Besides, Yehenara's family's troubles will not have anything to do with him in the future.

  Cleverly, it all happened by coincidence.

  If the magic spar really has that much energy and can break through the upper limit of the ability user's combat power index, at least the system will definitely give him a task.

  But the system did not respond.

  This made Ye Wudao see the abnormality, not to mention that he was very sensitive to killing intent, and at least he was disappointed with his attitude.

  A thumb-sized chip that stores and replicates all of Bingxin's memories.

  Wait for Ye Liu to leave.

  Ye Wudao also took out the body of the customized Bingxin puppet.

  No matter what, this body is perfect enough, and the system will produce high-quality products, but it's not just talking about it, and it cost him a full 30 power coins.

  Putting on her colorful feather clothes, Ye Wudao loaded the chip into the puppet.

  In addition to this, a reading time of at least a day or more is required.

  "Scan the puppet in front of me, I need a complete explanation~々!"

  【Bingxin Doll Puppet】

  【Age: 17】

  [Ability: Lightning In-situ Ability]

  [Basic combat power index: 35000]

  [Comprehensive Combat Strength Index: 50000]

  [Doll master custom series of puppets, they do not have fertility, but can simulate ML, the chip can be taken out and fully recorded...]

  In other words.

  The puppet in front of her is no longer a genetic clone of Han Karamahan. Except for her appearance, it is basically not a human being, but an impeccable puppet. It can be set to simulate any emotion, and its life span is immortal.

  She and Ye Ying are different.

  Because Ye Ying and other puppet army have been trained for many years, they have been given real souls by the system and become real people.

  At the very least, except for Ye Wudao, no one in this world knows what the true face of this puppet is.

  And that in itself is a way of life continuation.

  The genetically duplicated Bingxin body is even more unfavorable for seeing the light, so Ye Wudao temporarily put it in the corner of the system storage space.

  At the very least, no one can see it.

  Check it out one last time.

  Ye Wudao walked out of the room with satisfaction.

  When he came to the living room, he found that Tian Xin, Lei Ye'er, Cai Yunhan, Cai Wuxiong, Han and Xiaoci were all here.

  Seems to be waiting for him?

  "Wu Dao, just now my mother called and cried that you abandoned the Yehenala family. What's going on?"

  "Yeah, Brother Ye, auntie is so sad!"

  "Go back and admit your mistake. No matter what, they are your own parents and won't hurt you."

  Several women are talking about this and that.

  Ye Wudao's face was very ugly.

  Unexpectedly, Tian Xiaorong planned to play roundabout tactics.

  This made Ye Wudao's last thought disappear.

  His decision to split with the Yehenara family was not out of anger, but because their vision and overall situation had already run counter to his.

  It was limited to that one-third of the acre, and he wanted to occupy the Wulin League and put him on hold.

  He wouldn't take these to heart, just because he was too good, he was jealous of Ye Batian and wanted to kill him. How could he tolerate such a thing.

  ". "Okay, you don't know anything, don't join in blindly, the Ye family is the Ye family, the Yehenala family is Yehenala, don't make up your mind in the future!"

  Ye Wudao was very upset.

  Is this going to set his backyard on fire?

  Tian Xin's face turned pale, and she was speechless, but she looked very angry.

  "Wu Dao, you are all a family, there is something you can't overcome, and you want to judge the family? Can you tell us about it? Don't you want to explain it?"

  "Explain? Do you want to sprinkle a handful of salt on my broken heart, since you want to know, then I'll tell you!"

  "I'm so good, so good that even my dearest father wants to take my power, the one who kills me, wants to demote me to the devil world, he wants to kill me, I don't leave and stay and be killed by him Is that what it should be?"

  Tian Xin was a little confused.

  This is different from what she said on the inter-temporal phone call.

  Could it be that Tian Xiaorong was lying to them?

(Wang Nuo good)

  "I believe what Wudao said. Sister Tian Xin, why don't you let Aunt Tian make it clear? You just think that Ye Wudao is lying, and the person we should trust is Wudao, not someone else!"

  Han Karamahan's words warmed Ye Wudao's heart.

