Ling Luochen huffed angrily. Because of his anger, his delicate little face turned coldly and said to Chen Feng, Chen Feng! Who are you calling a dog?

Ling Luochen got emotional and asked Chen Feng, Chen Feng, do you like Ma Xiaotao or me?

As Ling Luochen said these words, the atmosphere solidified for a moment.

Ling Luochen looked up at Chen Feng who was silent. She couldn't help but become a little nervous. Her white and tender little fists clenched unconsciously. She hoped that Chen Feng would say without hesitation that he liked her instead of silence. Ling Luochen was a little scared for a moment. She was afraid that Chen Feng would say that he liked Ma Xiaotao more than herself...

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen, who was filled with hope, and said in a deep voice, I like Sister Xiaotao.

Ling Luochen listened to Chen Feng's sexy and magnetic voice.

Cracking, tearing, this is the sound of heartbreak. Ling Luochen felt cold all over, and tears couldn't stop flowing from his eyes.

Just when Ling Luochen felt that there was no light from the sun and the moon, the sky was falling apart, and the world was ending, Chen Feng's next words saved Ling Luochen.

At the same time, I also like you, Sister Ling.

The heavy rain turned to sunny days, and the sky cleared after the rain. Ling Luochen's mood fluctuated greatly, and he almost fainted.

Ling Luochen lay excitedly in Chen Feng's arms and began to cry. Her tears soaked Chen Feng's chest, and she patted Chen Feng with her little hands to vent her emotions.

Asshole, you bastard, Chen Feng, you are so shameless, you will bully me... Wuwuwu

Chen Feng hugged Ling Luochen's tender and tender body with all his strength, and gently stroked Ling Luochen's back, soothing Ling Luochen's emotions.

Chen Feng had no intention of hiding the relationship between Ling Luochen and Ma Xiaotao, nor did he intend to lie to Ling Luochen, saying that he only liked her.

Chen Feng's pride prevented him from deceiving a woman on such a matter.

Of course, this does not mean that Chen Feng does not know how to use detours. Chen Feng is good at using his brain and cleverly reversing the order of his words.

Let's talk about liking Ma Xiaotao first, and then saying that I like Ling Luochen. I feel sad first and then happy, rather than happy first and then sad. It is always precious to find something lost and found again.

Just now, if Chen Feng first said he liked Ling Luochen, then he also said he liked Ma Xiaotao.

Ling Luochen must have been happy first, and then angry. As for the result of being angry... he left angrily, and Chen Feng would have to sleep alone tonight...

Chen Feng looked at the beautiful woman who was crying and no longer cool. He stretched out his hand and lifted up the little head of Ling, Lihua, Yu, and Luochen buried in his chest.

The originally cold, beautiful and delicate face was now wet with tears, and the hair that had been neatly combed before coming became messy.

A pair of big bright eyes were extremely red and swollen at the moment, and the eye sockets were red, as if they were dyed red by the maple leaves in late autumn, which made people feel extremely distressed to see them.

Tears, like broken pearls, fell one by one, adding a bit of weakness to Ling Luochen's beauty, making people full of protectiveness.

His shoulders were shaking, and he was obviously crying hard.

When Chen Feng looked at such a weak Ling Luochen, his mature heart was touched and accelerated slightly.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand, gently held Ling Luochen's cheek, and wiped Ling Luochen's little pearl with his thumb.

Ling Luochen was not crying because of sadness, but to vent his grievances.

Chen Feng joked, Sister Ling, if you cry again, you will cry like a little cat.

Ling Luochen choked and said, Chen Feng, I hate you so much...

Chen Feng: Yeah, yeah... You are right.

Half an hour later...

Ling Luochen finished crying, and stared at Chen Feng with a pair of big red eyes from crying. Ling Luochen had completely embarrassed herself in front of Chen Feng today.

The eighteen-year-old senior sister lay crying in the arms of her junior schoolmate. This was so embarrassing that Ling Luochen, who always prided himself on being smart as ice and snow, couldn't bear it anymore.

It was Chen Feng who changed the subject before, but now it is Ling Luochen who wants to change the subject and turn the matter over as soon as possible.

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen in his arms with a smile, and Ling Luochen lowered his head in shame.

Ling Luochen: Wow, wow, it's so embarrassing, I can't hold my head up. Why did things develop like this? I want to get up.

Ling Luochen's little head turned rapidly and said to Chen Feng, Chen Feng, you are such a playboy, you actually want to have two boats.

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen in his arms. He didn't seem to be a deterrent. Chen Feng rubbed Ling Luochen's face, lay down in Ling Luochen's ear, and whispered.

Ling Luochen originally had a calm face, but the more he listened, the more shocked he became. He looked at Chen Feng and said, How do you know?

Sister Ling, it's impossible that you don't know about Sister Xiaotao and I in the inner courtyard. You took advantage of Sister Xiaotao to go out to perform tasks and took the initiative to come to me for a tryst. Senior sister, do you want to...

Stop talking, little bastard, if you want me to agree to two maids and one husband, you have to defeat me first!! Ling Luochen was struck in her mind, blushing with embarrassment, and was a little angry and broke the jar, trying to rely on her cultivation. Gao bullied Chen Feng.

But Chen Feng's strength is not just superficial.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up, Sister Ling, are you serious about this?

Ling Luochen thought of Chen Feng's talent and felt that within a few years, Chen Feng would surpass him in cultivation. He added, It must be within a year, otherwise it will not count.

