“Qi Dongliang, you are suspected of buying homicide, please go back with us for investigation!”

“Pan Xiaolian, you are suspected of instigating others to commit crimes and embezzling public funds to do so Underground bank, there will be personal relationships with the Cultural Expo, please go back with us for investigation!”

“Qi Zhe, someone reported to warn you of attempted rape, please come with us now!”

Within twenty minutes after Qi Hai made a decision!

Relevant personnel from all walks of life came to Qi Family in an endless stream to arrest Qi Dongliang, Qi Zhe, and Pan Xiaolian!

The turbulence of Qi Family shocked the entire Zhejiang Sea!

Because so many things have happened in Zhehai recently!

The speed is so fast that many people are completely unprepared.

like a An invisible big hand is shrouded in the sky above the city. If you don’t pay attention, the big hand will wipe it out!

Qi Family fluctuated, but it also allowed some up-and-comers to see business opportunities!

They have already geared up, and they are eager to have a try on Qi Family’s business!

In addition to them, there was a wave of people who heard the news. At the same time they hailed again and again, they had already set off on their way to Zhehai!

This group of people are not others, they are some of the Qi Family’s direct lineages who were framed by Qi Dongliang at the time!

At the same time!

Qi Hai knelt in front of a grave, roar towards the sky, tears of old man!

“Father, child finally found out the cause of your death, you can look down under Jiuquan!”


The voice fell, both of his hands slammed on the ground, knocking on the ground.

Six years…

He always believed that father’s death must not be a coincidence.

After all this was found out, the knot in his heart could finally be unraveled.

Li Yue’e stood next to Qi Hai, watching Qi Hai’s grief, tears filled his eyes and mixed feelings in his heart.

“Dad…this person is my brother, and all the arrangements, child thanks to this brother!” Qi Hai pointed to Luo Tian’s direction and said after three beeps!

Luo Tian is also very bitter in his heart!

Stepping to the grave.

Three bows in succession: “Uncle, you can be at ease.”

The voice fell, Luo Tian put his hand on Qi Hai’s shoulder: “Uncle definitely doesn’t want to see what you are now Looks like, he hopes you can manage the family business well and let Qi Family flourish!”

“Apart from this, Uncle wants to see you get married and have children!”

While speaking, Luo Tian subconsciously looked at Li Yue’e!

Li Yue’e knows, nodded, and said to Qi Hai: “Qi Hai, Luo Tian is right, your father, and me, all want to see you getting better and better, get married as soon as possible, and have a A stable home!”

Qi Hai’s heart is complicated!

Now he is not in the mood to talk about marriage at all!

After leaving the cemetery, Luo Tian said that he wanted to return to Lin City!

Qi Hai, Li Yue’e, and Qi Old Master said they disagree!

Not only that, even Zhu Xinrui and Mu Zixin are very reluctant in their hearts!

They finally followed Commander Dragon to do something!

In just a few days, Commander Dragon is about to leave, and the two of them must be very sad!

“Luo Tian, ​​I know that you have never wanted me to express too much gratitude, because you are worried about our friendship, but if you don’t even eat a meal and just leave like this, I am also very upset in my heart! “

Qi Hai understands that Luo Tian helps him silently, hoping to get better!

And I don’t want the brothers to change their tastes because of these things.

But as Qi Hai, if he doesn’t even invite a meal, then he will be really troubled!

“No…I have promised Xinyi and my daughter to go back…”

It’s okay to stay for a meal!

But Luo Tian has promised Shen Xinyi and Luo Yao. If he doesn’t go back, Shen Xinyi may still understand, but what about her daughter, what should I do if I get angry?

“I called my sister-in-law…” Qi Hai said immediately!

But Luo Tian waved his hand.

“Qi Hai, we don’t need to do this between us, and the current situation of Qi Family requires you to devote yourself to it!”

“You can wait for meals, Just wait for you to stabilize everything, don’t talk about a meal, even if you drink wine for two weeks, I will accompany you!”

Luo Tian said heartily!

The words are here…

Qi Hai also knows that Luo Tian’s intention to go has been determined, and he will no longer be entangled!

Send all the way!

Zhehai Airport!

A group of people reluctantly watched Luo Tian walk towards the boarding gate.

However, when Luo Tian arrived at the boarding gate, he suddenly stopped and turned his head and looked towards Qi Hai: “Yes, I forgot to tell you, when I was in charge of the group, what was the problem? Go to display Hong Ye, and, for business, I suggest you directly reach a comprehensive agreement with Hun Sen!”

“Well, I remember!” Qi Hai has no opinion on this, nodded agreed.

“Wait for my side to stabilize, immediately go to Lin City and find you for a drink!”

Luo Tian laughed: “Okay, I’ll wait for you!”

hong long long!

Silver is polite, with wings spread out, flying slowly to the sky in the rumbling sound!

“Sir, this is your flight meal.”

When the plane was taxiing smoothly, a tall, sweet-looking stewardess pushed the silver dining car to Luo Tian’s side, The voice said very softly!

“Okay, thank you!” Luo Tian did not refuse to eat!

Put the dinner plate in your hand.

When I was about to open the food, there was a scream from the economy class!


follow closely from behind, it was the low voice of a rough man: “It’s the fucking shut up, I don’t want to kill, but if you don’t obey… …”


Then a gunshot came!

“Then don’t blame our subordinates for being merciless!”


A series of turbulent sounds made Luo Tian’s eyes narrowed slightly!

The corners of the mouth are also picked up involuntarily!

Put the fork in the cuff without leaving any traces in your hand, get up slowly, and want to go to the economy class to see the situation!

Who expected…

Just when Luo Tian was about to get up, a man sitting next to him suddenly pointed at Luo Tian with a muzzle: “Boy, sit down, Take out what you just hid!”


Luo Tian cursed secretly, he was careless, and there was a guy with a gun sitting beside him. Didn’t find it!


Luo Tian did not immediately resist, and put down the fork very obediently!

“Brother, the hijacking did not end well. At the airport, you have no chance to run!”

“Shut your mouth, don’t let me kill you!” Who It is expected that this man does not disdain Luo Tian’s rhetoric at all, and the muzzle is fiercely against Luo Tian’s temple!


Luo Tian laughed!

Faced with gunpoint, he was not at all panicked, even he had hundreds of ways to let this person die on the spot!

But there are too many people on the plane!

He can’t guarantee how many accomplices they have besides this person!


With such a sophisticated design, even an airplane dare to snatch it. This group of people should not only be for money!

Sure enough…

The moment Luo Tian compromised!

The four people in the front row of the first class suddenly got up. They took out their pistols and moved towards the cockpit…

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