  Tian Xin should have said this, but she didn't, which made Ye Wudao very uncomfortable.

  "I don't know, who can believe it, after all, they are a family, how could such a thing happen?"

  Tian Xin was a little confused about the situation and wanted to say something.

  Ye Wudao's face became ugly, he took a deep breath, and said lightly: "Tian Xin, what benefit Tian Xiaorong has given you, so that you can say good things to them, this matter has been spread all over the iron time and space, Yehena is a bully. God, he wants to take back the position of the head of the family, and he wants me to go to the fifth floor of the demon world, do you know what this means? That's why he wants me to die! Can't I fight back?"


Chapter 173

  Come to the top of the castle.

  Ye Wudao looked at the churning sea of ​​spirits in the distance and called King Lanling.

  "Master, things have changed, Ye Xiongba was taken away by people from the devil world!"

  "What do you mean, where are you now?"

  "I'm still in the wood time and space, but this time and space is polluted by the demon world, and there are demons and demons everywhere. The power of the white road power walker is very weak, please instruct the master."

  Ye Wudao pondered for a moment, he really did not expect this, if the devil took people away, there might be a conspiracy.

  For the time being, Ye Wudao didn't want to deal with the demon world.

  "You go back to the ancient castle in the spirit world first, Bing Xin, I have completely cured her illness, and we will discuss the rest of the matter in the long run!"

  Hang up the phone.

  Ye Wudao called Wu Lian'er.

  "My lord, Ye Batian and Tian Xiaorong have been with us for two days at our Wulin League station! What do you think?"

  "Drive them away. You don't have to tell me about this kind of thing. You can do what you want to do. How can I be threatened by the Wu Lin League."

  It's them again.

  Ye Wudao was very annoyed, really thought he would not dare to do it?

  If you want him to go back, let's dream.

  "However, two masters, Ye Jin and Ye Duan, have already wounded many of the Wulin League's masters, so please make a decision."

  "They did it first? It's really courageous to directly activate the protective magnetic field. You don't need to pay attention to them. What should I do? I will solve this when I go back."

  Wu Lian'er said a few more words, and Ye Wudao felt that this Yehenara family might not even have a face.

  He even hurt his people?

  Is this the rhythm of preparing for war?

  Or do you think that Ye Wudao is just joking?

  At the very least, Ye Batian and Tian Xiaorong both have neon clothes and feathers to protect their bodies, so they are already invincible. Unless King Lanling takes action, the high-end combat power of the Wulin League branch is not necessarily Yehenala's family. opponent.

  Maybe they still foolishly think that Ye Wudao can change his mind. Don't they know that Ye Wudao has just adjusted Tian Xin and the others, and his heart is full of fire. If he hits the muzzle of the gun, he can still run?

  At the beginning, Ye Zhan was rescued by Demon Venerable Diablo, and now Ye Xiongba has also been caught in the Demon Realm. I am afraid that he will have to deal with the Demon Realm in the future.

  The King of Lanling was recalled.

  Ye Wudao thought for a while, and then called Moxibustion Wu again.

  "Leader Ye, you finally replied to the news. I have confirmed that my master is the Ranger Gun Spirit King, and I have also met the Gun Spirit King!"

  "Sure enough, as I expected, it was the prompt given by Wu Fenggun, right?"

  Ye Wudao understood.

  This incident has exceeded everyone's expectations, so that the people of the Bai Dao League can't figure out how the Freelander and the Spear King are the same person.

  "He ran away, didn't he?"

  "Yes, after our investigation, the King of Spear Spirit is now staying at Yehenara's house, but his affairs still need Ye League Lord to come forward. I really don't know how to solve this matter."

  Moxibustion dance is very depressing.

  But if you think about it, you will know.

  His master is Freelander, and Freelander is the King of Gunslingers.

  It is very unreasonable to ask him to come forward to deal with the King of Spear Spirit.

  But now in Tie Time and Space, only Ye Wudao can fight against the King of the Spear Spirit, and the Bai Dao League's combat power cannot capture the King of the Spear Spirit at all.

  "You want me to take action? But I won't go back to Yehenara's house now. I believe you are all clear about my affairs."

  Ye Wudao didn't say no.

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