At the very least, the summer strength must be raised to more than [-].

  Of course, pulling the seedlings to encourage growth is not necessary, otherwise, all previous efforts will be lost.

  "Who said I'm going to conquer the demon world? That's not what we should do. I want to ask if the gate of time and space can reach the fifth floor of the demon world and find the magic crystal mine?"

  "No, because I don't know the exact coordinates, at the very least, I have to go to this place and leave footprints before I can reach the gate of time and space. So it can be reached directly the second time."

  "Then can you go to the fifth floor?"

  Ye Batian took a deep breath and stared at Ye Wudao.

  "Dad, are you crazy? That's the devil world, not the spiritual world. Even if I go down, I won't be able to come back for at least a year or two. How can I solve what happens?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

  Ye Wudao rolled his eyes and categorically refused.

  This request was embarrassing him, and Ye Wudao felt a deep malice emanating from Ye Batian just for a moment.

  You must know that the time in the Demon World is different from the outside world.

  It seems that a time accelerator is installed inside. In the first layer of the demon world, time does not accelerate.

  And the second floor has changed, staying on the second floor for one day and the outside world for two days.

  One day on the third floor, ten days in the outside world.

  Staying on the fourth floor for a day, the outside world has passed a month.

  Staying on the fifth floor for a day, the outside world has passed for half a year.

  He is sick, go to the devil world.

  "But this magic spar is very useful. It can be used to break through the limit of the combat power index, so that your grandfather and the others can break through [-] points."

...... 0

  Ye Batian's words made Ye Wudao very surprised.

  He didn't expect that the magic spar can still have this kind of effect. This is a comment that even the power store has not given. It's fake, right?

  How did Ye Batian know?

  "According to the records in Ye Xiongba's notebook, the magic spar was also brought back by Ye Zhan from the demon world, so his magic power index can reach more than 30."

  This explanation is fine.

  But Ye Wudao still wanted to refuse.

  After all, he has no reason to go to the devil world to waste his life and make wedding dresses for others.

  Staying on the fifth floor for a day, what happened to his women in the past half a year?Moreover, the system has not issued a task, it can be seen that the magic spar does not have this condition at all.

  "If you don't go, I know that I can go by myself, and it's all your fault that I'll die in there, you know!"

  "Do whatever you want, Dad, are you taking the wrong medicine? You only think about grandpa, then me, why should I spend my youth wasting time on such unnecessary things, magic spar and combat power index are not Same, that's the magic index, okay? Besides, even if you threaten me and want me to go, I still refuse. This is not good or beneficial to me. If you waste time, don't talk about it, or I can only step down as the head of the family. Besides, I still have my mission."

  Ye Wudao took a deep look at Ye Batian.

  To be honest, unless Ye Jin and Ye Duan are going to be enchanted, the magic spar will be of no use to them, and there will be many side effects.

  Just seeing the advantages and not seeing the disadvantages, Ye Wudao was really too lazy to pay attention to him.

  "But your grandfather is already eighty years old. If he can't break through the limit of the combat power index, in another ten years, do you think he can handle it?" Qi.

Chapter 170

  "It's human nature to live, get old, get sick and die. We're not gods. Besides, if you only think about him, then what about me? I'm not a human being. If you insist on doing this, then I can only leave. I don't want to continue to manage. The matter of the Ye family, I long for freedom!"

  Ye Wudao was very angry, he felt offended.

  The fifth floor of the demon world, he has no clue how to get past it, and unless he joins the demon world and becomes a demon, there is no way to stay on the third floor for too long, which will corrode his body.

  "You are too selfish!"

  Ye Batian was still shouting, Ye Wudao stopped, turned around, and looked deeply at Ye Batian without saying a word.

  Ye Batian was a little surprised after watching it for a long time, and then Ye Wudao nodded and said: "You are right, I am selfish, but I have never destroyed the stability of the family. If you insist on doing this, then I have to quit the Ye family. , I am afraid that the old things three hundred years ago will be repeated, do you think this consequence is enough? In June [-], I think I have never shaken the foundation of the family, but this time I am tired!"

  Ye Wudao's words made Ye Batian stunned.

  He almost forgot that it was Ye Wudao who regained the glory of Tie Shikong, not Ye Batian.

  I really thought that Ye Wudao couldn't guess what he was thinking, because he just wanted to regain the position of home lord, and he was unwilling to take responsibility.

  From the very beginning, Ye Wudao was too lazy to argue with him about this kind of thing.

  And after what happened to the Tian family, Ye Wudao felt even more tired.

  "Bastard, you bastard, hurry up and apologize to Wudao, is your brain flooded? You are trying to force away the protector of my Ye family, you know!"

  Suddenly, Ye Jin and Ye Duan appeared.

  Ye Wudao looked at this so-called relative with an expressionless face, and the last string in his heart was broken.

