The general combat power index is equivalent to the magic general level.

  They used them to guard all sides of Gudela City, and Ye Wudao became ruthless, and purchased [-] magic crystal cannons worth two million.

  Nine gates are placed on each section of the city wall.

  In addition, Ye Wudao purchased a two-way time-space gate that can be connected to the main time-space, which can transport a maximum of [-] people at a time.

  Gudela City was renamed the Wulin League Jihad City.

  "Go, collect all the treasures with recycling value in the city for me, and transport them to the City Lord's Mansion!"

  Ye Wudao purchased some transport-type puppets as logistics.

  Enter the portal of time and space.

  Ye Wudao came to the temporary station.

  For three days, Reyel and the others did not leave, but explored around the camp and took pictures.

  "Brother Ye, are you finished?"

  "In that direction just now, there seems to be fluctuations in the combat power index. Did you do it?"

  Cai Yunhan asked eagerly, and then began to check whether Ye Wudao was injured.

  "I'm fine, I just cleaned up some small shrimps and small fish, don't stay here, come with me."

  ten minutes later.

  The location of the gate of time and space that was passed through.

  Everyone looked at the puppet people who were constantly busy and puzzled.


  "This is Gudela City, which is occupied by me. In the past three days, I have obtained a total of hundreds of war spirits. Take out your weapons, and I will inject war spirits into you to increase the power of the weapons first."

  Ye Wudao picked out 3 magic kui battle spirits and 15 magic general battle spirits, and injected them into weapons respectively.

  The original combat power index could reach 2. Reyel was pleasantly surprised that after being injected into the battle spirit, the hand of Ares seemed to be able to fight on its own without her manipulation.

  Cai Yunhan's pain was more than a real whip, and it also strengthened a little bit of power.

  The most surprising thing was Cai Wuxiong's double hammer, which not only increased in weight, but also added a comprehensive combat power index of [-].

  At this time, Cai Wuxiong already had a comprehensive combat power index of nearly 55000 points.

  "It's great, thank you Brother Ye~々!"

  The three rejoiced in self-examination.

  01 asked: "Leader, does this city already belong to our Wulin League? Who are these soldiers?"

  "They are all puppets developed by the Golden Time and Space Science and Technology Department. They are responsible for arranging the defense of the demon world. You don't need to worry about them. I have some special spar detectors here. crystals."

  Ye Wudao divided the magic spar, this kind of thing can just act as the original force of the magic crystal cannon.

  And at least one shot can make the devil suffer a big loss.

  Because it is attached with a battle spirit, it does not require the master to control it at all, and it can achieve the purpose of remote deployment.

  Although this place will be used as the main battlefield, Ye Wudao doesn't want people from Twelve Time and Space to come here for the time being.

  After all, the time here is still very different from the outside world.

  Weapons possessed by the battle spirit can find their opponents on their own, and they don't need anyone to watch at all. It is better to go home after searching.

  "Master, I found 500 medium-sized small magic spar in the tavern!"

  "Master, I found a medium amount of 700 small magic spar in the hotel!"

  "Master, I found a large number of 3500 small magic spar and 1000 large magic spar in the Chamber of Commerce!"

  After rushing back with things one after another, the magic spar in the city lord's mansion has been piled up into a hill.

  Ye Wudao couldn't close his mouth with a smile, leaving only [-] small magic spar as the main energy source for activating the weapon and running the city, all other small magic spar were recovered by Ye Wudao.

  With an increase of nearly 2 million power coins, Ye Wudao already has nearly [-] million power coins.

  It is truly rewarding.

  Open the Glory Kill List.

  At least the demons he slaughtered this time were more than [-].

  This is not an ant.

  But in Ye Wudao's eyes, these demons simply couldn't bear the lethal power brought by the Soul Cleansing Song.

  In Ye Wudao's eyes, the library of the Demon Race has all the news he wants to know.

  Moreover, there is also the history of the Demon Race, and at this stage, above the fifth floor of the Demon World, the division of the major clan forces.

  The Yehenara family itself was created by a branch of the ancient demons, and in this family, there was once the Demon Lord Diablo.

  It's just that for some unknown reason, the Yehenara family suddenly announced that they would not run for election to become Diablo, without resorting to this name.

  And the entire Demon World still exists, and there are known [-] Demon Venerable-level, and even half-Devil God-level masters.

