"Half of it is for our Xia family, and the other half is as a branch of the Wulin League. According to the time, the master will send people to build the house and decorate it. We don't need to participate in the rest. Mom, do you still think that my master is not sincere?".

Chapter 152

  "The Wulin League is so rich and powerful, it's [-] million, so I'll give it to you?"

  Brother Xiong still can't imagine.

  Although they are all power walkers.

  But I'm afraid I've never seen so much money in my life.

  Xia Yu shrugged and said, "My master does have money, and I think these are just the tip of the iceberg. I spent 1 million to buy land, keep [-] million, and put the rest into the financial market to make money with money. ."

  Ye Wudao would not care about these trivial matters.

  While they were chatting, Ye Wudao had already answered three calls.

  They were Wu Lian'er, Ye Shenhe and Moxibustion Dance.

  But the meaning of the call was the same.

  "No way, what's going on?"

  Han sat on the sofa and read the music score, looking at Ye Wudao for unknown reasons.

  "Ye Xiongba still shot ahead. King Lanling is wanted by the Demonic Family. What does this old man want to do?"

  Ye Wudao muttered to himself, but he didn't mind him doing it.

  Because he robbed Lanling King's clansmen ahead of time, there is no threat to them now.

  Instead, it was the demonized unit of the Holy War Praetorian Guard, which was completely abandoned by the Yehenara family.

  "It's nothing, I'll go see King Lanling. If I can, this news should be very useful to him."

  Ye Wudao is ready to stimulate him.

  This kind of thing can't stand scrutiny, but King Lanling is already his subordinate, and this is not enough to bother him.

  On the contrary, the call from Wu Lian'er was very interesting.

  It is said that the Ranger Gun Spirit King appeared in the Yehenara forbidden area and injured Ye Xiongba. Now Ye Xiongba's life and death are unknown.

  It is difficult to judge whether this news is true or false, and it may be a game.

  Ye Wudao wouldn't believe it, maybe it was a scene that Ye Xiongba wrote and directed for him.

  "Others don't know, do you think I really don't know the true identity of the King of Gunslingers? Hey, this old man's brain is probably caught in the door, think I'll be fooled~々?"

  Ye Wudao secretly spit out a groove, walked out of the room, and went to the next door to see King Lanling.

  The room is rather dark.

  Ye Wudao turned on the wall lamp.

  King Lanling was still in a drowsiness, but his complexion had recovered somewhat, and he was not as weak as at the beginning.

  Ye Wudao stood beside him and glanced at him, and gave Lanling King some skill to help him recover.

  After half a minute, King Lanling slowly opened his eyes.

  "Master, where am I?"

  "Xia Lan Xingde's family, come out with me later, you have already unlocked a seven-star spell lock, this seven-star spell has cracks, you can use the energy of the Huntian Moku as an impact, and you have the ability to unlock this seven-star spell. The key to the curse."

  Ye Wudao motioned for him to rest for a while.

  one way or another.

  Ye Wudao really wanted to see how strong the Seven Star Mantra was, so that the system could identify Lanling King as a hero card.

  What's more, if the curse locks are unlocked and the original force of Gulayir VII is gathered, perhaps King Lanling can break through the limit of iron time and space and become the master of demonization.

  The power index can definitely break 20.

  This is the most powerful existence among the masters he has cultivated.

  of course.

  This kid has a thousand knots in his heart, and he will definitely seek revenge from the Yehenala family.

  "King Lanling, Yehenarassi has already listed you as a sure-fire target, you have to be mentally prepared for this. They sent someone to kill your family. Fortunately, this seat has already transferred them, but your ban The guards are planted."

  Ye Wudao finally explained it to King Lanling.

  This kind of thing doesn't need to hide anything at all.

  Even if you don't say it now.

  In the future, King Lanling will still know.

  "Damn, I know that the old head of the Yehenala family has always been worried about me, Gulayer. If the first ancestor did not come forward, I'm afraid that King Lanling would always be kept in the dark! Master, I beg you to let me become Ultimate Demon Fighter, I want to seek revenge for Ye Xiongba!"

  "Don't worry, if there is a chance in the future, you go to rest first, and we will go to the old butt pub in two hours. At that time, I will use the energy in the Huntian Magic Library to unlock the seven-star curse on you!"

  After Ye Wudao comforted him, he walked out of the room.

  Outside the door, there were inexplicable Xia Xiong and the others.

  In other words, what they said just now has been heard by Brother Xiong.

  "Brother Ye, are you planning to make King Lanling a Demon Fighter? Isn't this the occupation of a high-level warrior in the Demon World? Why do you do this?"

  Ye Wudao shrugged and said: "Why can't I do this, I will give you an ultimate iron man in the summer, I will naturally have a master of countermeasures, King Lanling himself is qualified to become the ultimate magic fighter, I I have my reasons for doing so.”

  Ye Wudao will not hide from anyone.