  He believed that he had never been sorry to anyone. Although Ye Wudao occupied his body and name after crossing, he always remembered this matter.

  Now that he has achieved this honor, Ye Batian wants to kill the donkey instead?

  "It's funny, it's really funny, do you guys think I'm easy to deceive now, don't you? If you want to let me go, just say it, I hope you don't come back and beg me in the future, Wu Lian'er, King Lanling, Ye's Imperial Guard obey my orders and leave the Ye family with me!"

  A hula.

  All the demonized troops separated from the Wulin League began to assemble and followed Ye Wudao out of the Ye family's ancestral land.

  Ye Batian was dumbfounded.

  "You idiot, don't you know that these are all demonized troops cultivated by Wudao, and their souls are also collected by Wudao, don't forget Wudao's combat power index, which has broken through the peak limit, you are too embarrassed to take others The right to make Li Zhi faint, how did I give birth to a fool like you, is power so important?"

  Ye Jin was about to die of anger.

  Of the thousand Ye's Imperial Guards, none left left the Ye family.

  This scene is very spectacular.

  Ye Wudao felt uncomfortable in his heart, but he was too lazy to continue wasting his mind.

  Moreover, just now, he actually felt that Ye Batian had murderous intentions towards him.

  This was something he couldn't tolerate no matter what. This kind of peach picking behavior also made Ye Wudao prepare to use the surname Yehenala as his real surname.

  "From today onwards, I will no longer be Yehenala Wudao, I want to live for myself, Ye Batian, please do it yourself! Let's go and return to the spiritual world!"

  If Lanling King, Wu Lian'er, Ye Jiaohu and other high-level demonized people all leave, the Yehenala family will be reduced to a second-rate force in an instant. Live in ancestral land.

  No matter how Ye Jin and Ye Duan begged, Ye Wudao never became nostalgic.

  And don't forget.

  The gate of time and space in Ye Batian's hands is still in the hands of King Lanling, and they will even lose contact with Jin Shikong, but to him, it doesn't matter anymore.

  "Patriarch, how can the old man be so ruthless?"

  Ye Jiaohu couldn't believe it, she couldn't figure it out, Ye Batian was actually driving Ye Wudao away.

  And don't forget.

  Ye Wudao was the soul of Ye's Imperial Guard.

  If it wasn't for him to cultivate the Ulanala clan in the Iron Time and Space in advance, and win over the White Dao Alliance, with the Ye family's initial power, I am afraid that after a thousand years, he may not be able to return to the Iron Time and Space.

  That's why Ye Jin said that Ye Batian made Li Zhi faint.

  He didn't even think about it, Ye Wudao himself might not even be the Ye family.

  "Let's go back to the apartment in the West District first. How can a small temple like Yehenala live in a great god like me? As for if they send someone to persuade, they will push it to me, and they will tell both black and white to give this matter to me. I spread it out, and I want to see how Ye Batian can round me up."

  Ye Wudao smiled.

  In the past [-] years, he has tried his best to advise the family and do it himself, but he has fallen to this end.

  Ye Wudao didn't want to go back to Ye's house, or even to give them any chance.

  Overwhelmed with water.

  "Master, will it confuse the old master because of the magic spar itself, so that he will?"

  "No, he is not a good person himself, he just hides it well. Forget about these things, it has nothing to do with me. You all try to join my martial arts league and act as disciples of the martial arts league. Don't use the identity of the Ye family in the future. , Ye's Imperial Guards will be changed to Wulin League Imperial Guards! King Lanling, I invite you to be the president of my Wulin League branch, you are willing!"

  "Master is kind to me, I will do whatever you ask me to do..."

  Ye Wudao nodded.

  He was really heartbroken. As for the Yehenara family name, Ye Wudao was not uncommon at all.

  Things were quickly spread out.

  Black and white haven't fully digested Ye Xiongba's matter, and this second thing followed.

  The Yehenara family was split again.

  The God of War of the Ye family was sentenced out of the house, and the matter fermented.

  The magical power family came to the door again.

  If they choose to join the martial arts alliance, then the Yehenara family will become the biggest joke of Iron Time and Space.

  Although Ye Wudao knew about this, he ignored it.

  "Leader, Ye Jin and Ye Duan are waiting for you, as well as your mother, Ms. Tian, ​​do you see?"

  "Please leave. As for Tian Xiaorong, let her come in alone."

  Ye Wudao was expressionless, and some special thoughts flashed in his eyes.

  He can block Ye Batian and Ye Jin and Ye Duan, but only for Tian Xiaorong, although he knows some of his own problems, now is not the time to say this. , then betrayed him, made him unacceptable....

  Ye Wudao didn't want to guess about these things.

  in the conference room.

  Ye Wudao squeezed out a smile and said, "Mother, why are you here?"

  "Wu Dao, come back, don't make trouble anymore, haven't our Ye family always united with each other, love each other, give me a face, your dad has already admitted his mistake."

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