Chen Feng picked up Ling Luochen in his arms and walked towards the outside of Shrek City.

Eh?? Chen Feng, where are you holding me?

Outside the city!!


Fighting is prohibited in Shrek City, so Chen Feng and Ling Luochen naturally have to go outside the city.

There is a martial arts performance field in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, but firstly, the situation of Chen Feng and Ling Luochen is not suitable for publicity in the inner courtyard. Secondly, it is too troublesome to go back and forth at night, so it is better to go directly outside the city. , find an open place and discuss casually. After the competition, just find a luxury hotel to stay in Shrek City. How convenient it is.

On the outskirts of Shrek City, there was a lonely, deserted, flat area of ​​about a few thousand square meters. Surrounded by wild grasses and flowers, there are also big trees, which is quite suitable for sparring and fighting.

At this time, two people, a man and a woman, were standing in it, fifty meters apart from each other.

Ling Luochen looked at the confident Chen Feng and couldn't help but feel that he was looked down upon by Chen Feng's younger brother.

Ling Luochen really didn't expect that she just casually said that as long as he defeated her, she would agree to the two women serving the same husband.

But Ling Luochen never expected that Chen Feng would actually dare to challenge herself. You must know that she is a genius student in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, and she is a soul king with a soul power of fifty-two.

Outside of Shrek Academy, it would not be a problem to deal with some soul emperors of average strength. (Ling Luochen’s original work appeared one year later, when his cultivation level reached level 55)

In Ling Luochen's view, although Chen Feng was very powerful and had the ultimate ice martial soul, he was just a soul master, and his soul power was far from hers. Is it possible that he could defeat her by jumping two levels?

Poor Ling Luochen had never seen a soul master with the ultimate martial soul attribute before. He didn't know how domineering the soul master with the ultimate attribute was. It was standard for a soul master with the ultimate attribute to go up two levels. (The Huo Yuhao Soul Sect was killing everyone at the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Tutor Academy. The fifth-level soul tutor could move in seconds, and the sixth-level soul tutor was no match at all.)

Ling Luochen thought to himself, If I lose today, two women will serve one husband together. Two women will serve one husband together. I admit it.

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen who was in fighting mode and said with a smile, Senior sister, don't cry if you lose!

Ling Luochen cried after being bullied by Chen Feng today. He gritted his teeth and said, You little bastard Chen Feng, I'm going to teach you a lesson today.

As soon as she finished speaking, Ling Luochen took action. Having watched Chen Feng and Xu Sanshi fight in the spirit fighting arena before, she did not dare to underestimate Chen Feng. In order to avoid capsizing in the gutter, Ling Luochen used Go all out.

Just as she was speaking, the five soul rings on her body had risen, and a strong chill suddenly caused the temperature in the air to drop sharply.

A slender ice staff formed directly in her hand.

Ling Luochen's first soul skill, the Ice Staff, can strengthen her mastery of the ice element.

With the blessing of the first soul skill, with Ling Luochen's body as the center, a strong chill spread from her feet. Suddenly, it could be seen that large areas of ice began to condense under her feet and spread to the distance.

Apart from the ice staff, Ling Luochen did not use any other soul skills, and did this entirely by relying on his control of the ice element.

Ling Luochen's martial spirit is the rare elemental martial spirit ice, and Ling Luochen's path is all about ice control.

Ling Luochen waved her hand, and a large amount of ice elements turned into solid ice under her control, and then rushed towards Chen Feng.

Not far away, Chen Feng watched Ling Luochen start to take action, and still used ice to deal with him, and couldn't help but shook his head.

Chen Feng looked at the overwhelming ice crystals without any panic. Chen Feng switched his martial soul to the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion.

At this time, Chen Feng was the king of the ice attribute. On the road to controlling ice, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion had a crushing advantage.

Driven by Chen Feng's terrifying mental power, in an instant, the ice that was originally under Ling Luochen's control suddenly changed its banner and became Chen Feng's weapon.

The ice crystal that originally rolled towards Chen Feng instantly rolled back towards Ling Luochen.

Ling Luochen's expression changed drastically when he saw that the ice crystal that was originally under his control had rebelled.

This...this is incredible. Why? This is unfair.

Ling Luochen quickly dodged and looked at Chen Feng fifty meters away. She felt dizzy. The ultimate ice restraint was too great for her. It was even a complete restraint. The path she took was ice control. , now that Bing doesn't listen to her control, how can she still fight?

Chen Feng, who was not far away, smiled and said to Ling Luochen, Sister Ling, when it comes to controlling ice, the Ultimate Ice Martial Spirit Ice Jade Scorpion is the real king. Do you still want to fight? Give up!!

Ling Luochen's face stiffened, and he immediately started to act rogue, No, Chen Feng, you can't win without force! I don't accept it!! This is the restraint of the martial spirit, I can't show my strength at all.

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen who was starting to act rogue and smiled confidently, and said, Sister Ling, if that's the case, then I won't use the second martial soul, Ice Jade Scorpion, to restrain you. I will use the first martial soul. If you still lose, then learn from Sister, do you agree?

Ling Luochen listened to Chen Feng's words and said, You little bastard Chen Feng, if you can still win without using the Ice Jade Scorpion martial spirit to suppress me, then I will do whatever you want me to do from now on. How about it, little one? Bastard, are you satisfied?

After saying that, Ling Luochen didn't know what she thought of, and her pretty face turned red.

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