his achievement.

  This will complete the task.

  Otherwise, he would not consume this treasure like this.

  Demon again.

  Only the masters of the demon king level can possess magic spar. Ye Wudao really wanted to go to the fifth floor, at least to control a few magic spar veins.

  Otherwise, it won't be enough for him to fight a few times.

  "Leader, the preparations are almost done. Those Muggles have been driven into the Central Theater. At least they won't cause us any trouble."

  "But will that make Muggles think we're a threat?"

  Some Wulin League backbones are whispering.

  Ye Wudao said indifferently: "They are willing to come out and see, whatever they want, but if this kind of person is demonized by the devil, don't be soft, just kill it."

  Anyway, he doesn't belong to the iron time and space, and he doesn't care about the life and death of ordinary people.

  If you are disobedient and curious to seek death, Ye Wudao has no reason or obligation to rescue.

  After all, life and death depend on fate and wealth, and everyone should be responsible for their actions.

  "Don't look at me like that. I'm not a savior, and I don't want to be a savior. Just concentrate on me and wait for my order."

  Ye Wudao looked at the sky very seriously.

  It used to be a sunny day, but now it has become pitch black.

  An extremely cloudy day is actually a total solar eclipse.

  Commonly known as Tengu swallowing the moon.

  It is a natural phenomenon in the eyes of ordinary people.

  But in the supernatural world, the yang energy of the whole world will become extremely surrounding.

  Whether it is the devil or the underworld.

  All kinds of monsters and monsters will come out through special passages at this time.

  The White Dao Power Walker will also become weak.

  And the demonized person will become extremely powerful.

  The magic index can be increased by at least 5 to 1 points.

  "Come out, come out!"

  Yehenara's forbidden area.

  More than five thousand wormholes opened at the same time.

  Iron time and space are everywhere, and there are demons everywhere.

  Ye Wudao frowned.

  The dark clouds covered the sun, like the end of the world.


  One command.

  Hundreds of magic crystal cannons aimed at the wormhole and the area where the magic soldiers gathered, which was a ruthless attack.

  King Lanling used his supernatural powers to suppress the demons while attacking fiercely with Ling Ling Zhan.

  Ye Wudao held a black wind gun.

  A single attack can kill at least a dozen demons.

  Just like tower defense.

  The first wave of demons was quickly turned over by everyone.

  But the wormhole is getting bigger and bigger, and in the four war zones, some low-level power walkers have been killed and injured countless times.

  Similarly, there is no way for demons to form a battle formation.

  Passively beaten, only Ye Wudao is the safest here, but it is also the place where the most demons gather.

  Next is the Xia Mansion.

  After all, it is the guardian gate of extinction.

  Xia Liu, Xia Yu, Xia Mei and Xia Xiong all fought to block.

  "Haha, Ye Wudao, we meet again!"

  The magic crystal cannon that was just about to attack was ordered by Ye Wudao to stop.

  Everyone looked at the entrance of the wormhole in surprise.

  A man with a height of [-] meters, wearing a black robe with a cape and hiding his face in the hood appeared.

  There are more than a dozen demon king-level old demons behind him.

  "Ye Zhan, it's you!"

  "Yes, because of you, my plan failed, and the ancestor was very angry, but I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to become the new Four Great Demon Lords! If you know each other, you might as well surrender, so that this Demon Lord can still Leave them a corpse!"

  Ye Zhan looked very proud.

  But Ye Wudao didn't care at all.

  More than a dozen demon kings, just one demon king.

  This kind of lineup, let alone wanting to compete with Ye Wudao, even King Lanling and the others may not be able to fight.

  "Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no way to cast it!"

  "Just let you shoot my black wind gun and die!".

Chapter 204

  A huge laser filled with nearly half a million combat power index shot out from the black wind gun.

  Ye Zhan was first overwhelmed by Ye Wudao, and then locked by Wufeng Gun and Zhanling.

  I saw that his face was full of horror, and he wanted to avoid but found that he couldn't move at all.

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