  The strength of the magic fighters is unknown to others, and it is not clear to the Xialan Nyde family. They guard and destroy them, and they are used to seeing all kinds of monsters and demonized people.

  At least.

  Not to mention the ultimate magic fighter, even ordinary magic fighters are stronger than Mo Kui.

  And the ultimate demon fighter, at least above the demon king, even comparable to the demon king, is the embodiment of the strongest high-end combat power in the demon world.

  Even if the ultimate iron man can suppress the devil, but only can not pose a threat to the magic fighter.

  "."Brother Xiong, don't guess, I naturally have my reasons. Besides, don't forget, I am also a member of the demon family. I think things differently from your Baidaomeng, even if we are not opposed to each other now. , but you still don't meddle in my business!"


  Brother Xiong was surprised, but he was too embarrassed to talk too much, not to mention that Ye Wudao became famous at a young age, giving her the impression that the Zhizhu was in his hands and had unparalleled combat power.

  Not much to say, I just asked suspiciously: "Seven-star spell? You said that the seven-star spell was placed on King Lanling, (Wang Qian's) this is the most vicious spell in the supernatural world. If it breaks out, Lanling Wouldn't the king lose all his abilities and become a waste, why would the Yehenala family do this?"

  "This incident involves my family's secrets, and it happened five hundred years ago on a very yin day. It was my ancestor of a certain generation. In order to prevent Gulai'er's mutiny, he specially locked Gulai'er I ancestor Zhou Wang. The seal is to prevent them from getting ahead, but even if they are strong, they will not be stronger than me!"

  Ye Wudao is domineering, and he is not afraid of any dangers, not to mention that he is now a great master. If he can increase the combat power index to [-], I am afraid that no one can stop him in the twelve time and space.

  According to the current speed, as long as King Lanling is trained to become the ultimate magic fighter, then he will definitely become the strongest top master in time and space.

  "I'm here to tell you that I have developed some new dishes, specially prepared for you, why don't you come down to eat?".

Chapter 153

  Ye Wudao was very happy.

  Every time he eats the dark dishes made by Brother Xiong, it can basically increase his combat power index by a lot.

  Although I don't know why so many people reject Brother Xiong's dishes.

  Or the taste is relatively heavy, but as long as the combat power index can be improved, Ye Wudao will not care whether he tastes good or not.

  "Master is really a hero. Brother Xiong's dishes are not unpalatable, they are really unpalatable. Dark dishes can be eaten like this. Serve!"

  The three brothers and sisters of the Xia family, Ye Siren, and Grandpa Xia Liu were all eating pizza, but King Lanling and Ye Wudao both enjoyed it.

  "Don't you eat it, it tastes good."

  King Lanling picked up a piece of [Steamed Spider Cream with Spinach and Lizard Eyes] that looked particularly disgusting. Although it didn't look very good, the taste made Ye Wudao and Han feel it was okay.

  Especially Ye Wudao, who almost emptied ten dishes, increased his combat power index by 10000 points.

  Not to mention whether it is good or not.

  Ye Wudao didn't know, anyway, the food was quickly transformed into energy when it entered his stomach, and it was completely absorbed by him.

  "To be honest, the dishes made by Brother Xiong taste very good, and the most important thing is to increase the combat power index for me. Don't you realize that these dishes just brought me a 1-point increase in the combat power index!"

  Ye Wudao hiccupped.

  "I also have a growth ability index, which has increased by about 3000 points!"

  The words of King Lanling and Ye Wudao made the Xia family a little overwhelmed.

  They would rather dump the vegetables secretly than eat more, let alone increase their strength.

  Seeing their skeptical eyes, Ye Wudao shrugged and said, "Only the new dishes I eat for the first time will give me an increase in the combat power index. I don't know what method Xiong used, anyway, I think this This way is too cool!"

  Even if Ye Wudao said so, they didn't come over, they just sold normal dishes, but they would not have any growth, Ye Wudao gave up after taking a bite.

  "King Lanling, you are almost resting, go out with me!"

  Ye Wudao put down his fork and patted King Lanling on the shoulder, motioning him to follow him.

  Xia Xiong was actually very satisfied. No one had been able to eat all the delicious food she made at one time. Not to mention anything else, this thought alone made Xia Xiong look at Ye Wudao and King Lanling differently.

  "Xia Yu, come with me too! I need to take you to meet some people."

  Ye Wudao opened the door of time and space with a smile.

  Under the watchful eyes of the public, he took the two to leave the Xia Mansion.

  "Mom, what do you think Ye Wudao has in mind? My brother is true. I don't relax in my practice day and night. I heard from him that my brother now has a power index of more than [-]!"

  "Little brother, I'm afraid the snob has never had supernatural powers, maybe it's just three minutes of enthusiasm, I'm afraid it's not so complicated, but my little Lanlan's life is too pitiful, Dad, you are telling me about him OK."

  Xia Xia and Xia Mei quarreled.

  Ye Siren looked strange and came to the kitchen to talk with Xia Xiong.

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