  "The third floor, do you want to take a look?"

  Ye Wudao was a little curious.

  After all, he has gained a lot of wealth at this level.

  Whether it is the combat power index or the power currency, there is a lot of improvement.

  The most important thing is that he obtained the war spirit and activated the black wind gun and some other weapons.

  "Here, after staying for two days, let's go back, so the outside world has only just passed ten days."

  Ye Wudao gathered them in the City Lord's Mansion.

  The use of power coins in war is a very good way to improve.

  The puppets who came in and out continued to transport various magic spar, and Ye Wudao also set goals for them.

  is to defend the city.

  When it's not a battle, they don't have to leave at all, and all he has to do is hide this holy war city.

  At least not let the devil find out.

  Through Ye Wudao taking them to fight against the small and medium-sized demon soldiers, everyone has obviously improved.

  "."01, you've done a good job, and you will become the disciplinary guardian of my Wulin League branch, take them with you and don't let me down, I will give you the surname Ye today!"

  "Don't worry, your subordinates will not forget it."

  The first department of the branch appeared, that was the Law Enforcement Department, which belonged to Xia Yu and was handed over to Ye Yi for the time being.

  The management personnel supported by Ye Wudao are specially responsible for the containment of demons and demons.

  Their exercises were taught by Ye Wudao himself.

  Anyone who wants to join the Law Enforcement Department must have at least 2 combat power points and be familiar with the in-situ ability of the lightning system.

  "This is the Thunder Fist. It can easily control the lightning and use it to punish the illegal disciples of the branch. This seat will let the vice president Xia Yu (Zhao De's) prepare an office place for you, and we will go back to the Iron Time in the evening."

  Ye Wudao encouraged them, and in the eyes of everyone's envy, Ye Wudao took the three daughters to hang out in the holy war city.

  "Brother Ye, the air here is very uncomfortable. The power converter can't simulate various scenarios, so why can't you change the surrounding terrain?"

  Reyel was actually curious.

  Ye Wudao said with a smile: "Look, after this protective magnetic field is turned on, naturally you can't use large-scale power converters, and there are not many power users here, and every time you turn it on, it will consume a certain amount of magic spar As an energy source, it is not like the spiritual world, which has a steady stream of heaven and earth aura, and there is no magic crystal mine in the second layer of the devil world."

  Ye Wudao is really not going to waste resources. After all, he can't go to other cities to sweep, and the time left for them is not cold enough.

  "Don't talk about these words. When we go back later, I can take you to the Iron Time and Space, and I will also introduce some people to let you know.".

Chapter 193

  "Really, Brother Ye, you are finally willing to take us to play in Iron Time. You don't even know. We are very curious about people in Iron Time."

  Reyel was excited.

  Cai Wuxiong and Cai Yunhan were equally surprised.

  Since they all knew the concept of parallel time and space and went to the demon world again, how could they not be interested in other time and space.

  And Cai Yunhan is better, at least her avatar has followed Ye Wudao.

  How could he not know, what are the plans of these two girls.

  I still don't want to see if I can touch their own avatars.

  "I have to say this first. I'm not allowed to disobey me, and I can't disrupt the order of time and space, otherwise I won't take you to Silver Time and Space next time."

  Ye Wudao didn't know what to say.

  Cai Wuxiong's avatar is estimated to be impossible to find in Tie Time and Space.

  However, there may be a way to find avatars in copper time and silver time and space.

  But Reyel, like himself, is afraid that it will be difficult to find a clone.

  "Brother Ye, don't worry, we won't cause trouble, we must listen to you!"

  Cai Wuxiong made a vague promise while eating bananas.

  "If I believe your words, I might as well believe in ghosts. I'll be surprised if I don't cause trouble."

  Thinking so in his heart, Ye Wudao couldn't say that.

  After all, everyone is still young, and who doesn't have curiosity.

  Unless their age makes them no longer curious, and for the sake of life, Tian Xin never considers whether to go to other time and space, but as long as he can see him at any time, he can be very happy.

  This kind of woman is the best person to be a wife.

  Lei Yeer and Cai Wuxiong are still ignorant, Cai Yunhan is cold and uninteresting, just like Han on the outside and hot on the inside, not to mention Mary Wang and Xiaoci, Ye Wudao is not planning to add new girlfriends in the near future.

  It's better to take care of them first, then Ye Wudao feels OK.

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